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NSF Awards List  
NSF LogoAward List for Recent Week Begin at 9-19-2004AWSFL007

Click on the Award Number for Additional Information
1. Tephra Dispersal From Basaltic Plinian Eruptions: The Case Study of the Fontana Lapilli Scoria-Fall Deposit (>20ka BP), Masaya Caldera Complex, Nicaragua
Award#:0456518 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$97,531 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Sep 01, 2004 Projected Duration:12 Months
PI: Bonadonna Institution:U of South Florida State:Florida District:11
2. OIG-0135953 Audit of NSF Award to University of Arizona Board of Regents performed by Conrad and Associates, L.L.P.
Award#:0456506 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$107,592 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Sep 24, 2004 Projected Duration:7 Months
PI: Conrad Institution:Conrad & Associates State:California District:40
3. Hydrologic Investigations within GLOBE Program
Award#:0456465 Current Year Award Amount:$153,697 Cumulative Award Amount:$242,476 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Sep 17, 2004 Projected Duration:24 Months
PI: Bales Institution:U of Cal - Merced State:California District:00
4. Many-stage Stochastic Programming
Award#:0456447 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$76,945 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Sep 01, 2004 Projected Duration:12 Months
PI: Korf Institution:U of Texas Austin State:Texas District:10
5. Collaborative Research: Tectonothermal History of the Acatlán Complex, Southern Mexico: A Record of the Closure of the Rheic Ocean?
Award#:0456180 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$92,982 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:24 Months
PI: Miller Institution:Texas A&M; Research Fdn State:Texas District:00
6. OIG-0135957 Audit of NSF awards to Montana State University performed by McBride, Lock & Associates
Award#:0456062 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$95,435 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Sep 20, 2004 Projected Duration:7 Months
PI: MCBRIDE Institution:McBride, Lock & Associates State:Missouri District:05
7. Collaborative Research: Calibration of Sr:Ca and d18O Proxies of the Southern Quahog, Mercenaria Campechiensis, to Reconstruct Late Holocene Climate, SW Florida
Award#:0455974 Current Year Award Amount:$97,602 Cumulative Award Amount:$103,557 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Sep 01, 2004 Projected Duration:36 Months
PI: Surge Institution:U of NC Chapel Hill State:North Carolina District:04
8. Egg Competition and Cryptic Male Choice in a Pipefish
Award#:0455927 Current Year Award Amount:$73,853 Cumulative Award Amount:$201,590 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Aug 01, 2004 Projected Duration:36 Months
PI: Jones Institution:Texas A&M; Research Fdn State:Texas District:00
9. US-Egypt Cooperative Research: A Web-based GIS for Egypt's Geological Datasets
Award#:0455899 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$22,769 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Jul 13, 2004 Projected Duration:24 Months
PI: Sultan Institution:Western Michigan Univ State:Michigan District:03
Award#:0455892 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$62,350 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Jul 13, 2004 Projected Duration:24 Months
PI: Sultan Institution:Western Michigan Univ State:Michigan District:03
11. US-Egypt Cooperative Research: Towards a Better Understanding of the Hydrology of Lake Nasser, Egypt
Award#:0455890 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$34,531 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Jul 13, 2004 Projected Duration:24 Months
PI: Sultan Institution:Western Michigan Univ State:Michigan District:03
12. Science Education for New Civic Engagements and Responsibilities
Award#:0455586 Current Year Award Amount:$1,117,056 Cumulative Award Amount:$724,891 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Sep 10, 2004 Projected Duration:24 Months
PI: Burns Institution:Harrisburg University State:Pennsylvania District:17
13. Mentoring Strategies and Practices of PAESMEM Awardees
Award#:0455563 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$55,004 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:12 Months
PI: George Institution:Amer Assoc For Advt Sci State:District of Columbia District:98
14. Metabolomic Profiling of Lipids and Their Compositional Dynamics in Plant Stress Responses
Award#:0455318 Current Year Award Amount:$188,627 Cumulative Award Amount:$194,955 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Aug 15, 2004 Projected Duration:48 Months
PI: Wang Institution:U of Missouri Saint Louis State:Missouri District:
15. Preparing a Culturally Diverse and Culturally Responsive Generation of Evaluators: A Workshop to Design a Proposal for Advanced Training
Award#:0455232 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$99,993 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:12 Months
PI: Hood Institution:Arizona State University State:Arizona District:01
16. Conference: What Does It Mean to Be a Fully Educated Member of the 21st Century Workforce
Award#:0455137 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$50,000 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:12 Months
PI: Cantor Institution:Syracuse University State:New York District:27
17. Regulation and Function of Membrane Lipid Hydrolysis in Lipid-Based Signaling of Plants
Award#:0454866 Current Year Award Amount:$188,033 Cumulative Award Amount:$181,223 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Aug 15, 2004 Projected Duration:48 Months
PI: Wang Institution:U of Missouri Saint Louis State:Missouri District:
18. CAREER: Topics in Electronic and Optical Properties of Semiconductor Nanostructures
Award#:0454849 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$18,399 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Sep 01, 2004 Projected Duration:12 Months
PI: Lew Yan Voon Institution:Wright State University State:Ohio District:03
19. Collaborative Research: A Workshop on Values in the Design of Information Technology, University of California, San Diego, Summer 2005
Award#:0454775 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$44,709 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Jun 01, 2004 Projected Duration:12 Months
PI: Bowker Institution:Santa Clara University State:California District:13
20. Defects and Fluctuations in Low-Dimensional Condensed Matter
Award#:0454699 Current Year Award Amount:$100,000 Cumulative Award Amount:$100,000 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Aug 01, 2004 Projected Duration:36 Months
PI: Fertig Institution:Indiana University State:Indiana District:08
21. 4-manifolds, von Neumann Algebras and Elliptic Cohomology
Award#:0453957 Current Year Award Amount:$117,556 Cumulative Award Amount:$178,252 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Jul 01, 2004 Projected Duration:60 Months
PI: Teichner Institution:U of Cal Berkeley State:California District:08
22. SGER: Planning Activities to Foster International Collaboration
Award#:0453896 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$199,979 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:12 Months
PI: DeWind Institution:Soc Sci Res Council State:New York District:14
23. Topology of Four-Manifolds
Award#:0453818 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$10,901 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Jul 01, 2004 Projected Duration:12 Months
PI: Teichner Institution:U of Cal Berkeley State:California District:08
24. Corrosion and Oxide-Free Surfaces Probed by Surface Analysis
Award#:0453816 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$170,874 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Jul 01, 2004 Projected Duration:24 Months
PI: Sherwood Institution:Oklahoma State University State:Oklahoma District:03
25. Development and Applications of Condensed Matter Quantum Chemistry
Award#:0453744 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$102,772 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Sep 01, 2004 Projected Duration:12 Months
PI: Carter Institution:Princeton University State:New Jersey District:12
26. Support for a U.S. InSAR Community Workshop
Award#:0453662 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$34,374 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Sep 01, 2004 Projected Duration:12 Months
PI: Donnellan Institution:U of Southern California State:California District:21
27. Workshop on the Social Psychology of Survey Participation
Award#:0452582 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$51,450 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:12 Months
PI: O'Muircheartaigh Institution:Nat Opinion Research Ctr State:Illinois District:01
28. Study of Student Achievement Trends in the Urban Systemic Program
Award#:0451942 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$399,873 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:24 Months
PI: Yin Institution:Cosmos Corporation State:Maryland District:00
29. Collaborative Research: SOFeX: Mesoscale Iron fertilization Effects on Plankton Community Structure, Phytoplankton Growth and Zooplankton Grazing
Award#:0451771 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$134,598 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Jul 01, 2004 Projected Duration:12 Months
PI: Landry Institution:U of Cal SD Scripps Inst State:California District:41
30. Meetings for Networking of Sensor Systems at Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO
Award#:0451431 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$69,976 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:12 Months
PI: Camp Institution:Colorado School of Mines State:Colorado District:06
31. SCI: Extending High Bandwidth Academic and Research Networking to Africa
Award#:0451384 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$99,728 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:12 Months
PI: Sadowsky Institution:Internews Network State:California District:00
32. METAALICUS: A Whole-watershed, Stable Isotope Study of the Mechanisms of Net Microbial Methylmercury Production
Award#:0451345 Current Year Award Amount:$272,501 Cumulative Award Amount:$269,996 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Aug 23, 2004 Projected Duration:36 Months
PI: Gilmour Institution:Smithsonian Institution State:District of Columbia District:00
33. Florida Science and Mathematics Education Summit
Award#:0451272 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$157,798 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 15, 2004 Projected Duration:12 Months
PI: Meisels Institution:U of South Florida State:Florida District:11
34. Sustaining the Bering Sea Ecosystem: Community Driven Social Science Planning for the Bering Sea
Award#:0451214 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$19,934 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:12 Months
PI: Fitzhugh Institution:U of Washington State:Washington District:01
Award#:0451141 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$40,500 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Sep 15, 2004 Projected Duration:60 Months
PI: None Institution:Univ of Mass, Dartmouth State:Massachusetts District:00
36. SBIR Phase II: Segmented Proton Exchange Membranes with Edge Seals for Compact Fuel Cell Electrode Structures
Award#:0450981 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$74,989 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Jan 01, 2004 Projected Duration:12 Months
PI: McDonald Institution:GINER, INC. State:Massachusetts District:08
37. Probing acclimation responses in Prochlorococcus ecotypes through analyses of global gene expression
Award#:0450874 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$550,000 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Sep 01, 2004 Projected Duration:36 Months
PI: Grossman Institution:Carnegie Inst of Wash State:District of Columbia District:98
38. A Virtual Community of Construction Scholars
Award#:0450719 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$15,000 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:12 Months
PI: Rojas Institution:U of Washington State:Washington District:01
39. Expanded Cross-Industry Survey of Nanomanufacturing Commercialization Trends and Barriers in the U.S.
Award#:0450666 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$43,059 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:12 Months
PI: Mehta Institution:NCMS State:Michigan District:00
40. ITR/AP:Collaborative Research - Synthesis of High Performance Algorithms for Electronic
Award#:0450462 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$63,185 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Jun 22, 2004 Projected Duration:12 Months
PI: Cava Institution:University of Florida State:Florida District:06
41. Enhancement of Doctoral Research Capacity in Environmental Toxicology at Southern University at Baton Rouge (SUBR)
Award#:0450375 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$770,179 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:36 Months
PI: Owens Institution:Southern University State:Louisiana District:06
42. Midwest Crossroads AGEP
Award#:0450373 Current Year Award Amount:$1,503,110 Cumulative Award Amount:$1,527,690 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:60 Months
PI: Mason Institution:Purdue University State:Indiana District:07
43. UC Alliance for Graduate Education and the Professoriate Phase II
Award#:0450366 Current Year Award Amount:$2,000,000 Cumulative Award Amount:$2,000,000 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:60 Months
PI: Switkes Institution:U of Calif, Pres, Oakland State:California District:00
Award#:0450363 Current Year Award Amount:$1,054,660 Cumulative Award Amount:$1,053,942 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:60 Months
PI: Konisky Institution:William Marsh Rice Univ State:Texas District:02
45. AGEP: Alliance for Graduate Education in Mississippi
Award#:0450362 Current Year Award Amount:$1,004,187 Cumulative Award Amount:$1,003,140 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Nov 01, 2004 Projected Duration:60 Months
PI: Eftink Institution:University of Mississippi State:Mississippi District:01
46. Minority Access/Graduate Networking in the Sciences, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (MAGNET-STEM II
Award#:0450360 Current Year Award Amount:$1,193,665 Cumulative Award Amount:$1,225,339 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:60 Months
PI: Smith Institution:CUNY Graduate School State:New York District:06
47. SGER: Air-Cargo Revenue Management in the Presence of Intermediaries
Award#:0450359 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$60,000 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:12 Months
PI: Gupta Institution:U of Minnesota-Twin Cities State:Minnesota District:05
48. AGEP: FACES: Facilitating Academic Careers in Engineering and Science
Award#:0450303 Current Year Award Amount:$1,516,407 Cumulative Award Amount:$1,516,043 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:60 Months
PI: clough Institution:GA Tech Res Corp - GIT State:Georgia District:04
49. SGER: Remediation of PAHs in the Rhizosphere of Tropical Plants
Award#:0450285 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$25,614 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Jun 30, 2004 Projected Duration:12 Months
PI: Alvarez Institution:William Marsh Rice Univ State:Texas District:02
50. SGER: Prototype Institutional Repository for the Sharing and Preservation of Archaeological Materials
Award#:0450112 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$75,000 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:12 Months
PI: Martin Institution:University of Virginia State:Virginia District:07
51. The Michigan AGEP Alliance
Award#:0450063 Current Year Award Amount:$1,197,659 Cumulative Award Amount:$1,199,700 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:60 Months
PI: Kunkel Institution:University of Michigan State:Michigan District:02
52. Fabrication of Biopolymer Microarrays for SPR Imaging Measurements
Award#:0449912 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$272,979 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Jul 01, 2004 Projected Duration:12 Months
PI: Corn Institution:U of Cal Irvine State:California District:90
53. Coll. Res.: A Geophysical Transect Across the Arctic Ocean: Multi-Channel Seismic Reflection and Seismic Refraction data Acquisition on the USCG Icebreaker Healy, Summer 2005
Award#:0449898 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$415,291 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Sep 15, 2004 Projected Duration:36 Months
PI: Coakley Institution:U of Alaska Fairbanks State:Alaska District:01
54. Preliminary Study on Curated Antarctic Meteorites for the Antarctic Meteorite Contamination Study (AMCS)
Award#:0447846 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$11,806 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:12 Months
PI: Steele Institution:Carnegie Inst of Wash State:District of Columbia District:98
55. Collaborative Research:A Geophysical Transect Across the Arctic Ocean:Multi Channel Seismic Reflection & Seismic Refraction Data Acquisition on the USCG Icebreaker Healy, Summer 05
Award#:0447440 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$99,626 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Sep 15, 2004 Projected Duration:36 Months
PI: Hopper Institution:Texas A&M; Research Fdn State:Texas District:00
56. Collaborative Research: Marine Metadata Interoperability Project
Award#:0447128 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$48,591 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:12 Months
PI: Miller Institution:U of Cal SD Scripps Inst State:California District:41
57. Collaborative Research: Marine Metadata Interoperability Project
Award#:0447031 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$367,129 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:12 Months
PI: Graybeal Institution:MBARI State:California District:00
58. Knowledge Management for the MSPs
Award#:0445398 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$1,862,930 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 15, 2004 Projected Duration:60 Months
PI: Weiss Institution:Horizon Research Inc State:North Carolina District:04
59. Collaborataive Research: Field demonstration of utilit of NEES vibrator to work with IRIS equipment pool to meet Earthscope science objectives for crustal-structure and earthquake
Award#:0445104 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$24,413 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:12 Months
PI: Stokoe Institution:U of Texas Austin State:Texas District:10
60. Collaborative Research: Field demonstration of utility of NEES Vibrator to meet EarthScope science objectives for earthquake-hazard and crustal-structure studies
Award#:0444696 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$17,599 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:12 Months
PI: Klemperer Institution:Stanford University State:California District:00
61. Collaborative Research: Ultra-scalable system software and tools for data-intensive computing
Award#:0444405 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$259,521 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:36 Months
PI: Choudhary Institution:Northwestern University State:Illinois District:09
62. Collaborative Proposal: Ultra-scalable system software and tools for data-intensive computing
Award#:0444197 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$72,433 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:36 Months
PI: Thiruvathukal Institution:Loyola Univ of Chicago State:Illinois District:07
63. Collaborative Research: Ultra-Scalable System Software and tools for Data-Intensive Computing
Award#:0444158 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$108,000 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:36 Months
PI: Kandemir Institution:PA St U University Park State:Pennsylvania District:23
64. Creating Comprehensive Accessibility on Open Computing Platforms
Award#:0443748 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$52,125 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:12 Months
PI: Sajka Institution:Free Standards Group State:California District:05
65. Micro and Nano Systems Assembly using Virtual and Physical Environments
Award#:0443533 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$150,000 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:36 Months
PI: Cecil Institution:New Mexico St University State:New Mexico District:02
66. Brain Process Model of Intelligence
Award#:0442586 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$479,000 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:24 Months
PI: Bechara Institution:University of Iowa State:Iowa District:03
67. Hyperbolic Classification and Regression Trees
Award#:0442178 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$100,000 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Sep 15, 2004 Projected Duration:12 Months
PI: Grossman Institution:U of Illinois Chicago State:Illinois District:01
68. ACT/SGER: Algorithms for Large-Scale Approximate Nonnegative Matrix Factorization in Data Analysis
Award#:0442065 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$85,000 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Sep 15, 2004 Projected Duration:12 Months
PI: Zhang Institution:William Marsh Rice Univ State:Texas District:02
69. ACT/SGER: Thermally Stabilized Electrolytes: Extension of the Calendar and Cycle Life for Lithium-Ion Batteries
Award#:0442024 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$150,000 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Sep 15, 2004 Projected Duration:24 Months
PI: Lucht Institution:U of Rhode Island State:Rhode Island District:
70. ACT/SGER: (ACT - PHY) Characterizing Community Evolution and Communication Patterns in Social Networks
Award#:0441089 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$192,886 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Sep 15, 2004 Projected Duration:12 Months
PI: Barabasi Institution:University of Notre Dame State:Indiana District:03
71. COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH/CRI: Children's Digital Media Centers
Award#:0440963 Current Year Award Amount:$39,750 Cumulative Award Amount:$93,766 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Jul 01, 2004 Projected Duration:36 Months
PI: Wartella Institution:U of Cal Riverside State:California District:36
72. CAREER: Advancing the Performance-Based Seismic Design of Buildings
Award#:0440667 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$35,684 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:12 Months
PI: Aschheim Institution:Santa Clara University State:California District:13
73. SGER: Transient Biomolecular Transport in Nanochannels with Application to Biosensing
Award#:0439722 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$42,810 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:12 Months
PI: Conlisk Institution:Ohio State Univ Res Fdn State:Ohio District:15
74. Lasers and Plasma for Advanced Manufacrturing
Award#:0438917 Current Year Award Amount:$50,000 Cumulative Award Amount:$50,000 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:60 Months
PI: Mazumder Institution:University of Michigan State:Michigan District:02
75. SCI: NMI Development for Public-Resource Computing and Storage
Award#:0438443 Current Year Award Amount:$500,000 Cumulative Award Amount:$211,538 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Jan 01, 2005 Projected Duration:24 Months
PI: Anderson Institution:U of Cal Berkeley State:California District:08
76. SCI: NMI Deployment (CHE): GridChem: Cyberinfrastructure for Computational Chemistry
Award#:0438312 Current Year Award Amount:$800,000 Cumulative Award Amount:$938,964 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:36 Months
PI: Connolly Institution:U of Kentucky Res Fdn State:Kentucky District:00
77. Knots in Vancouver
Award#:0437967 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$15,000 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Sep 01, 2004 Projected Duration:12 Months
PI: Rolfsen Institution:Univ of British Columbia State:California District:99
78. ORGANICS: Elastomeric Stamps for Fabrication of Organic Transistors and Probing Fundamental Limits of their Performance
Award#:0437932 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$340,000 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Jan 01, 2005 Projected Duration:36 Months
PI: Gershenson Institution:Rutgers Univ New Brunswick State:New Jersey District:06
79. Proposed Africa Network in Earth System Science: a planning workshop
Award#:0437363 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$128,000 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:12 Months
PI: Steffen Institution:International Geosphere State:null District:
80. UBM Integrated Undergraduate Research Experiences in Biological and Mathematical Sciences
Award#:0436308 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$499,646 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Sep 15, 2004 Projected Duration:60 Months
PI: Cassone Institution:Texas A&M; Research Fdn State:Texas District:00
81. Training Institutes on Interdisciplinary Global Environmental Change Sciences in the Americas
Award#:0436199 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$330,000 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Sep 15, 2004 Projected Duration:18 Months
PI: Necco Institution:Global Change Research State:null District:
82. Conference: The Lichtenbaum-Conjectures: Progress and Prospects; March, 2005; Providence, RI
Award#:0436147 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$10,820 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:12 Months
PI: Rosen Institution:Brown University State:Rhode Island District:01
83. NeTS - Collaborative Research - NR: Over-Probe: A Toolkit for the Management of Overlay Networks with Mobile Users
Award#:0435515 Current Year Award Amount:$100,000 Cumulative Award Amount:$200,000 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:48 Months
PI: Gerla Institution:U of Cal Los Angeles State:California District:29
84. Collaborative Project: Superimposed Tools for Active Arrangement and Elaboration of Educational Resources
Award#:0435496 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$356,525 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:24 Months
PI: Delcambre Institution:Oregon Hlth and Science U State:Oregon District:01
85. Creating Interactive Educational Activity Templates for Digital Libraries
Award#:0435464 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$341,878 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Nov 01, 2004 Projected Duration:24 Months
PI: McLean Institution:McLean Media State:California District:00
86. NeTS - NR: Protocols and Algorithms for Cooperative Wireless Networks
Award#:0435429 Current Year Award Amount:$50,000 Cumulative Award Amount:$200,000 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:48 Months
PI: Nosratinia Institution:U of Texas Dallas State:Texas District:03
87. Faculty Participation in the NSDL - Lowering the Barriers
Award#:0435398 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$356,400 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Jan 01, 2005 Projected Duration:24 Months
PI: Wolf Institution:U of Wisconsin Madison State:Wisconsin District:02
88. NeTS-NR: Collaborative Research: High-Speed Self-Configuring Networks Based on Cost-Effective Plug-and-Play Optical (PPO) Nodes
Award#:0435393 Current Year Award Amount:$50,127 Cumulative Award Amount:$298,624 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:48 Months
PI: Fumagalli Institution:U of Texas Dallas State:Texas District:03
89. NeTS: ProWiN: Wireless Spectral Interference and its Impact on Dynamic Network Connectivity
Award#:0435389 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$150,000 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:12 Months
PI: Roberson Institution:Illinois Inst of Tech State:Illinois District:01
90. NeTS-NR: Collaborative Research: High-Speed Self-Configuring Networks Based on Cost-Effective Plug-and-Play Optical (PPO) Nodes
Award#:0435381 Current Year Award Amount:$20,530 Cumulative Award Amount:$123,183 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:48 Months
PI: Hui Institution:U of Kansas Ctr for Res In State:Kansas District:00
91. NeTS - ProWiN: Collaborative Research: Exploiting Flexible PHYs in Networks: Prototype and Alogrithms
Award#:0435307 Current Year Award Amount:$250,000 Cumulative Award Amount:$250,000 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:24 Months
PI: Nettles Institution:U of Texas Austin State:Texas District:10
92. NeTS:ProWiN: Programmable Radio Platforms for Highly Dynamic Networks
Award#:0435297 Current Year Award Amount:$359,301 Cumulative Award Amount:$343,062 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Sep 15, 2004 Projected Duration:48 Months
PI: White Institution:Stevens Inst of Technology State:New Jersey District:13
93. NeTS-NR: Preemption and Adaptation for Next Generation Multiservice Networks
Award#:0435247 Current Year Award Amount:$27,000 Cumulative Award Amount:$107,037 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Sep 15, 2004 Projected Duration:48 Months
PI: de Oliveira Institution:Drexel University State:Pennsylvania District:02
94. NeTS - Collaborative Research - NR: Over-Probe: a Toolkit for the Management of Overlay Networks with Mobile Users
Award#:0435230 Current Year Award Amount:$80,000 Cumulative Award Amount:$80,000 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:48 Months
PI: Cui Institution:Univ of Connecticut State:Connecticut District:00
95. Collaborative Project: Superimposed Tools for Active Arrangement and Elaboration of Educational Resources
Award#:0435059 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$89,804 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:24 Months
PI: Cassel Institution:Villanova University State:Pennsylvania District:00
96. NeTS - ProWiN: Collaborative Research: Exploiting Flexible PHYs in Networks: Prototype and Algorithms
Award#:0435041 Current Year Award Amount:$50,000 Cumulative Award Amount:$50,000 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:24 Months
PI: Dandekar Institution:Drexel University State:Pennsylvania District:02
97. NeTS-NR Toward Mathematical Rigorous Next-Generation Routing Protocols for Realistic Network Topologies
Award#:0434996 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$600,000 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:36 Months
PI: Claffy Institution:U of Cal San Diego State:California District:41
98. NeTS-NR: Spectrum Teleportation: A Fiber-Aided Wireless Architecture
Award#:0434974 Current Year Award Amount:$25,000 Cumulative Award Amount:$225,000 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Sep 15, 2004 Projected Duration:24 Months
PI: Medard Institution:MIT State:Massachusetts District:08
99. Enhancement of Research and Education Facilities at the University of Kansas Field Station
Award#:0434910 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$323,538 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Aug 15, 2004 Projected Duration:36 Months
PI: Foster Institution:U of Kansas Ctr for Res In State:Kansas District:00
100. NeTS-NR: A Novel Technique to Detect Shared Congestion and Applications
Award#:0434515 Current Year Award Amount:$113,918 Cumulative Award Amount:$94,946 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:36 Months
PI: Lam Institution:U of Texas Austin State:Texas District:10
101. MSPA-CSE: Analysis and Detection of Transient Dynamics in Ecological Systems
Award#:0434329 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$132,145 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:36 Months
PI: Ives Institution:U of Wisconsin Madison State:Wisconsin District:02
102. Collaborative:MSPA-CSE: Analysis and Detection of Transient Dynamics in Ecological Systems
Award#:0434298 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$132,271 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:24 Months
PI: Gross Institution:North Carolina State U State:North Carolina District:
103. Collaborative:MSPA-CSE: Analysis and Detection of Transient Dynamics in Ecological Systems
Award#:0434266 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$185,500 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:24 Months
PI: Hastings Institution:U of Cal Davis State:California District:04
104. FSML FHL Research Infrastructure
Award#:0434256 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$199,986 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:24 Months
PI: Willows Institution:U of Washington State:Washington District:01
105. MSPA-CSE: Statistical Methods for Precipitation Nowcasting and Verification
Award#:0434213 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$750,000 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:48 Months
PI: Wikle Institution:U of Missouri Columbia State:Missouri District:09
106. Economic Growth, Social Inequality, and Environmental Change in Thailand and Cambodia
Award#:0433787 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$650,000 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Sep 15, 2004 Projected Duration:42 Months
PI: Kolata Institution:Nat Opinion Research Ctr State:Illinois District:01
107. Collaborative Proposal Cybertrust: Center for Internet Epidemiology and Defenses
Award#:0433702 Current Year Award Amount:$599,671 Cumulative Award Amount:$599,009 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:60 Months
PI: Paxson Institution:Internationl CompSci Inst State:California District:09
108. The Neural Basis of Risky Decision Making
Award#:0433693 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$764,118 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:36 Months
PI: Poldrack Institution:U of Cal Los Angeles State:California District:29
109. Agricultural Decision-Making in Indonesia with ENSO Variability: Integrating Climate Science, Risk Assessment, and Policy Analysis
Award#:0433679 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$702,366 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:36 Months
PI: Naylor Institution:Stanford University State:California District:00
110. Collaborative Research: Cybertrust Center for Internet Epidemiology and Defenses
Award#:0433668 Current Year Award Amount:$600,000 Cumulative Award Amount:$600,000 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:60 Months
PI: Savage Institution:U of Cal San Diego State:California District:41
111. CyberTrust Center: Security Through Interaction Modeling (STIM)
Award#:0433540 Current Year Award Amount:$1,312,474 Cumulative Award Amount:$1,191,904 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:60 Months
PI: Reiter Institution:Carnegie Mellon University State:Pennsylvania District:14
112. SGER: Rapid reaction sampling for fungi in smoke from Southeast Asia arriving in the United States
Award#:0432522 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$2,000 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Sep 15, 2004 Projected Duration:12 Months
PI: Mims Institution:GCO State:Texas District:14
113. BIC: Eye movements and depth perception in primates and machines
Award#:0432104 Current Year Award Amount:$125,000 Cumulative Award Amount:$100,000 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:36 Months
PI: Rucci Institution:Boston University State:Massachusetts District:08
114. Reforming Engineering Education: Multidisciplinary Engineering
Award#:0431906 Current Year Award Amount:$685,078 Cumulative Award Amount:$314,914 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:36 Months
PI: Haghighi Institution:Purdue University State:Indiana District:07
115. Integrating Service Learning into Mechanical Engineering Pedagogy at MIT
Award#:0431784 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$100,000 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:12 Months
PI: Wallace Institution:MIT State:Massachusetts District:08
116. SCI: SEI +II: Towards a Virtual Solar-Terrestrial Observatory
Award#:0431153 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$1,006,978 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:36 Months
PI: Fox Institution:UCAR State:Colorado District:02
117. SEI: Mining Solar Images to Support Astrophysics Research
Award#:0431128 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$200,000 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Sep 15, 2004 Projected Duration:36 Months
PI: Nasraoui Institution:University of Memphis State:Tennessee District:07
118. COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH: SEI + II (AST): Bypass-Yield Caching for Large-Scale Scientific Database Workloads in the World-Wide Telescope
Award#:0431008 Current Year Award Amount:$147,042 Cumulative Award Amount:$48,524 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:36 Months
PI: Ailamaki Institution:Carnegie Mellon University State:Pennsylvania District:14
119. SCI:Workshop: A TeacherTech Program for Pittsburgh, PSU, Summer 2004, Pittsburgh, PA
Award#:0431007 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$66,426 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:12 Months
PI: Clayton Institution:Carnegie Mellon University State:Pennsylvania District:14
120. COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH: SEI + II (AST): Bypass-Yield Caching for Large-Scale Scientific Database Workloads in the World-Wide Telescope
Award#:0430848 Current Year Award Amount:$288,933 Cumulative Award Amount:$81,556 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:36 Months
PI: Burns Institution:Johns Hopkins University State:Maryland District:00
121. SEI: TRUE Orthoimage Generation of High-Resolution UAV Video for Forest Fire Surveillance
Award#:0430669 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$75,364 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:12 Months
PI: Zhou Institution:Old Dominion Research Fdn State:Virginia District:02
122. Detection of Self-Propagating Malicious Code
Award#:0430436 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$329,945 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:36 Months
PI: Radha Institution:Michigan State University State:Michigan District:06
123. CT:Securing Untrusted Software with Interposition
Award#:0430425 Current Year Award Amount:$467,509 Cumulative Award Amount:$482,491 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Sep 15, 2004 Projected Duration:24 Months
PI: Mazieres Institution:New York University State:New York District:06
124. Exploring Risk Perception and Ultimate Trust in Online Environments: Viewpoints of the Visually-Impaired
Award#:0430406 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$173,612 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:12 Months
PI: Mills Institution:Purdue University State:Indiana District:07
125. COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH: Privacy-aware Information Release Control
Award#:0430402 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$120,000 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:36 Months
PI: Jajodia Institution:George Mason University State:Virginia District:11
126. Network Security Begins at Home: Changing Consumer Behavior for i-Safety
Award#:0430318 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$400,000 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:36 Months
PI: LaRose Institution:Michigan State University State:Michigan District:06
127. Cyber Trust: Controlling Internet Denial-of-Service with Capabilities
Award#:0430304 Current Year Award Amount:$106,769 Cumulative Award Amount:$109,423 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:36 Months
PI: Wetherall Institution:U of Washington State:Washington District:01
128. Collaborative Research: Trustworthy and Resilient Location Discovery in Wireless Sensor Networks
Award#:0430252 Current Year Award Amount:$55,811 Cumulative Award Amount:$47,162 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:36 Months
PI: Du Institution:Syracuse University State:New York District:27
129. Design and Implementation of Hydra: A Platform for Survivable and Secure Storage Systems
Award#:0430224 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$300,000 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:36 Months
PI: Xu Institution:Washington University State:Missouri District:01
130. Collaborative Research: Trustworthy and Resilient Location Discovery in Wireless Sensor Networks
Award#:0430223 Current Year Award Amount:$48,408 Cumulative Award Amount:$50,583 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:36 Months
PI: Ning Institution:North Carolina State U State:North Carolina District:
131. Cyber Trust: Real-Time Internet Routing Anomaly Detection and Mitigation
Award#:0430204 Current Year Award Amount:$99,096 Cumulative Award Amount:$98,787 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:36 Months
PI: Mao Institution:University of Michigan State:Michigan District:02
132. COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH: Privacy-Aware Information Release Control
Award#:0430165 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$120,000 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:36 Months
PI: Wang Institution:U of Vermont & St Agr Coll State:Vermont District:00
133. An I/O Buffer Cache Architecture for Remote Direct Memory Access
Award#:0429995 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$35,000 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:12 Months
PI: Wang Institution:U of Nebraska-Lincoln State:Nebraska District:01
134. SEI+II Information Integration through Events
Award#:0429644 Current Year Award Amount:$364,663 Cumulative Award Amount:$367,053 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:36 Months
PI: Beard-Tisdale Institution:University of Maine State:Maine District:00
135. Collaborative Research: Connecting to Congress: The Adoption and Use of Web Technologies Among Congressional Offices
Award#:0429452 Current Year Award Amount:$44,934 Cumulative Award Amount:$44,325 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:36 Months
PI: Esterling Institution:U of Cal Riverside State:California District:36
136. Collaborative Research: Connecting to Congress: The Adoption and Use of Web Technologies Among Congressional Offices
Award#:0429365 Current Year Award Amount:$315,394 Cumulative Award Amount:$150,651 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:36 Months
PI: Lazer Institution:Harvard University State:Massachusetts District:00
137. Enhancement of the Fast Hybrid Test System at the University of Colorado
Award#:0429276 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$155,724 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:12 Months
PI: Shing Institution:U of Colorado Boulder State:Colorado District:02
138. Upgrade of NEES Real-time Multidirectional Earthquake Simulation System to Enhance 3-D Testing Capabilities
Award#:0429184 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$68,487 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:12 Months
PI: Ricles Institution:Lehigh University State:Pennsylvania District:15
139. Collaborative Research: ITR-(ASE)-(sim): A Multi-scale Combined Hybrid-Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD)-Neutral Atom Code
Award#:0428880 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$1,662,650 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:48 Months
PI: Zank Institution:U of Cal Riverside State:California District:36
140. Collaborative Research: ITR (ASE)+(sim): Virtual Laboratory for Earth and Planetary Materials Studies
Award#:0428774 Current Year Award Amount:$300,000 Cumulative Award Amount:$1,012,000 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:48 Months
PI: Wentzcovitch Institution:U of Minnesota-Twin Cities State:Minnesota District:05
141. ITR: Collaborative Research: Looking Ahead: Designing the Next Generation Cyber-infrastructure to Operate Interactive Ocean
Award#:0428483 Current Year Award Amount:$250,000 Cumulative Award Amount:$1,249,941 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:48 Months
PI: Delaney Institution:U of Washington State:Washington District:01
142. ITR-(ASE+ECS)-(soc+sim+int)-Natural Language Processing Technology for Guided Study of Bioinformatics
Award#:0428472 Current Year Award Amount:$185,002 Cumulative Award Amount:$270,000 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Sep 15, 2004 Projected Duration:48 Months
PI: Roth Institution:U of Ill Urbana-Champaign State:Illinois District:19
143. ITR - \(ASE+NHS\) -\ (dmc+int\): Toward a Multi-Layered Architecture for Reliable and Secure Large-Scale Networks: The Case of an Electric Power Grid
Award#:0428404 Current Year Award Amount:$100,000 Cumulative Award Amount:$594,486 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:60 Months
PI: Ilic Institution:Carnegie Mellon University State:Pennsylvania District:14
144. Collaborative Research: Connecting to Congress: The Adoption & Use of Web Technologies Among Congressional Offices
Award#:0428006 Current Year Award Amount:$38,281 Cumulative Award Amount:$5,000 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:36 Months
PI: Neblo Institution:Ohio State Univ Res Fdn State:Ohio District:15
145. ITR: Collaborative Research: Looking Ahead: Designing the Next Generation Cyber-infrastructure to Operate Interactive Ocean Observatories
Award#:0427974 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$1,473,023 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:24 Months
PI: Orcutt Institution:U of Cal SD Scripps Inst State:California District:41
146. ITR - (NHS+ASE+ECS) - (dmc+sim+int): Loosely Cooperating Micro Air Vehicle Networks for Toxic Plume Characterization
Award#:0427947 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$949,998 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:48 Months
PI: Mohseni Institution:U of Colorado Boulder State:Colorado District:02
147. ITR-(ASE+EVS)- (dmc+sim): Tracking Environmental Change through the Data Resources of the Bird-monitoring Community
Award#:0427914 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$2,691,684 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Sep 15, 2004 Projected Duration:48 Months
PI: Kelling Institution:Cornell University State State:New York District:26
148. Collaborative Research: ITR-(ASE)-(sim): A Multi-scale Combined Hybrid-Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD)-Neutral Atom Code
Award#:0427754 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$334,772 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:48 Months
PI: Raeder Institution:U of New Hampshire State:New Hampshire District:00
149. ITR-(NHS)-(sim): Large-Scale Network Simulation for Security and Survivability Evaluation
Award#:0427700 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$499,780 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:48 Months
PI: Riley Institution:GA Tech Res Corp - GIT State:Georgia District:04
150. Sensors: Intelligent Multi-Sensor Modeling, Identification, and Data Fusion for Automated Manufacturing
Award#:0427597 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$80,000 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:24 Months
PI: Garg Institution:Duke University State:North Carolina District:02
151. ITR: Collaborative Research: (NHS+ASE) - (dmc+int+soc): A Wireless Local Positioning System for Mobile Remote Monitoring
Award#:0427430 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$350,000 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Sep 15, 2004 Projected Duration:48 Months
PI: Zekavat Institution:Mich Technological Univ State:Michigan District:11
152. ITR-(NHS+ASE)-(int+dmc+sim) Automatic Speech Attribute Transcription (ASAT): A Collaborative Speech Research Paradigm and Cyberinfrastructure with Applications to Automatic Speech
Award#:0427413 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$1,738,900 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Sep 15, 2004 Projected Duration:48 Months
PI: Lee Institution:GA Tech Res Corp - GIT State:Georgia District:04
153. ITR: Foundations of Visual Search
Award#:0427372 Current Year Award Amount:$240,000 Cumulative Award Amount:$240,000 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Dec 01, 2004 Projected Duration:60 Months
PI: Bovik Institution:U of Texas Austin State:Texas District:10
154. ITR: COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH: (ASE+ECS)-(int+dmc+soc) - Environment Computing for Global Grids
Award#:0427348 Current Year Award Amount:$100,000 Cumulative Award Amount:$75,000 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:48 Months
PI: Youssef Institution:Boston University State:Massachusetts District:08
155. ITR (NHS, ECS, int): Profile-Aware Web: Rules, Proofs, and Trust on the Semantic Web
Award#:0427275 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$1,000,000 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:36 Months
PI: Hendler Institution:U of MD College Park State:Maryland District:00
156. Collaborative Research: ITR (ASE)+(sim): Virtual Laboratory for Earth and Planetary Materials Studies
Award#:0427264 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$79,855 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:48 Months
PI: Pierce Institution:Indiana University State:Indiana District:08
157. Skill Learning for Humanoid Robots
Award#:0427260 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$900,000 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:48 Months
PI: Lee Institution:Purdue University State:Indiana District:07
158. "Collaborative Research"ITR-(ASE+EVS)-dmv+sim):Data Driven Simulation of the Subsurface: Optimization and Uncertainty Estimation
Award#:0427005 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$694,000 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:36 Months
PI: Wheeler Institution:U of Texas Austin State:Texas District:10
159. ITR: Collaborative Research: (ASE+ECS)-(int+dmc+soc) - Environment Computing for Global Grids
Award#:0427002 Current Year Award Amount:$100,000 Cumulative Award Amount:$75,000 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:48 Months
PI: Huth Institution:Harvard University State:Massachusetts District:00
160. SCI: ITR-(NHS+ASE)-(int+dmc): Dependable Grids
Award#:0426972 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$2,100,000 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:36 Months
PI: Grimshaw Institution:University of Virginia State:Virginia District:07
161. ITR-(ASE+NHS)-(dmc+sim): Simulation Transformation for Dynamic, Data-Driven Application Systems (DDDAS)
Award#:0426971 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$901,150 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:36 Months
PI: Brogan Institution:University of Virginia State:Virginia District:07
162. ITR: Collaborative Research: (NHS+ASE)-(dmc+int+soc): A Wireless Local Positioning System for Mobile Remote Monitoring
Award#:0426925 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$150,000 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Sep 15, 2004 Projected Duration:48 Months
PI: Mark Institution:George Mason University State:Virginia District:11
163. ITR: Flexible and Dynamic Workflow Design: Theory and Practice
Award#:0426886 Current Year Award Amount:$142,727 Cumulative Award Amount:$161,774 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:60 Months
PI: Chow Institution:University of Florida State:Florida District:06
164. Collaborative Research: ITR (ASE)+(sim): Virtual Laboratory for Earth and Planetary Materials Studies
Award#:0426867 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$110,991 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:48 Months
PI: Erlebacher Institution:Florida State University State:Florida District:02
165. ITR-(ASE)-(int): Portable Neutron Scattering Visualization and Reduction Software
Award#:0426797 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$261,000 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Sep 15, 2004 Projected Duration:24 Months
PI: Mikkelson Institution:U of Wisconsin Stout State:Wisconsin District:03
166. Collaborative Research: ITR (ASE)+(sim): Virtual Laboratory for Earth and Planetary Materials Studies
Award#:0426757 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$288,000 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:48 Months
PI: Allen Institution:SUNY Stony Brook State:New York District:00
167. Collaborative Research: ITR (ASE)+(sim): Virtual Laboratory for Earth and Planetary Materials Studies
Award#:0426601 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$31,605 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:48 Months
PI: Karki Institution:La St U & A&M; Coll State:Louisiana District:06
168. Collaborative Research: ITR-(ASE+EVS)-(dmc+sim) Data Driven Simulation of the Subsurface: Optimization and Uncertainty Estimation
Award#:0426354 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$186,000 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:36 Months
PI: Parashar Institution:Rutgers Univ New Brunswick State:New Jersey District:06
169. NCLT: A Center to Develop Nanoscale Science and Engineering Educators with Leadership Capabilities
Award#:0426328 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$6,000,000 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:60 Months
PI: Chang Institution:Northwestern University State:Illinois District:09
170. ITR: Collaborative Research (ASE+EVS)-(dmc+sim): Data Driven Simulation of the Subsurface: Optimization and Uncertainty Estimation
Award#:0426241 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$220,000 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:36 Months
PI: Saltz Institution:Ohio State Univ Res Fdn State:Ohio District:15
171. QSB: Computational Modeling of Genome-wide Transcriptional Regulation
Award#:0425662 Current Year Award Amount:$165,447 Cumulative Award Amount:$163,118 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Sep 15, 2004 Projected Duration:36 Months
PI: Pugh Institution:PA St U University Park State:Pennsylvania District:23
172. Integration of Data and Models to Assess Forest Biodiversity
Award#:0425465 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$328,171 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Sep 15, 2004 Projected Duration:36 Months
PI: Clark Institution:Duke University State:North Carolina District:02
173. Patent Informatics for Patent Thicket Detection
Award#:0425116 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$99,399 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:12 Months
PI: Clarkson Institution:University of Michigan State:Michigan District:02
174. Collaborative Research: ITR (ASE)+(sim): Virtual Laboratory for Earth and Planetary Materials Studies
Award#:0425059 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$89,555 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:48 Months
PI: Spera Institution:U of Cal Santa Barbara State:California District:19
175. MII: Holistic Model for Minority Education and Research
Award#:0424556 Current Year Award Amount:$219,708 Cumulative Award Amount:$189,660 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:60 Months
PI: Evans Institution:Florida A&M; University State:Florida District:02
176. NSF/CONACyT: Environmental Catalytic Processes
Award#:0423859 Current Year Award Amount:$45,099 Cumulative Award Amount:$60,000 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:36 Months
PI: Zaera Institution:U of Cal Riverside State:California District:36
177. SGER: Nanoparticle Shape Formation Mechanisms in Gas Phase Synthesis
Award#:0423621 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$40,000 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:12 Months
PI: Xing Institution:U of Missouri Rolla State:Missouri District:00
178. Collaborative Research: Master-Slave Clock Networks: Modeling, Analysis and Neurobiology
Award#:0423200 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$49,000 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:12 Months
PI: Harrington Institution:Smith College State:Massachusetts District:01
179. Using Machine Learning and Cognitive Modeling to Understand the fMRI-measured Brain Activation Underlying the Representations of Words and Sentences
Award#:0423070 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$224,575 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Sep 15, 2004 Projected Duration:24 Months
PI: Mitchell Institution:Carnegie Mellon University State:Pennsylvania District:14
180. Robotics: Fundamentals of Information Technology and Engineering
Award#:0423059 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$1,199,328 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:36 Months
PI: Buchanan Institution:Northeastern University State:Massachusetts District:08
181. Collaborative Research: Master-Slave Clock Networks: Modeling, Analysis and Neurobiology
Award#:0422886 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$48,716 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:12 Months
PI: Siegelmann Institution:U of Massachusetts Amherst State:Massachusetts District:00
182. NSF Future Scholars Program
Award#:0422526 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$400,000 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Sep 15, 2004 Projected Duration:48 Months
PI: Acuna Institution:Cal Poly Pomona Fdn, Inc State:California District:33
183. Enhancing Transfer Students Graduation Success in Computer Science, Engineering, Mathematics and Statistics
Award#:0422454 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$400,000 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Sep 15, 2004 Projected Duration:48 Months
PI: Mitchell Institution:North Carolina State U State:North Carolina District:
184. ACA NSF Scholars: Encouraging the Study of Computer Science, Engineering, and Mathematics in Central Appalachia
Award#:0422450 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$200,000 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Sep 15, 2004 Projected Duration:36 Months
PI: Lee Institution:Appalachian College Assoc State:Kentucky District:06
185. Computer Science, Engineering, and Mathematics Scholarship Program
Award#:0422397 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$200,000 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Sep 15, 2004 Projected Duration:48 Months
PI: Walcott Institution:U of Kentucky Res Fdn State:Kentucky District:00
186. SBIR Phase II: MatchBox Display Systems
Award#:0422099 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$499,935 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:24 Months
PI: Mao Institution:STI State:North Carolina District:00
187. SGER: Shape-Dependent, Selective Self-Assembly for Nanomanufacturing
Award#:0422022 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$90,000 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Sep 15, 2004 Projected Duration:12 Months
PI: Livermore-Clifford Institution:MIT State:Massachusetts District:08
188. SBIR Phase II: Characterization of the Metabolic Competency of Centrifugal Bioreactors
Award#:0421962 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$500,000 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:24 Months
PI: Herman Institution:KBI State:Georgia District:04
189. GE:GenEn: Solar Saltern Extremophage: Genomics and Population Modeling
Award#:0421955 Current Year Award Amount:$786,619 Cumulative Award Amount:$865,962 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:48 Months
PI: Rohwer Institution:San Diego State Univ Fdn State:California District:49
190. Scientific Computing Research Environments for the Mathematical Sciences (SCREMS)
Award#:0421608 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$92,899 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:24 Months
PI: E Institution:Princeton University State:New Jersey District:12
191. NEESR-II: Dynamic Passive Pressure on Full-Scale Pile Caps
Award#:0421312 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$388,436 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:36 Months
PI: Gerber Institution:Brigham Young University State:Utah District:03
192. Development of the Single-Crystal Diamond from Chemical Vapor Deposition for the Next Generation High-Pressure Devices
Award#:0421020 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$250,124 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Sep 15, 2004 Projected Duration:12 Months
PI: Hemley Institution:Carnegie Inst of Wash State:District of Columbia District:98
193. MRI: Acquisition of a Cluster Computer for Digital Biology
Award#:0420984 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$300,000 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Sep 01, 2004 Projected Duration:36 Months
PI: Lichtarge Institution:Baylor College of Medicine State:Texas District:02
194. NEESR-SG: Self-Centering Damage-Free Seismic-Resistant Steel Frame Systems
Award#:0420974 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$2,000,000 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:48 Months
PI: Sause Institution:Lehigh University State:Pennsylvania District:15
195. Financial Frictions in Quantitative International Business Cycle Models
Award#:0419213 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$75,970 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Nov 01, 2004 Projected Duration:36 Months
PI: Kehoe Institution:NBER State:Massachusetts District:08
196. Space Weather: Reconstruction of the Transverse Solar Wind Profile at 1 AU Using Basic Data Assimilation Techniques
Award#:0418719 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$54,469 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:36 Months
PI: Merka Institution:L-3 GSI State:Virginia District:00
197. Identity and the Economics of Organizational Behavior
Award#:0417871 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$81,683 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:36 Months
PI: Akerlof Institution:U of Cal Berkeley State:California District:08
198. CMG Collaborative Research: Structures of Uncertainty in Coupled Phys-Bio-Biological EstimStructures of Uncertainty in Coupled Physical-Biological Estimation in the Coastal Ocean
Award#:0417845 Current Year Award Amount:$145,674 Cumulative Award Amount:$117,960 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Sep 15, 2004 Projected Duration:48 Months
PI: McGillicuddy Institution:Woods Hole Ocean Inst State:Massachusetts District:00
199. CMG Collaborative Research: Structures of Uncertainty in Coupled Phys-Bio-Biological EstimStructures of Uncertainty in Coupled Physical-Biological Estimation in the Coastal Ocean
Award#:0417769 Current Year Award Amount:$159,244 Cumulative Award Amount:$80,537 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Sep 15, 2004 Projected Duration:48 Months
PI: Lynch Institution:Dartmouth College State:New Hampshire District:00
200. CRCD/EI: 4G Wireless Engineering Sandbox
Award#:0417565 Current Year Award Amount:$98,364 Cumulative Award Amount:$220,934 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:24 Months
PI: Biaz Institution:Auburn University State:Alabama District:03
201. Network Modeling of International Peace and Trade Data
Award#:0417559 Current Year Award Amount:$75,000 Cumulative Award Amount:$75,000 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:24 Months
PI: Hoff Institution:U of Washington State:Washington District:01
202. Development of a Retinal Readout System
Award#:0417175 Current Year Award Amount:$164,748 Cumulative Award Amount:$335,253 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:36 Months
PI: Litke Institution:U of Cal Santa Cruz State:California District:17
203. Automatic Processing of Spoken and Written Lecture Material
Award#:0415865 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$825,000 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:36 Months
PI: Barzilay Institution:MIT State:Massachusetts District:08
204. Projection and Interactive Exploration of Large Relational Data
Award#:0414857 Current Year Award Amount:$195,000 Cumulative Award Amount:$175,000 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:36 Months
PI: Yang Institution:Western Michigan Univ State:Michigan District:03
205. A Better Book Browser: How to Read a Million Books
Award#:0414557 Current Year Award Amount:$115,000 Cumulative Award Amount:$200,000 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:36 Months
PI: Lesk Institution:Rutgers Univ New Brunswick State:New Jersey District:06
206. How can document-genre metadata improve information-access for large digital collections?
Award#:0414482 Current Year Award Amount:$150,000 Cumulative Award Amount:$152,685 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Jan 01, 2005 Projected Duration:24 Months
PI: Crowston Institution:Syracuse University State:New York District:27
207. Nonlinear Statistical Modeling of Speech
Award#:0414450 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$450,000 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Sep 15, 2004 Projected Duration:36 Months
PI: Picone Institution:Mississippi State Univ State:Mississippi District:03
208. Multiscale Stochastic Modeling, Analysis and Computation
Award#:0413864 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$314,454 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Sep 15, 2004 Projected Duration:36 Months
PI: Katsoulakis Institution:U of Massachusetts Amherst State:Massachusetts District:00
209. Evolution Discoveries -- A Planning Grant
Award#:0413636 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$49,807 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:12 Months
PI: de Freitas Institution:Soundprint Media Ctr, Inc State:Maryland District:98
210. Education Workshops, 18th Annual Symposium The Protein Society to be held August 14-18, 2004, in San Diego, CA
Award#:0413515 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$5,000 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Aug 01, 2004 Projected Duration:12 Months
PI: Matthews Institution:PS State:Maryland District:08
211. Micromirror Arrays for Imaging Sensors
Award#:0413012 Current Year Award Amount:$45,000 Cumulative Award Amount:$250,000 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:36 Months
PI: Hicks Institution:Drexel University State:Pennsylvania District:02
212. A Modern Iinventory of the Ppolyclad Ffauna of the Caribbean
Award#:0412932 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$588,788 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:36 Months
PI: Litvaitis Institution:U of New Hampshire State:New Hampshire District:00
213. BE/GENEN: Global Transcriptional Responses in Nitrogen Cycling and Nutrient Removal Processes and Development of Supplemental Instructional Workshops
Award#:0412711 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$1,996,860 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:60 Months
PI: Arp Institution:Oregon State University State:Oregon District:05
214. Project Pathways: A Math and Science Partnership Program for Arizona Targeted Project Track
Award#:0412537 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$12,494,170 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Sep 15, 2004 Projected Duration:60 Months
PI: Carlson Institution:Arizona State University State:Arizona District:01
215. Math and Science Partnership in New York City (MSPinNYC)
Award#:0412413 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$12,499,989 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Sep 15, 2004 Projected Duration:60 Months
PI: Mills Institution:CUNY City Univ New York State:New York District:14
216. Boston Science Partnership
Award#:0412390 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$12,500,000 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Sep 15, 2004 Projected Duration:60 Months
PI: Sevian Institution:U of Massachusetts Boston State:Massachusetts District:09
217. A Greater Birmingham Partnership: Building Communities of Learners and Leaders in Middle School Mathematics
Award#:0412373 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$9,961,108 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Sep 15, 2004 Projected Duration:60 Months
PI: Mullins Institution:Birmingham Southern Col State:Alabama District:07
218. Rocky Mountain Middle School Math Science Partnership: 15 Months to Highly Qualified
Award#:0412343 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$12,499,644 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Sep 15, 2004 Projected Duration:60 Months
PI: Kimbrough Institution:U of Colorado Denver State:Colorado District:01
219. Flexible Scheduling in Real-Time Control Systems with Uncertainty
Award#:0410771 Current Year Award Amount:$181,916 Cumulative Award Amount:$88,084 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Sep 15, 2004 Projected Duration:36 Months
PI: Hu Institution:University of Notre Dame State:Indiana District:03
220. Practice-Based Manufacturing Education - Adapting a Learning Factory Approach
Award#:0410683 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$95,526 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:24 Months
PI: Ziemian Institution:Bucknell University State:Pennsylvania District:17
221. Automated-Minirhizotron and Arrayed Rhizosphere-Soil Sensors [A-MARSS]
Award#:0410408 Current Year Award Amount:$354,562 Cumulative Award Amount:$999,499 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:60 Months
PI: Allen Institution:U of Cal Riverside State:California District:36
222. BE/CNH: Feedbacks Among Forestry, Agriculture, and Fire in Amazonia
Award#:0410315 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$1,598,998 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:60 Months
PI: Nepstad Institution:Woods Hole Research Ctr State:Massachusetts District:10
223. Implementation of SCEC Research for Seismic Risk Reduction
Award#:0409705 Current Year Award Amount:$336,855 Cumulative Award Amount:$174,578 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:36 Months
PI: Jordan Institution:U of Southern California State:California District:21
224. Natural Earthquake Laboratory in South African Mines (NELSAM)
Award#:0409605 Current Year Award Amount:$559,954 Cumulative Award Amount:$623,451 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:36 Months
PI: Reches Institution:U of Oklahoma State:Oklahoma District:04
225. A Clearinghouse on Natural Hazards Research and Applications
Award#:0408499 Current Year Award Amount:$977,440 Cumulative Award Amount:$720,834 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:24 Months
PI: Tierney Institution:U of Colorado Boulder State:Colorado District:02
226. Topological Methods in Analysis and Geometry
Award#:0406311 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$79,134 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:36 Months
PI: Rudyak Institution:University of Florida State:Florida District:06
227. Classification, Analysis and Navigation Tools for Physics Research Communication
Award#:0404553 Current Year Award Amount:$380,000 Cumulative Award Amount:$40,000 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:36 Months
PI: Ginsparg Institution:Cornell University-Endowed State:New York District:26
228. NER: Nano-Scale Probe Array for Extraction of Genetic Material from Viruses
Award#:0404107 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$100,000 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:12 Months
PI: Bashir Institution:Purdue University State:Indiana District:07
229. NEES Consortium Operation: FY 2005 - FY 2014
Award#:0402490 Current Year Award Amount:$17,538,161 Cumulative Award Amount:$2,000,000 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:60 Months
PI: Buckle Institution:NEES Consortium, Inc. State:California District:07
230. Holographic Optical Coherence Laser Ranging in Turbid Media
Award#:0401858 Current Year Award Amount:$99,000 Cumulative Award Amount:$89,199 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Sep 15, 2004 Projected Duration:36 Months
PI: Nolte Institution:Purdue University State:Indiana District:07
231. Lattice Gauge Theory with Chiral Fermions
Award#:0400402 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$66,730 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:12 Months
PI: Narayanan Institution:Florida International Univ State:Florida District:17
Award#:0354979 Current Year Award Amount:$600,000 Cumulative Award Amount:$600,000 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Sep 15, 2004 Projected Duration:60 Months
PI: O'Neil Institution:U of Cal San Diego State:California District:41
233. Ion Acceleration with High Intensity Lasers
Award#:0354929 Current Year Award Amount:$153,000 Cumulative Award Amount:$163,000 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:36 Months
PI: Umstadter Institution:University of Michigan State:Michigan District:02
234. Development of an Advanced Image Slicer Integral Field Unit for Diffraction-Limited 3-D Imaging, Spectroscopy and Polarimetry
Award#:0352826 Current Year Award Amount:$102,093 Cumulative Award Amount:$207,078 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:24 Months
PI: Ren Institution:PA St U University Park State:Pennsylvania District:23
235. CAREER: Heavy Flavor Physics with the CDF Detector and Saturday Physics Honors Statewide
Award#:0349179 Current Year Award Amount:$76,194 Cumulative Award Amount:$72,684 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:60 Months
PI: Pitts Institution:U of Ill Urbana-Champaign State:Illinois District:19
236. Magnetic Oxide Nanoparticles Templated By the Self-Assembly of Block Copolymers
Award#:0347319 Current Year Award Amount:$50,000 Cumulative Award Amount:$50,000 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:36 Months
PI: Kofinas Institution:U of MD College Park State:Maryland District:00
237. Collaborative Research: Workshop for Integrated EarthScope Research and Education in the Northern Rocky Mountains
Award#:0346182 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$22,250 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Sep 15, 2004 Projected Duration:12 Months
PI: Mueller Institution:University of Florida State:Florida District:06
238. DMUU: Improving Decisions in a Complex and Changing World
Award#:0345925 Current Year Award Amount:$499,989 Cumulative Award Amount:$899,976 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Sep 15, 2004 Projected Duration:60 Months
PI: Lempert Institution:Rand Corporation State:California District:29
239. Collaborative Research: A Workshop Proposal for Integrated EarthScope Research and Education in the Northern Rocky Mountains
Award#:0345708 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$38,749 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Sep 15, 2004 Projected Duration:12 Months
PI: Mogk Institution:Montana State University State:Montana District:01
240. DMUU: Science Policy Assessment and Research on Climate (SPARC) for Decision-Making Under Uncertainty
Award#:0345604 Current Year Award Amount:$484,724 Cumulative Award Amount:$887,364 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:60 Months
PI: Pielke Institution:U of Colorado Boulder State:Colorado District:02
241. Coordination Dynamics of the Human Locomotor and Respiratory Systems
Award#:0341767 Current Year Award Amount:$95,443 Cumulative Award Amount:$113,805 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Aug 01, 2004 Projected Duration:36 Months
PI: Van Emmerik Institution:U of Massachusetts Amherst State:Massachusetts District:00
242. A Turing Tournament for Behavioral Economics
Award#:0338732 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$199,956 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:24 Months
PI: Ledyard Institution:California Inst of Tech State:California District:22
243. Genomic Instability and the Evolution of the Antarctic Notothenioid Fishes
Award#:0336932 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$440,000 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:24 Months
PI: Detrich Institution:Northeastern University State:Massachusetts District:08
244. Presidential Awards for Excellence in Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Mentoring
Award#:0328403 Current Year Award Amount:$0 Cumulative Award Amount:$10,000 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Sep 15, 2004 Projected Duration:24 Months
PI: Greenwood Institution:Alfred P Sloan Fdn State:New York District:15
245. GOALI: Development of a Seismic Design Methodology for Precast Floor Diaphragms
Award#:0324522 Current Year Award Amount:$260,698 Cumulative Award Amount:$107,763 Estimated Total Award Amount:$0
Original Start Date:Oct 01, 2004 Projected Duration:36 Months
PI: Fleischman Institution:U of Arizona State:Arizona District:02

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