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SafetyNet Welcome

News & Highlights

Contacts & Councils
   DASHO Council
   DOI Safety Council
   Accident Investigation
   Watercraft Safety

DOI-Wide Activities
   S&H; Seminar
   Safety Week & Day
   Interior Awards
   Risk Management
   Health Services
   Disaster Prep
   Health Hazards
   Wildland Fire Safety
   Aviation Safety

Safety Performance
   DOI Annual Report
   2003 Measures
   Close Call Incidents

   S&H; Strategic Plan
   DOI S&H; Manual
   DOI Medical Hnbk
   DOI Medical Guide
   Federal Standards

   Presentations &
   Centers for Training

WEB Resources
   OSHA's S&H; Poster
   Nat'l Organizations
   Federal Agencies
   Bureau Safety Sites

Site Map Index

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Welcome to SafetyNet

A Shared, One-Stop Information Source
for the Safety & Health Community
of the Department of the Interior

  • A Resource for All Employees

  • A Tool for Improving Employee and Visitor Safety & Health

  • TO USE SafetyNet, Select an Information Category from the Menu at the Left

October News and Highlights Include:

Picture of Smoke Detector
National Fire Prevention Week - Test Your Smoke Alarms
Picture of CD

DOI S&H; Department Manual Available on CD

Report on OWCP Costs and Injury/Illness Statistics

Vermiculite Insulation - Best Practices

Picture of a Desk Events Calendar

2005 Events Calendar

Click-on October News & Highlights

Help keep SafetyNet an effective information and news source. Please send your suggestions and news items to
J. Harrison Daniel, Office of Managing Risk and Public Safety, Denver, CO,

Last Revision: October 1, 2004