CORE (Conflict Resolution)
The CORE program is a FRESH START in the Department of the Interior for all employees to address workplace conflicts. The CORE program is for everyone--all levels of employees and managers, union representatives and unit members whose union elects to participate. CORE provides an informal environment for confidential problem solving.

CORE provides:
  • Alternative Dispute Resolution for workplace conflicts;
  • Informal Mediation
  • Neutral, Third-Party Assistance
  • Confidentiality
  • Referral to other appropriate programs
CORE is not about:
  • A formal grievance process.
  • Forced solutions.

What are advantages of CORE problem resolution?

No time delays of a formal process--15 calendar days, from contact with a CORE Specialist through the intervention process.

No retaliation or exposure.

No punishment.

No loss of control. An employee may withdraw from the process at any time.

Fair solutions - fair because all parties work the issues together to find an equitable solution. If agreement can't be reached, referral to the appropriate office is provided.

Contact a CORE Specialist

To contact a CORE Specialist in your bureau or office, click on one of the following:
Asked Questions

Office of Hearing and Appeal's Alternate Disputer Resolution Web Site


U.S. Department of the Interior
1849 C Street NW - MS 5221
Washington, DC 20440

Phone: (202) 219-0813