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United States Environmental Protection Agency
Air Permits
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Laws and Regulations

Regulations that apply to State/Local and Tribal Title V programs:

  • The federal minimum standards for approvable State/local and Tribal Title V programs were published on July 21, 1992 and are located in 40 CFR Part 70 Exit EPA disclaimer

  • Individual State and local permitting agencies have adopted regulations for their Title V programs and have gained EPA approval where the programs met the requirements established in 40 CFR part 70. Check with State and local agencies for a copy of their program regulations.

  • EPA approved state and local Title V programs using a notice and comment process and publication in the Federal Register. Go to the “State and Local” section to find a link to the Federal Register notices that discuss each title V program.

  • EPA revised the portion of 40 CFR part 70 that deals with monitoring and testing requirements and compliance certification procedures. These changes were part of the Compliance Assurance Monitoring (CAM) rule, published on October 22, 1997 at 62 FR 54899. See Fact Sheet.

  • EPA revised the definition of “major source” on November 27, 2001 (66 FR 59161)

  • On June 27, 2003 (68 FR 38518)

  • On January 22, 2004 EPA’s “umbrella monitoring rule” clarified the scope of monitoring required in part 70 (and part 71) permits.

Regulations that apply to the Federal Operating Permits Program:

  • This program applies in those circumstances where an approved State/local or Tribal Title V program does not exist. Federal Operating Permit Regulations were published on July 1, 1996 and are located in 40 CFR Part 71. Exit EPA disclaimer  Click here for a fact sheet that explains the 1996 rule. These regulations were proposed on April 27, 1995 at 60 FR 20803.

  • Federal Operating Permits Regulations were amended on February 19, 1999, to cover permits in Indian Country. See fact sheet and notice providing Regional Office Contacts.

  • On June 3, 2002, EPA amended part 71 to change the approach to issuing permits to sources located in areas where the EPA believed the source was in Indian country, but the issue was still in question.

Additional links relevant to Title V permits:

Links to related air programs:

Toxic Air Pollutants

Acid Rain Compliance Assurance Monitoring (CAM) AIRS


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