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Deputy Chief Financial Officer Banner

The Deputy Chief Financial Officer in conjunction with the Office of Financial Management formulates and prescribes Department-wide financial management, accounting, fiscal policies, procedures, and controls, as well as, provides assistance to Departmental components in its implementation.

Duties and responsibilities:

  • Provides policy guidance and oversight of Department financial management personnel, activities, and; operations.
  • Directs and implements projects for the development and maintenance of the Departmental financial systems.
  • Ensures Department compliance with all laws, regulations, standards and guidelines regarding financial, accounting, and fiscal management, including the Chief Financial Officer's Act, the Government Management Reform Act, the Federal Managers' Budget, the Anti-Deficiency Act, and the Government Performance and Results Act, in conjunction with the Office of Budget and the Office of the General Counsel.

The Office of Financial Management is comprised of:

  • Deputy Chief Financial Officer and Director for Financial Management
  • Office of Financial Policy and Assistance
  • Office of Financial Management Systems


James L. Taylor - Deputy Chief Financial Officer/Director for Financial Management
Robert R. Bair - Deputy Director for Financial Systems
Lisa Casias - Deputy Director for Financial Policy
Millicent Dent - Administrative Officer

Secretary: Diana Marston
Telephone: (202) 482-1207
Fax Number: (202) 482-5070

US Department of Commerce, Office of Financial Management, 1401 Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20230
Last Updated:October 28, 2004

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