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Hiram Levy II

Levy II, Hiram

  1. Fan, S-M., L. W. Horowitz, H. Levy II, and W. J. Moxim, 2004: Impact of air pollution on wet deposition of mineral dust aerosolsGeophysical Research Letters, 31, L02104, doi:10.1029/2003GL018501.

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  3. Holloway, T., H. Levy II, and G. Carmichael, 2002: Transfer of reactive nitrogen in Asia: development and evaluation of a source–receptor model. Atmospheric Environment, 36(26), 4251-4264.

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  5. Phadnis, M. J., H. Levy II, and W. J. Moxim, 2002: On the evolution of pollution from South and Southeast Asia during the winter-spring monsoon. Journal of Geophysical Research, 107(D24), 4790, doi:10.1029/2002JD002190.

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  7. Galanter, M., H. Levy II, and G. R. Carmichael, 2000: Impacts of biomass burning on tropospheric CO, NOX, and O3. Journal of Geophysical Research, 105(D5), 6633-6653.

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  9. Holloway, T., H. Levy II, and P. Kasibhatla, 2000: Global distribution of carbon monoxide. Journal of Geophysical Research, 105(D10), 12,124-12,147.

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  11. Kasibhatla, P., H. Levy II, W. J. Moxim, S. N. Pandis,  J. J. Corbett, M. C. Peterson, R. E. Honrath, K. Knapp, D. D. Parrish, T. B. Ryerson, and G. J. Frost, 2000: Do emissions from ships have a significant impact on concentrations of nitrogen oxides in the marine boundary layer? Geophysical Research Letters, 27(15), 2229-2232.

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  13. Moxim, W. J., and H. Levy II, 2000: A model analysis of the tropical South Atlantic Ocean tropospheric ozone maximum: The interaction of transport and chemistry. Journal of Geophysical Research, 105(D13), 17,393-17,415.

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  15. Rasch, P. J., J. Feichter, K. Law, N. Mahowald, J. Penner, C. Benkovitz, C. Genthon, C. Giannakopoulos, P. Kasibhatla, D. Koch, and et al., H. Levy, 2000: A comparison of scavenging and deposition processes in global models: results from the WCRP Cambridge Workshop of 1995. Tellus, 52B(4), 1025-1056.

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  17. Yienger, J. J., M. Galanter, T. A. Holloway, M. J. Phadnis, S. K. Guttikunda, G. R. Carmichael, W. J. Moxim, and H. Levy II, 2000: The episodic nature of air pollution transport from Asia to North America. Journal of Geophysical Research, 105(D22), 26,931-26,945.

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  19. Levy II, H., W. J. Moxim, A. A. Klonecki, and P. S. Kasibhatla, 1999:  Simulated tropospheric NOx : Its evaluation, global distribution and individual source contributions. Journal of Geophysical Research, 104(D21),  26,279-26,306.

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  21. Yienger, J. J., A. A. Klonecki, H. Levy II, W. J. Moxim, and G. R. Carmichael, 1999: An evaluation of chemistry's role in the winter-spring ozone maximum found in the northern midlatitude free troposphere. Journal of Geophysical Research, 104(D3), 3655-3667.

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  23. Wang, S. W., H. Levy II, G. Li, H. Rabitz, 1999: Fully equivalent operational models for atmospheric chemical kinetics within global chemistry-transport models. Journal of Geophysical Research, 104(D23), 30,417-30,426.

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  25. Oltmans, S. J., A. S. Lefohn, H. E. Scheel, J. M. Harris, H. Levy II, I. E. Galbally, E.-G. Brunke, C. P. Meyer, J. A. Lathrop, B. J. Johnson, D. S. Shadwick, E. Cuevas, F. J. Schmidlin, D.W. Tarasick, H. Claude, J. B. Kerr, O. Uchino, and V. Mohnen, 1998: Trends of ozone in the troposphere. Geophysical Research Letters, 25(2), 139-142.

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  27. Klonecki, A., and H. Levy II, 1997: Tropospheric chemical ozone tendencies in CO-CH4-NOy-H2O system: Their sensitivity to variations in environmental parameters and their application to a global chemistry transport model study. Journal of Geophysical Research, 102(D17), 21,221-21,237.

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  29. Levy, H. II, P. S. Kasibhatla, W. J. Moxim, A. A. Klonecki, A. I. Hirsch, S. J. Oltmans, and W. L. Chameides, 1997: The global impact of human activity on tropospheric ozone. Geophysical Research Letters, 24(7), 791-794.

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  31. Kasibhatla, P., H. Levy II, A. Klonecki, and W. L. Chameides, 1996: Three-dimensional view of the large-scale tropospheric ozone distribution over the North Atlantic Ocean during summer. Journal of Geophysical Research, 101(D22), 29,305-29,316.

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  33. Levy, H. II, W. J. Moxim, and Kasibhatla, 1996: A global three-dimensional time-dependent lightning source of tropospheric NOx. Journal of Geophysical Research, 101(D17), 22,911-22,922.

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  35. Merrill, J. T., J. L. Moody, S. J. Oltmans, and H. Levy II, 1996: Meteorological analysis of tropospheric ozone profiles at Bermuda. Journal of Geophysical Research, 101(D22), 29,201-29,211.

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  37. Moody, J. L., J. C. Davenport, J. T. Merrill, S. J. Oltmans, D. D. Parrish, J. S. Holloway, H. Levy II, G. L. Forbes, M. Trainer, and M. Buhr, 1996: Meteorological mechanisms for transporting O3 over the western North Atlantic Ocean: A case study for August 24-29, 1993. Journal of Geophysical Research, 101(D22), 29,213-29,227.

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  39. Moxim, W. J., H. Levy II, and P. S. Kasibhatla, 1996: Simulated global tropospheric PAN: Its transport and impact on NOx. Journal of Geophysical Research, 101(D7), 12,621-12,638.

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  41. Oltmans, S. J., H. Levy II, J. M. Harris, J. T. Merrill, J. L. Moody, J. A. Lathrop, E. Cuevas, M. Trainer, M. S. O'Neill, J. M. Prospero, H. Vomel, and B. J. Johnson, 1996: Summer and spring ozone profiles over the North Atlantic from ozonesonde measurements. Journal of Geophysical Research, 101(D22), 29,179-29,200.

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  43. Galloway, J. N., W. H. Schlesinger, H. Levy II, A. Michaels, and J. L. Schnoor, 1995: Nitrogen fixation: anthropogenic enhancement-environmental response. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 9(2), 235-252.

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  45. Lawrence, M. G., W. L. Chameides, P. S. Kasibhatla, H. Levy II, and W. Moxim, 1995: Lightning and atmospheric chemistry: the rate of atmospheric NO production. In Handbook of Atmospheric Electrodynamics, Vol. 1, Bonn, Germany: CRC Press, 189-202.

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  47. Levy, H., II, J. J. Yienger, W. J. Moxim, P. S. Kasibhatla, and W. L. Chameides, 1995: The increase of pollutants (nitrogen oxides and ozone) in the summertime Midwest. In Preparing for Global Change: A Midwestern Perspective, Amsterdam; The Netherlands: SPB Academic Publishing, 11-19.

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  49. Moody, J. L., S. J. Oltmans, H. Levy II, and J. T. Merrill, 1995: Transport climatology of tropospheric ozone: Bermuda, 1988-1991. Journal of Geophysical Research, 100(D4), 7179-7194.

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  51. Prospero, J. M., R. Schmitt, E. Cuevas, D. L. Savoie, W. C. Graustein, K. K. Turekian, A. Volz-Thomas, A. Diaz, S. J. Oltmans, and H. Levy II, 1995: Temporal variability of summer-time ozone and aerosols in the free troposphere over the eastern North Atlantic. Geophysical Research Letters, 22(21), 2925-2928.

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  53. Yienger, J. J., and H. Levy II, 1995: Empirical model of global soil-biogenic NOx emissions. Journal of Geophysical Research, 100(D6), 11,447-11,464.

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  55. Chameides, W. L., P. S. Kasibhatla, J. Yienger, H. Levy II, 1994: Growth of continental-scale metro-agro-plexes, regional ozone pollution, and world food production. Science, 264, 74-77.

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  57. Galloway, J. N., H. Levy II, and P. S. Kasibhatla, 1994: Year 2020: Consequences of population growth and development on deposition of oxidized nitrogen. AMBIO, 23(2), 120-123.

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  59. Oltmans, S. J., and H. Levy II, 1994: Surface ozone measurements from a global network. Atmospheric Environment, 28(1), 9-24.

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  61. Kasibhatla, P. S., H. Levy II, and W. J. Moxim, 1993: Global NOx, HNO3, PAN, and NOy distributions from fossil fuel combustion emissions: A model study. Journal of Geophysical Research, 98(D4), 7165-7180.

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  63. Levy, H., II, W. J. Moxim, and P. S. Kasibhatla, 1993: Impact of global NOx sources on the northern latitudes. In The Tropospheric Chemistry of Ozone in the Polar Regions, NATO ASI Series I, Vol. 7, Spinger-Verlag, 77-88.

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  65. Oltmans, S. J., and H. Levy II, 1992: Seasonal cycle of surface ozone over the western North Atlantic. Nature, 358, 392-394.

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  67. Savoie, D. L., J. M. Prospero, S. J. Oltmans, W. C. Graustein, K. K. Turekian, J. T. Merrill, and H. Levy II, 1992: Sources of nitrate and ozone in the marine boundary layer of the tropical North Atlantic. Journal of Geophysical Research, 97(D11), 11,575-11,589.

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  69. Kasibhatla, P. S., H. Levy II, W. J. Moxim, and W. L. Chameides, 1991: The relative impact of stratospheric photochemical production of tropospheric NOy levels: A model study. Journal of Geophysical Research, 96(D10), 18,631-18,646.

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  71. Levy, H., II: 1990: Regional and global transport and distribution of trace species released at the earth's surface. In Long Range Transport of Pesticides, Lewis Publishers, 83-95.

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  73. Levy, H., II, 1989: Simulated global deposition of reactive nitrogen emitted by fossil fuel combustion. In Atmospheric Deposition, IAHS Publication No. 179, 3-9.

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  75. Levy, H., II, and W. J. Moxim, 1989: Examining the global impact of local/regional air pollution: The role of global chemical transport models. In Air Pollution Modeling and its Application VII, Plenum Publishing Corp., 139-157.

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  77. Levy, H., II, and W. J. Moxim, 1989: Influence of long-range transport of combustion emissions on the chemical variability of the background atmosphere. Nature, 338(6213), 326-328.

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  79. Levy, H., II, and W. J. Moxim, 1989: Simulated global distribution and deposition of reactive nitrogen emitted by fossil fuel combustion. Tellus, 41B, 256-271.

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  81. Levy, H., II, 1988: Global transport of ozone. In Tropospheric Ozone, D. Reidel Publishing Company, 319-325.

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  83. Levy, H., II, 1987: Tracers of atmospheric transport. Nature, 325, 761-762.

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  85. Levy, H., II, and W. J. Moxim, 1987: Fate of US and Canadian combustion nitrogen emissions. Nature, 328(6129), 414-416.

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  87. Levy, H., II, J. D. Mahlman, W. J. Moxim, and S. C. Liu, 1985: Tropospheric ozone: The role of transport. Journal of Geophysical Research, 90(D2), 3753-3772.

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  89. Levy, H., II, J. D. Mahlman, and W. J. Moxim, 1982: Tropospheric N2O variability. Journal of Geophysical Research, 87(C4), 3061-3080.

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  91. Liu, S. C., D. Kley, M. McFarland, J. D. Mahlman, and H. Levy II, 1981: Reply. Journal of Geophysical Research, 86(C12), 12,165-12,166.

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  93. Levy, H., II, J. D. Mahlman, and W. J. Moxim, 1980: A stratospheric source of reactive nitrogen in the unpolluted troposphere. Geophysical Research Letters, 7(6), 441-444.

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  95. Liu, S. C., D. Kley, M. McFarland, J. D. Mahlman, and H. Levy II, 1980: On the origin of tropospheric ozone. Journal of Geophysical Research, 85(C12), 7546-7552.

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  97. Mahlman, J. D., H. Levy II, and W. J. Moxim, 1980: Three-dimensional tracer structure and behavior as simulated in two ozone precursor experiments. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 37(3), 655-685.

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  99. Levy, H. , II, J. D. Mahlman, and W. J. Moxim, 1979: Preliminary report on the numerical simulation of the three-dimensional structure and variability of atmospheric N2O. Geophysical Research Letters, 6(3), 155-158.

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