Patents > Organization > Patent Examination Policy, Deputy Commissioner for

The Deputy Commissioner for Patent Examination Policy provides staff assistance in establishing patent examination and documentation policy standards for the Commissioner for Patents and is the authority on patent laws, rules, and examining practice and procedure;

provides direction on establishment of new rules, practices and procedures; reviews and revises the Manual of Patent Examining Procedure;

is the deciding official for petitions on patent matters delegated by the Under Secretary and Director, for ordering Under Secretary and Director ordered re-examinations, for Patent Quality Review appeals to the Commissioner for Patents, for requests for reconsideration of the Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences decisions; review of actions by the Patent Quality Review;

and provides support, representation, advice and direction on technical matters relating to the International Patent Classification (IPC) System, and other international documentation-related standards.

The Deputy Commissioner for Patent Examination Policy provides administrative oversight to and coordinates the activities of:

Office of Petitions

The Office of Petitions, which reviews and decides petitions relating to the filing of patent applications, revival of abandoned applications, reinstatement of expired patents, withdrawal of patent applications from issue, small entity entitlement, review of previous decisions of the Technology Centers, suspension of regulations and questions not specifically provided for by regulations.

Office of Patent Legal Administration

The Office of Patent Legal Administration which implements patent laws by developing rules and practices; monitors specialized programs such as reexamination, reissue and patent term extension; and assists in efforts to negotiate the harmonization of patent laws and other international matters, including examination-related Trilateral projects.

Office of Patent Cooperation Treaty Legal Administration

Provides legal and policy guidance on issues under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), including PCT rulemaking, international search and examination guidelines, petitions and training; provides education programs for users of PCT; and provides administrative oversight and coordinates the activities of the following functions: Patent Cooperation Treaty Legal Affairs, (PCTLA) which reviews and decides petitions relating to the PCT, assists with PCT Rules modifications, the legal standards for application format and electronic filing of international applications; Patent Cooperation Treaty Special Programs (PCTSP), which provides on all aspects of the PCT process; prepares training materials for PCT training classes for Patent Examining Corps professional and technical support staff, patent attorneys and agents, legal administrators, legal secretaries, and other members of the patent community; and provides current up-to-date PCT forms through the PCT Help Desk and through the PCT Home Page found on the United States Patent and Trademark Internet site; and the Inventor Assistance Center (IAC), which provides information and services to the public concerning any general questions regarding patenting examining policies and procedures, as well as other services provided by the United States Patent and Trademark Office and directs callers to the appropriate contact source; and mails or faxes information to customers as needed.
You are hereDeputy Commissioner for Patent Examination Policy telephone numbers
Stephen G. Kunin
International Liaison Staff
Manual of Patent Examination Procedure (MPEP) Staff
Senior Patent Attorney
Office of Petitions
Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) Legal Administration
Office of Patent Legal Administration
KEY: e Biz=online business system fees=fees forms=formshelp=help laws and regs=laws/regulations definition=definition (glossary)

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