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12-18 May 2002


1) Thompson Marks Anniversary of New Freedom Initative
2) Secretary Thompson Visits with NYFD Engine 23, commits $12.5 million to helping firefighters
3) Secretary Thompson to visit Switzerland, Germany
4) Secretary Thompson addresses UN Special Session on Children
5) El Secretario Thompson inicia campaña titulada: "Tómese el Tiempo Para Cuidarse de la Diabetes"


Thompson Marks Anniversary of New Freedom Initative

On May 9, HHS Secretary Thompson was joined by four agency heads to release the administration's progress report on accomplishments since President Bush's launch of the New Freedom Initiative and next steps toward meeting the New Freedom goals.

Labor Secretary Elaine Chao, Housing and Urban Development Secretary Mel Martinez, Education Secretary Rod Paige, and Office of Personnel Management Director Kay Coles James joined Secretary Thompson to discuss the important measures the federal government is doing to fulfill President Bush's campaign promise.

Launched in February 2001, the New Freedom Initiative is the President's comprehensive plan to reduce barriers to community integration for people with disabilities. President Bush has directed his agency heads to look for ways to improve the lives of the disabled by increasing access to technologies, expanding educational opportunities, increasing the ability of Americans with disabilities to integrate into the workforce, and promoting increased access into daily community life.

"It has been a groundbreaking year since President Bush announced the New Freedom Initiative," said Secretary Thompson. "Never before have so many federal agencies devoted so much time and attention toward eliminating the barriers that keep people with disabilities from enjoying the freedoms that so many of us take for granted. These barriers have been years in the making and will take much effort to address, but we are fully committed to the task."

Secretary Thompson also unveiled two new waiver templates that will help states better use the Medicaid program to enable people with disabilities to choose services in their own homes and communities. He also announced that HHS is making information on available technical assistance on community-integration issues more readily accessible through a new web-based resource.

More information on the New Freedom Initiative is available at here and here.


Secretary Thompson Visits with NYFD Engine 23, commits $12.5 million to helping firefighters

Secretary Thompson stopped by NYFD Engine 23 near Central Park to talk with firefighters and express President Bush’s continued commitment to the men and women of the New York City Fire Department. “As a nation we were all devastated by the attack on our country,” Secretary Thompson said. “But few of us could possibly feel the extent of the pain that so many in the New York City Fire Department and so many people in this city have felt. Our thoughts are still with these wonderful people.”

In order to help firefighters and first responders train for future calamities, Secretary Thompson announced $10.5 million for training and research dedicated to addressing the health concerns related to the World Trade Center attacks. Thompson added, “This money will help fulfill our commitment to these brave men and women to provide them with the best training and expertise possible.”

Secretary Thompson also announced an additional $2 million provided by HHS’s Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) to help responders to the disasters in New York City, the Pentagon, and in Somerset County deal with the emotional trauma that often follows such tragic events. “We are the Department of compassion, not only of the body, but also of the mind. We want these great folks to know that we are always just a phone call away,” Thompson concluded.


Secretary Thompson to visit Switzerland, Germany

Next week, HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson will lead the U.S. delegation to the 55th World Health Assembly in Geneva, Switzerland. The delegation will include a range of technical and policy experts from across U.S. federal agencies, the private sector and non-governmental organizations.

On the opening day, May 13, Secretary Thompson will sign a Memorandum of Understanding with the Canadian health ministry to improve health care, delivery and access for indigenous populations in the U.S. and Canada. Some additional items on the Assembly agenda include the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria; polio eradication; infant and young child nutrition; and physical activity and health.

Later in the week, Secretary Thompson will visit Germany, stopping in Frankfurt to meet with Hessen Minister-President Roland Koch. Moving on to Berlin, the Secretary will give an address on bioterrorism to the Konrad Adenauer Foundation. Secretary Thompson's final stop will be in Bern, where he will attend the National Capital Forum on Health Care.


Secretary Thompson addresses UN Special Session on Children

Secretary Thompson spoke to the General Assembly of the United Nations Wednesday, May 8 at a special session dealing with the needs of the world's children.

The Secretary discussed the progress the US has made in advancing better health for children throughout our country and our efforts to help other countries, especially those in the developing world, address the needs of their young people.

"Our work to support children and families extends beyond our own borders," said the Secretary. "And it encompasses a wide array of partners, including faith-based and nongovernmental organizations, foundations, the research community and private industry."

Sec. Thompson noted a number of examples of this kind of collaboration, including US leadership in the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria and in the worldwide effort to eradicate polio.

The Secretary highlighted America's promotion of healthy behaviors and right choices for young people. "As President Bush has said, abstinence is the only sure way of avoiding sexually transmitted disease, premature pregnancy and the social and personal difficulties attendant to non-marital sexual activity," the Secretary observed.

He also commented on America's work to provide immunization assistance to developing countries, agricultural development and food to those most vulnerable and stressed America's commitment to helping prevent "the trafficking and exploitation of children in developing countries and to providing services and model programs for their protection and rehabilitation."


El Secretario Thompson inicia campaña titulada: "Tómese el Tiempo Para Cuidarse de la Diabetes"

El Secretario del Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos de los Estados Unidos (HHS), Tommy G. Thompson, lanzó recientemente una campaña nacional para concientizar a las mujeres sobre la diabetes, una condición muy seria que afecta a más de 17 millones de norteamericanos, con las mujeres representando más de la mitad del total.

La campaña, auspiciada por la Administración de Alimentos y Fármacos de HHS, la Asociación Americana de la Diabetes, y la National Association of Chain Drug Stores, destaca que las mujeres - las principales personas a cargo de la familia -pueden hacer una diferencia positiva en la salud de toda la familia, incluso en la suya.

"Las mujeres necesitan reconocer que la diabetes es un peligro de salud que va en aumento, contra el que ellas pueden y deben tomar medidas", dijo el Secretario Thompson. "Debido a que existen más de 5 millones de personas sin diagnosticarse, queremos que las mujeres, quienes sirven como la persona principal a cargo de la familia, aprendan sobre las primeras señales de la diabetes y vean a su médico para la detección".

Actualmente, aproximadamente 9 millones de mujeres padecen de la diabetes, y se estima que 3 millones de ellas ni siquiera saben que padecen de la enfermedad. Las mujeres corren mayor riesgo que los hombres para la diabetes y la pre-diabetes -- condiciones que pueden resultar en complicaciones tales como los ataques al corazón y los derrames cerebrales, así como la ceguera, las enfermedades renales y la pérdida de los miembros del cuerpo. La pre-diabetes ocurre cuando los niveles de glucosa en la sangre se encuentran más altos que lo normal, pero no lo suficientemente altos como para diagnosticar la diabetes.

El anuncio del lanzamiento de la campaña formó parte de los esfuerzos de toda una semana de HHS para resaltar la prevención de enfermedades como la forma principal que los norteamericanos pueden utilizar para mejorar su salud y bienestar personal, y al mismo tiempo reducir sus gastos de atención médica. El Secretario Thompson ha convertido la prevención de enfermedades y la promoción de la salud en una alta prioridad, y el presupuesto del Presidente para el año fiscal del 2003 propone 20 millones de dólares para un nuevo programa piloto, "Healthy Communities" o 'Comunidades Saludables', para prestar apoyo de prevención en el ámbito de la comunidad. En total, HHS gastaría más de 16 mil millones de dólares para todas las actividades de prevención de enfermedades de acuerdo con el proyecto de presupuesto del Presidente.

Los instrumentos principales de la campaña - folletos sobre la diabetes, y tarjetas con recetas para comidas nutritivas - se están distribuyendo en inglés y en español.

Información adicional sobre la campaña "Tómese el Tiempo para Cuidarse" se puede encontrar visitando aqui.


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