July 14, 2003 - July 20, 2003


1) Secretary Thompson To Chair Global Fund Meeting in Paris
2) Making Healthy Choices
3) Surgeon General to Testify on Obesity and our Kids
4) Make staying physically active a lifelong habit!
5) Secretary Thompson's public schedule

Secretary Thompson To Chair Global Fund Meeting in Paris

Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy G. Thompson will chair the HIV/AIDS Global Fund meeting in Paris on July 15 and 16. The secretary will reiterate the U.S. commitment to fighting HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria around the world and try to convince other European countries to devote new funding to contribute to the cause.

"The HIV/AIDS epidemic is sweeping the globe, devastating entire communities and leaving many children without parents." Secretary Thompson said. "The United States has already taken unprecedented action to help curb the spread of HIV/AIDS, such as President Bush's $15 billion Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, and pledging $1.65 billion for the Global Fund -- nearly half of the Fund's pledges. But the scourge of HIV and AIDS is not a battle fought alone."

The United States'unprecedented pledge of $15 billion-$10 billion in new funding-will be dedicated to preventing 7 million new infections, provide antiretroviral drugs for 2 million HIV-infected people and care for 10 million HIV-infected individuals and AIDS orphans.


Making Healthy Choices

Secretary Thompson outlined steps the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is taking to provide consumers more information so they may make better choices concerning the food they eat to the Institute of Food Technologists on July 12.

The FDA will put a new regulation in place that will require manufacturers to source only FDA approved food claims on their labels. The claims will go through a review process that will consist of expert evaluation so consumers will understand the health consequences of their choices.

Another recent announcement was that the transfat content, which is a 'bad' cholesterol, will be listed on Nutrition Labels by January 1, 2006. This is the first significant change to the Nutrition Label since it was established in 1993. The regulation will allow customers to make more informed decisions when choosing what they eat.

Transfat has been linked to the development of coronary heart disease which nearly 13 million Americans suffer from and more than 500,000 die of each year.


Surgeon General to Testify on Obesity and our Kids

U.S. Surgeon General Richard Carmona will testify on obesity and children before the House Subcommittee on Education Reform July 16. He will encourage adults to take the lead and be role models for healthy choices in their lives.

The rate of obesity and overweight among adolescents and teens has quadrupled over the past two decades. Children should learn from a young age the benefits of exercise, eating a balanced diet including plenty of fruits and vegetables.


Make staying physically active a lifelong habit!

Make it a family thing.
Work out with your family, friends, or neighbors. Teaming up with a partner keeps you both motivated.

Make it a religious thing.
Start a physical activity group at your church.

Make it a work thing.
Keep a pair of walking shoes at your job. Hook up with a coworker and use part of your lunchtime or breaks to be active. Challenge each other to better health.


Secretary Tommy G. Thompson's public schedule:


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Last updated July 14, 2003
United States Department of Health and Human Services
Contact the HHS Newsletter Team.