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commodity costs and returns

U.S. and regional cost and return data


U.S and regional cost and return estimates for the most recent two years, 2002-2003

These estimates are presented for the U.S. and ERS farm resource regions for most commodities and are updated annually on or around October 1.


Recent historic costs and returns, U.S. and ERS farm resource regions, new format and regions

These estimates were made using the format and methods endorsed by the AAEA task force on commodity costs and returns and ERS farm resource regions. The accounts for most commodities surveyed since 1995 have been developed in this manner, while the accounts for other commodities will be converted to this format once new surveys are conducted.


Historic costs and returns, U.S. and ERS production regions, old format and regions

These estimates date from 1975 and use the previous format and methods and regional definitions. In some cases the time series is broken into different periods due to changes in the accounting methods, account structure, and the adding or deleting of regions. The production regions were defined to include states or areas with similar resource characteristics and where similar practices were used to produce the commodity.


Effects of Government programs on costs and returns

Estimates including the effects of Government programs on commodity costs and returns were reported for selected commodities in various years from 1988 through 1995. These estimates were discontinued in 1996 due to changes in the farm program that eliminated income support payments tied to commodity prices in favor of flexibility contract payments.


Fuel consumption estimates

USDA crop cost and return estimates for fuel items are computed by pricing estimates of fuel consumption by state-average fuel prices. Estimates of State-average fuel consumption from the most recent surveys of crop producers (since 1997) are presented here:

Energy use on major field crops in surveyed States

Fuel consumption is calculated for machinery operations, including tractor and truck use, irrigation, and drying, when applicable. Fuel consumption is estimated by combining engineering coefficients describing fuel use per hour with data on engine horsepower, fuel type, and hours of machine use collected in the Agricultural Resource Management Survey (ARMS). Equations used to compute fuel consumption can be found in the Commodity Costs and Returns Estimation Handbook published by the American Agricultural Economics Association Task Force on Commodity Costs and Returns.

Monthly milk costs of production

Methods of estimating the monthly milk costs of production (COP) in each State use the most recent annual estimate as the baseline, along with indexes that reflect price and production differences between months and the baseline.

Since their initial release on June 1, 2003, two revisions have been made to the methods for developing the monthly milk cost of production estimates. The index used to reflect monthly variation in milk production due to seasonal changes has been converted to a daily basis (i.e., milk production per cow per day in each month) to account for differences in the number of days in each month. Also, this index has been dropped from the formula for monthly milk marketing cost because changes in production each month are not likely to affect the unit cost of marketing milk.


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for more information, contact: William McBride
web administration: webadmin@ers.usda.gov
page updated: September 20, 2004

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