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 Wednesday October 27, 2004  
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This page helps you search data repositories located outside the disasterhelp.gov website. These sources include government sites, as well as other public stores of information.

  • You may select by category and you may also select by words you type into the search box. Use the "Go" button to see the results of your selection.
  • Choosing all values for all categories selects the full set of all catalogued resources. Choosing just one value in a category selects a smaller set of catalogued resources.
  • You may select multiple values for all categories except Place. Use the "CTRL" key to click multiple choices for "Type". Use multiple check marks for "Role" and "Phase".
  • A separate window pane will open for selecting a "Place". Complete your place selection with the button labeled "Use this selected place".
  • Use the button labeled "Advanced Search" to leave "Search Our Links" and search related collections available elsewhere on the Internet.

Please note that the Federal Government does not maintain the linked information found by this search facility, and does not necessarily endorse the views and content contained on such external sites.

If you are unable to find the right resource through disasterhelp.gov, please check the Need More Help? page or send e-mail to: mail@disasterhelp.gov.