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Note that category names are given first, with additional clarifying information sometimes appearing in brackets. The category codes include the text in parentheses (if any is given), but not clarifying text occasionally present in brackets.


Publication Type | Focus | Communicator | Audience Role | Audience Ethnicity | Audience Gender | Setting | Channels of Risk Communication | Content Of Risk Message | Form Of Risk Information | Outcomes | Hazard | Methodological Issues |

| Author | Title | Year |

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[If multiple codes apply, the code assigned is the highest that describesthe publication.]
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1. Discussion
2. Review
3. Case study
4. Empirical
5. Intervention
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[The code assigned indicates the coder's judgment as to the issue or issues most emphasized. Sometimes several of these topics receive detailed attention in an article. A maximum of three focus codeswere assigned to each article. If more than three topics received emphasis the code "11.Multiple" was used.]
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1. Communicator
2. Audience
3. Setting
4. Channel
5. Content
6. Format
7. Outcome
8. Measurement/evaluation
9. Risk perception/comprehension
10. Decision aid
11. Multiple
12. General
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0. Communicator (general)
1. Authority figure (non-expert)
3. Celebrity
4. Expert/researcher/scientist
5. Governmental organization (e.g., NCI)
6. Investigator/experimenter
7. Health professional/worker in health care setting
8. Non-governmental organization(e.g. Am. Lung Assoc.)
9. Parent
10. Patient/peer/community member (affected)
11. Peer/community member (not affected)
12. Unspecified
13. Other
14. Media
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0. Audience role (general)
1. Health/safety professional
2. Child/Pre-teen
3. Teen
4. College student/Graduate student
5. Adult
6. Parent or prospective parent
7. Senior citizen
8. At risk/exposed-child or teen
9. At risk/exposed-adult
10. At risk/exposed-parent of child
11. At risk/ exposed-senior citizen
12. Ill-child
13. Ill-adult
14. Ill-parent of ill child
15. Ill-senior citizen
16. General public
17. Other
20. Patient (general)
21. Other professionals and experts
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1. African-American
2. Asian
3. Caucasian
4. Hispanic
5. Native American
6. Mixed/varied/multiple
7. Other
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1. Female
2. Male
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0. Setting (general)
1. Armed Forces
2. community meeting/community group
3. Focus group/small group
4. General community
5. Health care setting
6. Laboratory
7. Prison
8. Educational setting: school or university
9. Workplace
10. Other
11. Home
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0. Channels (general)
1. Computer program (non-internet)
2. Internet (listserves, web pages)
3. Lecture
4. One-on-one (face-to-face)
5. Pamphlets, newsletters, fact sheets, handouts, or questionnaires
6. Print media (newspaper or magazine)
7. Radio
8. Small groups/focus groups
9. Telephone
10. TV
11. Video
12. Other
21. Letter
22. Community meetings/community groups
23. Audiotape
24. Product label/packaging
26. Media-general
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0. Content (general)
1. Cause/source/communicability of risk/mode of transmission
2. Communication style
3. Definition of hazard
4. Expense of hazard
5. Likelihood-absolute
6. Likelihood-comparative (across people or hazards)
7. Possible health outcomes
8. Possible psychosocial outcomes
9. Preventability of hazard/personal control
10. Risk factors (exposure levels, blood pressure, genetic risk)
11. Severity of outcome
12. Time course of hazard
13. Treatability of hazard consequences
14. Other
15. Costs/barriers/losses
16. Benefits/gains
17. Skill building/instructions
18. Reminder
19. General information about hazard
20. General information about recommended action
21. Test results
22. Personalized information
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0. Format (general)
1. Decision aid
2. Graphical display
3. Interactive
4. Text-numerical
5. Text-verbal
6. Other
7. Oral/spoken
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0. Outcomes (general)
1. Attitude
2. Comprehension of message
3. Knowledge
4. Communicator-Audience relationship (e.g., trust)
5. Psychological distress/ affect/concern/preoccupation
6. Recall of message
7. Risk perception-likelihood
8. Risk perception-severity
9. Risk perception-other attribute of risk
10. Satisfaction/communication appraisal
11. Actual information seeking behavior
12. Actual preventive health behavior/risky behavior
13. Actual testing/screening
14. Actual treatment behavior
15. Actual other behavior (e.g., activism)
16. Intended information seeking behavior
17. Intended preventive health behavior/risky behavior
18. Intended testing/screening
19. Intended treatment behavior
20. Intended other behavior (e.g., activism)
21. Other
22. Perceptions of recommended action/treatment
23. Perceptions of efficacy/control
24. Community or public response
25. Policy/regulation changes
26. Corporate response
27. Information processing/decision-making process
28. Information/communication preferences
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[Note: If a specific type of caner was coded, the general cancer code 6.0 was also assigned to the publication.]
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0. Hazard (general)
1. Alcohol
2. Arthritis
3. Asthma/Emphysema/Chronic lung disease
4. Automobile safety
5. Birth defects
6. 1 Breast cancer
6. 2 Cervical cancer
6. 3 Ovarian cancer
6. 4 Prostate cancer
6. 5 Skin cancer
6. 9 Lung cancer
6.10 Pancreatic cancer
6.11 Bladder cancer
6.12 Colon cancer
6.13 Other cancer
7. Diabetes
8. Drug abuse
9. Pollutants/chemical exposure
10. Other environmental (flooding, climate change/not pollutants)
12. Other infectious diseases (e.g., Lyme disease)
13. Hypertension/heart disease/stroke
14. Hypothetical risk
15. Injury/safety (non-auto)
16. Radiation (radon, sun exposure, x-ray)
17. Smoking
18. Multiple (greater than 5)
19. General, unspecified
20. Other
21. Dental issues
22. Treatment related risks
23. Food related risks
24. Menopause
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1. Evaluation criteria (how to determine effectiveness of risk communication)
2. Measurement (studies of different response formats)
3. Other
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