U.S. Army Reserve: It's not your everyday job.
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LTG James R. Helmly
MG Collis N. Phillips
MG Charles E. Wilson
BG James A Kelley
BG Gary M. Profit
CW5 David L. Koch
CSM Michele S. Jones
CSM Nick A. Piacentini Jr.
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Photo of Army Reserve Soldier

bullet The CAR's Media Room - Resources to Lead By »

bullet Army Reserve Transformation -- Let Your Ideas be Heard »

Leadership Health = Be, Learn, Do - Soldiers who internalize leader attitude, learn leadership, and live as leaders, regardless of the setting or situation.

Training Soldiers and Growing Leaders - To develop mission capable leaders at all levels of the Army Reserve, leaders who demonstrate competent and confident leadership behavior across the full spectrum of operations and in any environment.

bullet Soldier Values and Ethics

The Chief of Staff of the Army approved the seven Army Values and their definitions in 1998. The Values are listed, and displayed, in specific order (Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless-Service, Honor, Integrity, and Personal Courage) to form the acronym LDRSHIP (pronounced LEADERSHIP) using the first letter of each Value. These values form the foundation of a soldier's character.

  • Loyalty - Bear true faith and allegiance to the U.S. Constitution, the Army, your unit and other soldiers;
  • Duty - Fulfill your obligations;
  • Respect - Treat people as they should be treated;
  • Selfless Service - Put the welfare of the nation, the Army, and your subordinates before your own;
  • Honor - Live up to all the Army values;
  • Integrity - Do what's right, legally and morally;
  • Personal Courage - Face fear, danger, or adversity (Physical or Moral)

  • Click here to download Army Values Posters


bullet The CAR's Media Room - Resources to Lead By

"Be a Leader-Don't Just Look Like One"

  Welcome to the CAR's Media Room, a collection of annotated resources and electronic links for leaders. I consider every Soldier in the Army Reserve a leader. I have released the Media Room during the Year of the Leader 2004. It reflects some of the best books, articles, movies, and web links on leadership.

  General Davis C. Jones, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff once said, "To me there are two things you get by reading. Number one, whatever you learn from it. Second, and equally important, it makes you start thinking more broadly, particularly about leadership." This is the intent of the Media Room. Use it and start thinking.

Lieutenant General, USA
Chief, Army Reserve

bullet Senior Leader Training Program (SLTP)

bullet Leader Tools

bullet Electronic Libraries

bullet Legislative Info

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"In 1937, the forerunner of "Infantry Magazine," then called "The Infantry School Mailing List," published an article titled "The Functioning of the Infantry School Staff." it is one of the most accurate, complete descriptions of the functions of a staff and how the staff should operate to serve the command that I am familiar with. I strongly encourage you to read it closely, apply its teachings and use it in training your staffs. I cannot emphasize too strongly the importance of our use of these doctrines and teachings."

--Lt. Gen. James R. Helmly
Chief, Army Reserve

"The Functioning of the Infantry School Staff" » PDF, 614Kb
(Courtesy of the Infantry School, Fort Benning, Georgia)

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