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Flood Hazard Mapping

Numerical Models Meeting the Minimum Requirement of the NFIP

All computer models referenced from this Web page have met the requirements of Subparagraph 65.6(a)(6) of the NFIP regulations that explain conditions by which a computer model may be used for flood hazard mapping. For further information on these regulations, and to learn how to get a model added to this list, please refer to the Policy for Accepting Numerical Models for Use in the NFIP policy memorandum. FEMA also developed Conditional Permission to Disclose Source Codes and User Manual and Clarification of National Flood Insurance Program Criteria for Certification of Hydrologic and Hydraulic Models. The current list of acceptable models, which have been separated into nationally and locally accepted categories, can be accessed by clicking on the desired links below. Supporting technical documentation for certain acceptable models is also accessible from the bottom of this page. Also included below is a list of numerical models which FEMA no longer accepts for NFIP usage.

Nationally Accepted Models

Locally Accepted Models

Numerical Models No Longer Accepted by FEMA for NFIP Usage
This category includes one-dimensional steady flow.

Supporting Technical Documentation for Acceptable Models

Download Numerical Models Accepted by FEMA for NFIP Usage

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 Last Updated: Monday, 25-Oct-2004 08:44:34 EDT
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Flood Hazard Mapping

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