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Office of Financial Policy and Assistance Banner

The Office of Financial Policy and Assistance is responsible for formulating and prescribing Departmentwide financial management, accounting and fiscal polices,and procedures, standards and controls, and for providing assistance to Departmental components in their implementation. This includes the development, issuance, and maintenance of all financial manuals, handbooks, and related directives. This Office issues policy guidance for use by Departmental officials in preparing financial vulnerability assessments and financial compliance reviews to include reviews of internal controls in accordance with the Federal Managers' Financial Integrity Act and OMB Circular A 123 requirements. It conducts reviews of componments financial operations to assess the adequacy of internal controls over financial management and resources.

Specific responsibilities and duties of the Office of Financial Policy and Assistance are as follows:

  • Plans and coordinates the preparation of annual financial statements to include form and content.
  • Coordinates with the Office of the Inspector General in planning required annual financial statement audits.
  • Assists finance offices in responding to financial statement audit reports.
  • Assists finance offices in preparing audit action plans.
  • Tracks the status of management actions on financial statement audit reports.
  • Plans and carries out financial quality assurance initiatives to include a financial performance program and advice on staff training.
  • Plans and reports on Departmentwide financial management programs, preparing the Chief Financial Officers Annual Report, the Five Year Financial Management Plan, and maintains a Departmentwide financial systems inventory.
  • Coordinates the preparation of Departmentwide financial management reports and budgets exhibits for inclusion in annual budget submissions and Information Technology Plans.
  • Consolidates quarterly and annual Departmental financial reports which include the results of Prompt Payment, Cash Management, Debt Management, Treasury Reports, and Financial Statements.
  • Performs analysis and evaluates Departmental financial management opportunities; gathers information needed to prepare required reports or to perform special projects.
  • Prepared special financial management reports in response to OMB, Treasury, Congressional, and other issues.


OFM Deputy Director for Financial Policy: Lisa Casias (202) 482-0766

Email address:


Gordon Alston, Director - (202) 482-0753

Andrea Washington, Secretary - (202) 482-0645

Tony Akande - (202) 482-0239

Micheal Brezovec - (202) 482-0217

Tina Gantt - (202) 482-0439 or (301) 258-4505 ext. 234

Katherine Green - (202) 482-0623

Bruce Henshel (202) 482-0646

Elodia Holzbaur - (202) 482-0232

Sam Idahosa - (202) 482-0763

Tanya Jordon - (202) 482-2576

Michele Kaplan - (202) 482-0204 or (301) 258-4505 ext. 274

Katherine Lee - (202) 482-8107 or (301) 258-4505 ext. 264

Charles Mordecai - (202) 482-0831

Osman Masahuda - (202) 482-2715

Marlon Rock - (202) 482-0590

Clarissa Smith - (202) 482-2767

Tanya Smith - (202) 482-0854

Julie Tao - (202) 482-0502 or (301) 258-4505 ext. 409


US Department of Commerce, Office of Financial Management, 1401 Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20230
Last Updated:October 28, 2004

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