Electronic Government and Technology SmartBUY

SmartBUY is an initiative of the federal government to support effective enterprise level software management through the aggregate buying of commercial software governmentwide in an effort to achieve bulk savings.

GSA is designated the Executive Agent under Section 5112(e) of the Clinger-Cohen Act for the SmartBUY interagency initiative, and leads the interagency team in negotiating governmentwide enterprise licenses for software. The SmartBUY initiative includes commercial off-the-shelf software that is generally acquired using license agreements with terms and prices that vary based on volume. The SmartBUY initiative will include the following types of software licenses: Office Automation; Network Management; Antivirus; Database; Business Modeling Tools; and Open source software support.

http://www.cio.gov/smartbuy http://www.cio.gov/smartbuy

Last Modified 7/7/2004