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Data Sets

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Items below are listed from most recently updated to least recently updated.

These are results 1 through 25 of 129 matches.

Research Project icon Research Project
National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards
Description: The National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards is a multi-year undertaking to identify and quantify the vulnerability of U.S. shorelines to coastal change hazards such as the effects of severe storms, sea-level rise, and shoreline erosion and retreat. It will continue to improve our understanding of processes that control these hazards, and will allow researchers to determine the probability of coastal change locally, regionally, and nationally. The Assessment will deliver these data and assessment findings about coastal vulnerability to coastal managers, other researchers, and the general public.
updated: 2004-06-10       pages include: Research Materials icon Data Sets icon Maps icon Publications icon Photographs icon

General Information icon General Information
USGS Open-File Report 03-320, Mapping the floor of Lake Mead (Nevada and Arizona): Preliminary discussion and GIS data release, Title Page
Description: This USGS Open-File Report describes the morphology of the floor of Lake Mead concentrating on post-impoundment sediment distribution and thickness.
updated: 2004-05-07       pages include: Data Sets icon Maps icon Publications icon

General Information icon General Information
U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 03-221
Description: This report contains descriptions and ancillary information for 62 bedrock cores, most with associated photographs, from western Cape Cod, Massachusetts.
updated: 2004-05-03       pages include: Data Sets icon Maps icon Educational Materials icon Publications icon Photographs icon

Publication icon Publication
Printable Version - National Assessment of Shoreline Change: Part 1, Historical Shoreline Changes and Associated Coastal Land Loss Along the U.S. Gulf of Mexico - USGS Open File Report 2004-1043
Description: National Assessment of Shoreline Change: Part 1, Historical Shoreline Changes and Associated Coastal Land Loss Along the U.S. Gulf of Mexico is a 44-page, full-color discussion of historical shoreline change and coastal land loss along the U.S. Gulf of Mexico.
updated: 2004-04-14       pages include: Data Sets icon Maps icon Educational Materials icon Publications icon Photographs icon

Publication icon Publication
The National Assessment of Shoreline Change: A GIS Compilation of Vector Shorelines and Associated Shoreline Change Data for the U.S. Gulf of Mexico - USGS Open File Report 2004-1089
Description: The Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey has generated a comprehensive database of digital vector shorelines and shoreline change rates for the U.S. Gulf of Mexico. These data, which are presented herein, were compiled as part of the U.S. Geological Survey's National Assessment of Shoreline Change Project.
updated: 2004-04-14       pages include: Data Sets icon Maps icon Publications icon

Publication icon Publication
Archive of Boomer Seismic Reflection Data Collected during USGS Cruise 99LCA01, Crescent Beach Spring, Florida, 26 April - 27 April, 1999
Description: This Open-File Report serves as an archive of field seismic data, associated navigation files, trackline maps, scanned logbooks, and formal seismic metadata, for boomer data collected on USGS Cruise 99LCA01.
updated: 2004-04-14       pages include: Data Sets icon Maps icon Publications icon

Publication icon Publication
Description: Presented on this web archive are processed seismic profiles, associated navigation files, trackline maps, logbooks, and formal metadata for boomer data collected on USGS Field Activities 01ASR01, 01ASR02, 02ASR01, and 02ASR02.
updated: 2004-04-14       pages include: Data Sets icon Maps icon Publications icon

Publication icon Publication
Description: This archive presents unprocessed SEG-Y data files, processed seismic profiles, associated navigation files, trackline maps, logbooks, and formal metadata for boomer data collected on USGS Cruise 96CCT01.
updated: 2004-04-14       pages include: Data Sets icon Maps icon Publications icon

Publication icon Publication
Archive of Boomer Seismic Reflection Data Collected During USGS Cruises 00SCC02 and 00SCC04, Barataria Basin, Louisiana, May 12 - 31 and June 17 - July 2, 2000
Description: This archive presents processed seismic profiles, associated navigation files, trackline maps, logbooks, and formal metadata for boomer data collected on USGS Cruises 00SCC02 and 00SCC04
updated: 2004-04-14       pages include: Data Sets icon Maps icon Publications icon

Publication icon Publication
99SCE01 Home Page
Description: This Open-File Report serves as an archive of field seismic data, associated navigation files, trackline maps, scanned logbooks, and formal seismic metadata, for boomer data collected on USGS Cruise 99SCE01. These data were recorded aboard the R/V G.K. Gilbert in the nearshore region of South Carolina, between Little River Inlet to the entrance of Winyah Bay on 8 June -16 June, 1999.
updated: 2004-04-14       pages include: Data Sets icon Maps icon Publications icon

Publication icon Publication
Archive of Boomer Seismic Reflection Data - U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 01-165
Description: This Open-File Report serves as an archive of field seismic data, associated navigation files, trackline map, scanned logbooks, and formal metadata, for boomer data collected on USGS Cruise 99ASR01. These data were recorded aboard the R/V G. K. Gilbert in Lake Okeechobee, Fla., on 29 June - 30 June, 1999.
updated: 2004-04-14       pages include: Data Sets icon Maps icon Publications icon

Map icon Map
U.S. Geological Survey Digital Data Series 79, >Coastal Erosion and Wetland Change in Louisiana:
Description: Coastal erosion and wetland change in Louisiana
updated: 2003-12-11       pages include: Data Sets icon Maps icon Educational Materials icon Photographs icon Movies icon

Research Project icon Research Project
Hurricane and Extreme Storm Impact Studies
Description: This project investigates the coastal impacts of hurricanes and extreme storms, such as Hurricanes Isabel (2003), Dennis (1999), Bonnie & Georges (1998), and winter storms, such as those associated with the 1997-98 El Niño.
updated: 2003-10-31       pages include: Research Materials icon Data Sets icon Maps icon Educational Materials icon Photographs icon

Research Project icon Research Project
Pacific Sea-Floor Mapping
Description: Images of the sea floor off the coasts of California, Hawaii, Gulf of Mexico, and Lake Tahoe. Backscatter and swath bathymetry, regular and in 3-D!
updated: 2003-10-29       pages include: Research Materials icon Data Sets icon Maps icon Movies icon

Publication icon Publication
Fact Sheet 024-03: Bacterial Contamination at Huntington Beach, California—Is It From a Local Offshore Wastewater Outfall?
Description: During the summers of 1999 and 2000, beaches at Huntington Beach, California, were repeatedly closed to swimming because of high bacteria levels in the surf zone. The city’s beaches are a major recreational and commercial resource, normally attracting millions of visitors each summer. One possible source of the bacterial contamination was the Orange County Sanitation District’s sewage outfall, which discharges treated wastewater 4.5 miles offshore at a depth of 200 feet. Scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey and cooperating organizations have been investigating whether ocean currents and waves transport the wastewater to the beaches. These studies indicate that bacteria from the outfall are not a significant source of the beach contamination.
updated: 2003-10-29       pages include: Data Sets icon Maps icon Educational Materials icon Publications icon Photographs icon

Publication icon Publication
USGS OFR 03-111 - Preliminary Analysis Of Cores From North San Francisco Bay, California
Description: In March 2000, the U.S. Geological Survey collected sediment cores in North San Francisco Bay, California to determine the location of mercury-contaminated hydraulic mining debris.  This report documents preliminary analyses conducted on a subset of the cores collected on the March 2000 cruise.  Field and laboratory methods used to analyze the cores are described.  Field core descriptions, core X-radiographs, classification of stratigraphy from X- radiographs, and magnetic susceptibility are presented in the data section.
updated: 2003-10-29       pages include: Data Sets icon Maps icon Publications icon Photographs icon

Publication icon Publication
USGS OFR 03-120 - Bathymetry and selected perspective views of 6 reef and coastal areas in Northern Lake Michigan
Description: We apply state of the art laser technology and derivative imagery to map the detailed morphology and of principal lake trout spawning sites on reefs in Northern Lake Michigan and to provide a geologic interpretation. We sought to identify the presence of ideal spawning substrate: shallow, "clean" gravel/cobble substrate, adjacent to deeper water. This study is a pilot collaborative effort with the US Army Corps of Engineers SHOALS (Scanning Hydrographic Operational Airborne Lidar Survey) program. The high-definition maps are integrated with known and developing data on fisheries, as well as limited substrate sedimentologic information and underlying Paleozoic carbonate rocks.
updated: 2003-10-29       pages include: Data Sets icon Maps icon Publications icon

Publication icon Publication
USGS OFR 03-383 - Bathymetric and geophysical surveys of Englebright Lake, Yuba-Nevada Counties, California
Description: Harry L. Englebright Lake (Englebright Lake; Figure 1) is a 9-mile-long (14-kilometer) reservoir located in the Sierra Nevada foothills of northern California on the Yuba River gorge known as The Narrows. The reservoir is impounded by Englebright Dam (Photo 1), a concrete arch structure spanning 348 meters (1,142 feet) across and 79 meters (260 feet) high. The dam was constructed in 1941 for the primary purpose of trapping sediment derived from anticipated hydraulic mining operations in the Yuba River watershed. Hydraulic mining in the Sierra Nevada was halted in 1884 but resumed on a limited basis until the 1930's under the regulation of the California Debris Commission. Although no hydraulic mining in the upper Yuba River watershed resumed after the construction of the dam, the historical mine sites continued to contribute sediment to the river. Today, Englebright Lake is used primarily for recreation and hydropower. In 2001 and 2002, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) conducted bathymetric, geophysical, and geological studies of the reservoir under the auspices of the Upper Yuba River Studies Program (UYRSP), a multi-disciplinary investigation into the feasibility of introducing anadromous fish species to the Yuba River system upstream of Englebright Dam. A primary purpose of these studies was to assess the quantity and nature of the sediment that has accumulated behind the dam over the past 60 years. This report presents the results of those surveys, including a new bathymetric map of the reservoir and estimates of the total accumulated sediment volume.
updated: 2003-10-29       pages include: Data Sets icon Maps icon Publications icon

Publication icon Publication
USGS OFR 03-397 - Preliminary Cross Section of Englebright Lake Sediments
Description: The Upper Yuba River Studies Program is a CALFED-funded, multidisciplinary investigation of the feasibility of introducing anadromous fish species to the Yuba River system upstream of Englebright Dam. Englebright Lake (Figure 1 on poster) is a narrow, 14-km-long reservoir located in the northern Sierra Nevada, northeast of Marysville, CA. The dam was completed in 1941 for the primary purpose of trapping sediment derived from mining operations in the Yuba River watershed. Possible management scenarios include lowering or removing Englebright Dam, which could cause the release of stored sediments and associated contaminants, such as mercury used extensively in 19th-century hydraulic gold mining. Transport of released sediment to downstream areas could increase existing problems including flooding and mercury bioaccumulation in sport fish. To characterize the extent, grain size, and chemistry of this sediment, a coring campaign was done in Englebright Lake in May and June 2002. More than twenty holes were drilled at 7 different locations along the longitudinal axis of the reservoir (Figure 4 on poster), recovering 6 complete sequences of post-reservoir deposition and progradation. Here, a longitudinal cross section of Englebright Lake is presented (Figure 5 on poster), including pre-dam and present-day topographic profiles, and sedimentologic sections for each coring site. This figure shows the deltaic form of the reservoir deposit, with a thick upper section consisting of sand and gravel overlying silt, a steep front, and a thinner lower section dominated by silt. The methodologies used to create the reservoir cross section are discussed in the lower part of this poster.
updated: 2003-10-29       pages include: Data Sets icon Educational Materials icon Publications icon

Publication icon Publication
USGS OFR 02-411 - Multibeam Mapping of Selected Areas of the Outer Continental Shelf, Northwestern Gulf of Mexico - Data, Images, and GIS
Description: Following the publication of high-resolution (5-meter spatial resolution) multibeam echosounder (MBES) images of the Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary area of the northwest Gulf of Mexico (Gardner et al., 1998), the Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary (FGBNMS) and the Minerals Management Service (MMS) have been interested in additional MBES data in the area. A coalition of FGBNMS, MMS, and the US Geological Survey (USGS) was formed to map additional areas of interest in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico (Figure 1) in 2002. FGBNMS chose the survey areas and the USGS chose the MBES. MMS and FGBNMS funded the mapping and the USGS organized the ship and multibeam systems through a cooperative agreement between the USGS and the University of New Brunswick. The objective of the cruise was to map seven regions of interest to MMS and the FGBNMS. This report provides the multibeam bathymetry and acoustic backscatter data, images, FGDC-compliant metadata, and a geographic information system (GIS) project from the 2002 surveys. This report also provides the multibeam bathymetry and acoustic backscatter data, images, and metadata from the 1997 USGS survey of East and West Flower Garden Bank and Stetson Bank.
updated: 2003-10-29       pages include: Data Sets icon Maps icon Publications icon

Publication icon Publication
USGS OFR 02-410 - USGS Western Region Coastal and Marine Geology Cruise Report, R/V Ocean Surveyor Cruise O1-02-GM: Bathymetry and Acoustic Backscatter of Selected Areas of the Outer Continental Shelf, Northwestern Gulf of Mexico
Description: Following the publication of high-resolution multibeam echosounder (MBES) images and data of the Flower Gardens area of the northwest Gulf of Mexico outer continental shelf (Gardner et al., 1998), the Flower Gardens Banks National Marine Sanctuary (FGBNMS) and the Minerals Management Service (MMS) have been interested in additional MBES data in the area. A coalition of FGBNMS, MMS, and the US Geological Survey (USGS) was formed to map additional areas of interest in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico (Fig. 1) in 2002. The areas were chosen by personnel of the FGBNMS and the choice of MBES was made by the USGS. MMS and FGBNMS funded the mapping and the USGS organized the ship and multibeam systems through a Cooperative Agreement between the USGS and the University of New Brunswick. The University of New Brunswick (UNB) contracted the RV Ocean Surveyor and the EM1000 MBES system from C&C; Technologies, Inc., Lafayette, LA. C&C; personnel oversaw data collection whereas UNB personnel conducted the cruise and processed all the data. USGS personnel were responsible for the overall cruise including the final data processing and digital map products.
updated: 2003-10-29       pages include: Data Sets icon Maps icon Publications icon

Publication icon Publication
Marine Geology Publication 181:1-3 - Seafloor geology and natural environment of the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary
Description: Excerpt from "Preface" ... the US Geological Survey (USGS) [convened] a workshop in 1993 to decide the types of research projects that should be supported in the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary (MBNMS). The workshop was led by Michael Field of USGS and had wide participation by researchers in the Monterey Bay area. This volume is the outgrowth of the decisions made at that workshop. All the studies in this volume have at least one attribute in common: they are aimed at developing a better understanding of the MBNMS environment. Many of them come under the umbrella of characterization of the coastal and seafloor geologic environment. Others are concerned with geologic processes active in the Sanctuary and along the coastline. These include studies on circulation dynamics and benthic biota. Due to the perceived societal importance of the nearshore environment, and the limited resources available, the studies herein are dominantly centered on the continental shelf, despite the fact that 2/3 of the MBNMS is comprised of water depths beyond the shelf break ...
updated: 2003-10-29       pages include: Data Sets icon Maps icon Educational Materials icon Publications icon Photographs icon

Data Set icon Data Set
Open-File Report 03-002, Texture, Carbonate Content, and Preliminary Maps of Surficial Sediments of the Flower Garden Banks Area, Northwestern Gulf of Mexico Outer Shelf, Title Page
Description: The purpose of this report is to release texture and carbonate content data from 107 seafloor sediments collected within and near the East and West Flower Garden Banks areas of the Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary and to show relationships between these data and existing bathymetric data.
updated: 2003-10-22       pages include: Research Materials icon Data Sets icon Maps icon Publications icon Photographs icon

Photograph icon Photographs
Photographs of the Sea Floor Offshore of New York and New Jersey, USGS Open-File Report 01-470, Start page
Description: A collection of sea floor bottom photographs taken offshore of New York and New Jersey
updated: 2003-10-10       pages include: Research Materials icon Data Sets icon Publications icon Photographs icon

Publication icon Publication
USGS OFR 03-85 - Nearshore Benthic Habitat GIS for the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary and Southern California State Fisheries Reserves Volume 1.
Description: The nearshore benthic habitat of the Santa Barbara coast and Channel Islands supports diverse marine life that is commercially, recreationally, and intrinsically valuable. Some of these resources are known to be endangered including a variety of rockfish and the white abalone. Agencies of the state of California and the United States have been mandated to preserve and enhance these resources. Data from sidescan sonar, bathymetry, video and dive observations, and physical samples are consolidated in a geographic information system (GIS). The GIS provides researchers and policymakers a view of the relationship among data sets to assist scienctific research and to help with economic and social policy-making decisions regarding this protected environment.
updated: 2003-10-01       pages include: Data Sets icon Maps icon Publications icon

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