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Technical Assistance Materials

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The U.S. Department of Justice provides free ADA materials. Printed materials may be ordered by calling the ADA Information Line (1-800-514-0301 (Voice) or 1-800-514-0383 (TDD)). Automated service is available 24-hours a day for recorded information and to order publications.

Publications are available in standard print as well as large print, audiotape, Braille, and computer disk for people with disabilities.

Many of these materials are available from an automated fax system that is available 24-hours a day. To order a publication by fax, call the ADA Information Line and follow the directions for placing a fax order. When prompted to enter the document number, enter the specific number from the following publication list.

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Public Law 101-336. Text of the Americans with Disabilities Act, Public Law 336 of the 101st Congress, enacted July 26, 1990. The ADA prohibits discrimination and ensures equal opportunity for persons with disabilities in employment, State and local government services, public accommodations, commercial facilities, and transportation. It also mandates the establishment of TDD/telephone relay services.

ADA Regulation for Title II, as printed in the Federal Register (7/26/91). The Department of Justice's regulation implementing title II, subtitle A, of the ADA which prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in all services, programs, and activities provided to the public by State and local governments, except public transportation services.

ADA Regulation for Title III, as printed in the Code of Federal Regulations (7/1/94). The Department of Justice's regulation implementing title III of the ADA, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in "places of public accommodation" (businesses and non-profit agencies that serve the public) and "commercial facilities" (other businesses). The regulation includes Appendix A to Part 36 - Standards for Accessible Design establishing minimum standards for ensuring accessibility when designing and constructing a new facility or altering an existing facility.

Title II & III Regulation Amendment Regarding Detectable Warnings, as printed in the Federal Register (11/23/98). This amendment suspends the requirements for detectable warnings at curb ramps, hazardous vehicle areas, and reflecting pools until July 26, 2001. red arrow pointing to fax numberFAX # 3001

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ADA Questions and Answers. A 31-page booklet giving an overview of the ADA's requirements for ensuring equal opportunity for persons with disabilities in employment, State and local government services, public accommodations, commercial facilities, and transportation, and requiring the establishment of TDD/telephone relay services. (Spanish, Cambodian, Chinese, Hmong, Japanese, Korean, Laotian, Tagalog and Vietnamese editions available from the ADA Information Line.) red arrow pointing to fax numberFAX # 3106

ADA Information Services
. A 2-page list with the telephone numbers and Internet addresses of Federal agencies and other organizations that provide information and technical assistance to the public about the ADA. red arrow pointing to fax numberFAX # 3101

ADA Designated Investigative Agencies. A 4-page list of the nine federal agencies that are designated to investigate disability-related discrimination complaints filed against State and local government programs under title I or title II of he ADA or against Federally funded or assisted programs under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. red arrow pointing to fax numberFAX # 3109

Investigative Agencies (HTML) red dot divider Investigative Agencies (PDF)

Enforcing the ADA: A Status Report from the Department of Justice. A brief report issued by the Justice Department each quarter providing timely information about ADA cases and settlements, building codes that meet ADA accessibility standards, and ADA technical assistance activities. red arrow pointing to fax numberFAX # 3102 (for the most current issue)

Enforcing the ADA: Looking Back on a Decade of Progress. A 41-page special edition of the Department of Justice's quarterly status report highlighting accomplishments and activities from 1990 through 2000.

A Guide to Disability Rights Laws. A 21-page booklet that provides a brief over view of eleven Federal laws that protect the rights of people with disabilities and provides information about the federal agencies to contact for more information. (Spanish, Cambodian, Chinese, Hmong, Japanese, Korean, Laotian, Tagalog and Vietnamese editions available from the ADA Information Line.) red arrow pointing to fax numberFAX # 3103

A Guide to Disability Rights Laws (HTML format) red dot divider Acrobat PDF format red dot divider En Español

A Guide for People with Disabilities Seeking Employment. A 2-page pamphlet for people with disabilities providing a general explanation of the employment provisions of the ADA and how to file a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. (Spanish edition available from the ADA Information Line.) red arrow pointing to fax numberFAX # 3108

A Guide for People with Disabilities Seeking Employment (HTML format) red dot divider Acrobat PDF format

Learn About the ADA in Your Local Library. An 10-page annotated list of 95 ADA publications and one videotape that are available to the public in 15,000 public libraries throughout the country. red arrow pointing to fax numberFAX # 3104

Myths and Facts
. A 3-page fact sheet dispelling some common misconceptions about the ADA's requirements and implementation. This publication contains basic information for businesses and State and local governments. (Spanish edition available from the ADA Information Line.) red arrow pointing to fax numberFAX # 3105

ADA Mediation Program. A 6-page publication that provides an overview of the Department's Mediation Program and examples of successfully mediated cases. red arrow pointing to fax numberFAX # 3107

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Title III Technical Assistance Manual (1993) and Yearly Supplements. An 83-page manual that explains in lay terms what businesses and non-profit agencies must do to ensure access to their goods, services, and facilities. Many examples are provided for practical guidance. (Spanish edition available from the ADA Information Line.)

Title III Highlights | En Español A 12-page outline of the key requirements of the ADA for businesses and non-profit agencies. This publication provides detailed information in bullet format for quick reference. (Spanish edition available from the ADA Information Line. red arrow pointing to fax numberFAX # 3200 )

Accessible Stadiums. A 4-page publication highlighting features that must be accessible in new stadiums and providing guidance on line of sight for wheelchair seating locations. red arrow pointing to fax numberFAX # 3201

Accessible Stadiums (TEXT) red dot divider Acrobat PDF format

ADA Guide for Small Businesses. This 15-page illustrated guide presents an overview of some basic ADA requirements for small businesses that provide goods and services to the public. It provides guidance on how to make their services accessible and how tax credits and deductions may be used to offset specific costs. (Spanish, Cambodian, Chinese, Hmong, Japanese, Korean, Leotian, Tagalog and Vietnamese editions available from the ADA Information Line.) red arrow pointing to fax numberFAX # 3202

ADA Guide for Small Businesses (HTML) red dot divider Acrobat PDF format

ADA-TA: A Technical Assistance Update from the Department of Justice. A serial publication that addresses two topics in each issue: "Common Questions" answers questions about ADA requirements; "Design / Details" provides information and illustrations of particular design requirements.

Volume 1: Readily Achievable Barrier Removal and Van-Accessible Parking Spaces red arrow pointing to fax number FAX # 3250

Readily Achievable Barrier Removal and Van-Accessible Parking (HTML)
red dot divider Acrobat PDF format

ADA Tax Incentive Packet for Businesses A packet of information to help businesses understand and take advantage of the tax credit and deduction available for complying with the ADA. red arrow pointing to fax numberFAX # 3203

Common ADA Errors and Omissions in New Construction and Alterations. This 13-page document lists a sampling of common accessibility errors or omissions that have been identified through the Department of Justice's ongoing enforcement efforts. The significance of the errors is discussed and references are provided to the requirements of the ADA Standards for Accessible Design. red arrow pointing to fax numberFAX # 3207

Common ADA Errors and Omissions in New Construction and Alterations (HTML) red dot divider Acrobat PDF format

ADA Business Briefs. Short publications explaining specific ADA issues that are designed to be easily printed and distributed to employees.

Communicating with People Who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing in Hospital Settings red arrow pointing to fax number FAX # 3504

Communicating with Guests Who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing in Hotels, Motels, and Other Places of Transient Lodging red arrow pointing to fax number FAX # 3503

Restriping Parking Lots red arrow pointing to fax number FAX # 3500

Service Animals red arrow pointing to fax number FAX # 3501

Assistance at Gas Stations FAX # 3502

Commonly Asked Questions About Service Animals. A 3-page publication explaining the requirements of the ADA regarding animals that accompany and provide services for a person with a disability. (Spanish edition available from the ADA Information Line.) red arrow pointing to fax numberFAX # 3204

How to File a Title III Complaint |
En Español. This publication details the procedure for filing a complaint under title III of the ADA, which prohibits discrimination based on disability by businesses and non-profit agencies. (Spanish edition available from the ADA Information Line.) red arrow pointing to fax numberFAX # 3206

Commonly Asked Questions About Child Care Centers and the Americans with Disabilities Act A 13-page publication explaining how the requirements of the ADA apply to Child Care Centers. The document also describes some of the Department of Justice's ongoing enforcement efforts in the child care area and it provides a resource list on sources of information on the ADA. red arrow pointing to fax numberFAX # 3209

Questions and Answers: the ADA and Persons with HIV/AIDS. A 16-page publication explaining the requirements of the ADA for employers, businesses and non-profit agencies that serve the public, and State and local governments to avoid discriminating against persons with HIV/AIDS. (Spanish edition available from the ADA Information Line.) red arrow pointing to fax numberFAX # 3206

Assistance at Self-Serve Gas Stations. A 1-page document providing guidance on the ADA and refueling assistance at self-serve gas stations. red arrow pointing to fax numberFAX # 3210

Assistance at Self-Serve Gas Stations (HTML) red dot divider Acrobat PDF format

Common ADA Problems at Newly Constructed Lodging Facilities. An 11-page document lists a sampling of common accessibility problems at newly constructed lodging facilities that have been identified through the Department of Justice's ongoing enforcement efforts. red arrow pointing to fax numberFAX # 3211

Common ADA Problems at Newly Constructed Lodging Facilities (HTML) red dot divider Acrobat PDF format

Five Steps To Make New Lodging Facilities Comply With The ADA. A 3-page document highlighting five steps that owners, operators, and franchisors can take to make sure that new lodging facilities comply with the ADA. red arrow pointing to fax numberFAX # 3212

Five Steps To Make New Lodging Facilities Comply With The ADA (HTML) red dot divider Acrobat PDF format

Americans with Disabilities Act Checklist for New Lodging Facilities. This 34-page checklist is a self-help survey that owners, franchisors, and managers of lodging facilities can use to identify ADA mistakes at their facilities.

Americans with Disabilities Act Guide for Places of Lodging: Serving Guests Who Are Blind or Who Have Low Vision. A 12-page publication explaining what hotels, motels, and other places of transient lodging can do to accommodate guests who are blind or have low vision. red arrow pointing to fax numberFAX # 3214

Americans with Disabilities Act Guide for Places of Lodging: Serving Guests Who Are Blind or Who Have Low Vision (HTML) red dot divider Acrobat PDF format

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Title II Technical Assistance Manual (1993) and Yearly Supplements. A 56-page manual that explains in lay terms what State and local governments must do to ensure that their services, programs, and activities are provided to the public in a nondiscriminatory manner. Many examples are provided for practical guidance. (Spanish edition available from the ADA Information Line.)

Title II Highlights |
En Español. An 8-page outline of the key requirements of the ADA for State and local governments. This publication provides detailed information in bullet format for quick reference. (Spanish edition available from the ADA Information Line.)
red arrow pointing to fax numberFAX # 3300

ADA Guide for Small Towns. A 21-page guide that presents an informal overview of some basic ADA requirements and provides cost-effective tips on how small towns can comply with the ADA. red arrow pointing to fax numberFAX # 3307

ADA Guide for Small Towns (HTML) red dot divider Acrobat PDF format

ADA Checklist for Polling Places. This 39-page checklist is a self-help survey that voting officials can use to determine whether a polling place has basic accessible features needed by most voters with disabilities.

The ADA and City Governments: Common Problems. A 9-page document that contains a sampling of common problems shared by city governments of all sizes, provides examples of common deficiencies and explains how these problems affect persons with disabilities. red arrow pointing to fax numberFAX # 3308

The ADA and City Government: Common Problems (HTML) red dot divider Acrobat PDF format

Acessibility of State and Local Government Websites to People with Disabilities. A 5-page publication providing guidance on making State and local government websites accessible. red arrow pointing to fax numberFAX # 3309

Accessible Websites (HTML) red dot divider PDF - screen version (236k) red dot divider PDF - print version (1444k)

Accessible Stadiums. A 4-page publication highlighting features that must be accessible in new stadiums and providing guidance on line of sight for wheelchair seating locations. red arrow pointing to fax numberFAX # 3201

Accessible Stadiums (HTML) red dot divider Acrobat PDF format

ADA-TA: A Technical Assistance Update from the Department of Justice. A serial publication that addresses two topics in each issue: "Common Questions" answers questions about ADA requirements; "Design Details" provides information and illustrations of particular design requirements.

Volume 1: Readily Achievable Barrier Removal and Van-Accessible Parking Spaces red arrow pointing to fax numberFAX # 3250

Readily Achievable Barrier Removal and Van-Accessible Parking (HTML)
red dot divider Acrobat PDF format

Commonly Asked Questions About the ADA and Law Enforcement. A 12-page publication providing information for law enforcement agencies in a simple question and answer format. red arrow pointing to fax numberFAX # 3301

Questions and Answers: The ADA and Hiring Police Officers. A 5-page publication providing information on ADA requirements for interviewing and hiring police officers. red arrow pointing to fax numberFAX # 3302

Commonly Asked Questions About Title II of the ADA. A 6-page fact sheet explaining the requirements of the ADA for State and local governments. red arrow pointing to fax numberFAX # 3303 (Spanish edition available from the ADA Information Line.)

Access for 9-1-1 and Telephone Emergency Services. A 10-page publication explaining the requirements for direct, equal access to 9-1-1 for persons who use teletypewriters (TTYs). red arrow pointing to fax numberFAX # 3304

Access for 9-1-1 and Telephone Emergency Services (HTML) red dot divider Acrobat PDF format

Questions and Answers: the ADA and Persons with HIV/AIDS
. A 16-page publication explaining the requirements of the ADA for employers, businesses and non-profit agencies that serve the public, and State and local governments to avoid discriminating against persons with HIV/AIDS. (Spanish edition available from the ADA Information Line.) red arrow pointing to fax numberFAX # 3206

Common ADA Errors and Omissions in New Construction and Alterations.
This 13-page document lists a sampling of common accessibility errors or omissions that have been identified through the Department of Justice's ongoing enforcement efforts. The significance of the errors is discussed and references are provided to the requirements of the ADA Standards for Accessible Design. red arrow pointing to fax numberFAX # 3207

Common ADA Errors and Omissions in New Construction and Alterations (HTML) red dot divider Acrobat PDF format

Commonly Asked Questions About Child Care Centers and the Americans with Disabilities Act A 13-page publication explaining how the requirements of the ADA apply to Child Care Centers. The document also describes some of the Department of Justice's ongoing enforcement efforts in the child care area and it provides a resource list on sources of information on the ADA.red arrow pointing to fax numberFAX # 3209

Title II Complaint Form | En Español. Standard form for filing a complaint under title II of the ADA or section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, which prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability by State and local governments and by recipients of federal financial assistance. (Spanish edition available from the ADA Information Line.) red arrow pointing to fax numberFAX # 3306



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last updated February 20, 2004