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NLS: That All May Read

NLS Contact List

Address and Contact Numbers

National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped
Library of Congress
Washington, DC 20542
Telephone (202) 707-5100
Fax (202) 707-0712
TDD (202) 707-0744
e-mail nls@loc.gov
website http://www.loc.gov/nls

See also NLS Organization Chart

Office of the Director

Director, Frank Kurt Cylke
Desputy Director, Michael M. Moodie
Assistant to the Director, Marvine R. Wanamaker
Program Management Assistant, Alice G. Freeman
Automation Officer, Robert J. McDermott
Automation Specialist, Lloyd E. Lewis
IT Specialist, Martinez Majors
Digital Projects Coordinator, Jean Moss
Postal Liaison, Stephen Prine
Web Manager, Tom Martin

Administrative Section

Head, Marsha Jackson
Administrative Assistant, Deloris Gainer
Assistant to the Head, Joyce Worthy
Contract Specialist, Lee Hurwitz

Publications and Media Section

Head, Robert E. Fistick
Assistant Head, Jane Caulton
NLS News, Edmund O'Reilly

Materials Development Division

Chief, Wells B. Kormann
Assistant to the Chief, Vivian C. Crump
Equipment Control Officer, James Miller
Secretary, Carolyn M. Proctor

Bibliographic Control Section

Head, Robert Axtell
Bibliographic Control Officer, Jacqueline Dickens

Braille Development Section

Head, Mary Lou Stark
Braille Instructor, Linda Bobo
Literary Braille Advisor, John E. Wilkinson

Collection Development Section

Head, James R. Herndon
Adult Services Librarian, Gloria Zittrauser
Children's Librarian, [Vacant]
Foreign Language Librarian, James R. Herndon
Young Adult Librarian, Barbara C. Kelly

Engineering Section

Head, Vacant
Audio Book Production Specialist, Billy R. West
Repair Officer, Kevin M. Watson

Production Control Section

Head, John Bryant
Assistant Head, [Vacant]
Studio Director, Margaret Goergen-Rood

Quality Assurance Section

Head, Donald H. Smith
Assistant Head, Thomas McLaughlin

Network Division

Chief, Carolyn H.Sung
Assistant Chief, Tom Martin
Consumer Relations Officer, Judith M. Dixon
Secretary, Karen E. Bethea

Inventory Management Section

Head, [Vacant]
Parts Coordinator, Kevin Cross
XESS Coordinator, Dorothy Moore

Music Section

Head, John Hanson

Network Services Section

Head, Stephen Prine
Bibliographer, Catherine O'Connor
International Interlibrary Loan, Y. Rathan Raj
Network Consultant, Deborah Toomey
Network Consultant, David Whittall
Services to U.S. Citizens Abroad, Y. Rathan Raj

Reference Section

Head, Linda C. Redmond
CMLS Coordinator, Sylvia Dye
Government Information and Volunteer Specialist, Freddie L. Peaco

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Posted on 2004-10-20