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Nov. 02, 2004  War on Terror   Transformation   News Products   Press Resources   Images   Websites   Contact Us 
American Forces Press Service

Message From the President for Military Family Week, Nov. 18-25

I am proud to offer my sincere thanks to the brave wives, husbands, children, and other family members of our soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines during Military Family Week.

Many military families serve our country by sacrificing personal comfort as their loved ones help protect our Nation. The men and women who serve in America's military depend on their families for solace and strength as they defend our people and our interests around the world. Your active support of our service members plays a vital role in our national defense and in making our country's Armed Services the finest in the world.

As we work to eradicate the evil of terrorism, military families must continue to meet their distinctive challenges with the American spirit of honor and courage. Your selfless dedication to your loved ones and to our country sets an example of patriotism of all Americans to follow. Laura joins me in sending our prayers, gratitude, and best wishes.

George W. Bush

(Editor's Note: A graphic version of the letter is available on the Armed Services YMCA's Web page at www.asymca.org. The Armed Services YMCA has sponsored Military Family Week since 1995.)

Updated: 14 Jan 2003
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