Dairy Yearbook (89032)


Annual data on production, supply, use of milk and manufactured dairy products; also includes wholesale and retail price indexes, prices received by farmers, milk production costs, and regional shares of U.S. milk production.

Data-set updated February, 2004.

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Dairy Yearbook Data Archive
  • 1999

    2003 Excel Spreadsheet format files
  • Complete Data-set in Compressed Zip File 89032.zip

    Milk Production
  • dacows20m.xls
  • Milk Cows on Farms
  • dapdpc20m.xls
  • Milk Production per Cow
  • dapdus20m.xls
  • Milk Production, Major States
  • dapdalmkm.xls
  • Milk Production, U.S.
  • dafarmmkm.xls
  • Milk Used on Farms

    Dairy Product Production
  • dapdcbutm.xls
  • Production of Butter
  • dapdalchm.xls
  • Production of All Cheese
  • dapdamchm.xls
  • Production of American Cheese
  • dapdottym.xls
  • Production of Other-Than-American Cheeses
  • dapdblchm.xls
  • Production of Blue Cheese
  • dapdbmchm.xls
  • Production of Brick and Munster Cheeses
  • dapdcnchm.xls
  • Production of Cream and Neufchatel Cheeses
  • dapditchm.xls
  • Production of Italian Cheese
  • dapdmzchm.xls
  • Production of Mozzarella Cheese
  • dapdswchm.xls
  • Production of Swiss Cheese
  • dapdnfdhm.xls
  • Production of Nonfat Dry Milk
  • dapddrwhm.xls
  • Production of Dry Whole Milk
  • dapdcawhm.xls
  • Production of Canned Milk
  • dapdbcsum.xls
  • Production of Bulk Condensed Whole Milk
  • dapdbkwsm.xls
  • Production of Bulk Condensed Whole Milk, Sweetened
  • dapdbwum.xls
  • Production of Bulk Condensed Whole Milk, Unsweetened
  • dapdbksam.xls
  • Production of Bulk Condensed Skim Milk
  • dapdbkssm.xls
  • Production of Bulk Condensed Skim Milk, Sweetened
  • dapdbkwum.xls
  • Production of Bulk Condensed Skim Milk, Unsweetened
  • dapdcccrm.xls
  • Production of Creamed Cottage Cheese
  • dapdccpcm.xls
  • Production of Lowfat Cottage Cheese
  • dapdcccum.xls
  • Production of Cottage Cheese Curd
  • dapdiccrm.xls
  • Production of All Regular Ice Cream
  • dapdhicrm.xls
  • Production of Hard Regular Ice Cream
  • dapdicmkm.xls
  • Production of Lowfat Ice Cream
  • dapdsherm.xls
  • Production of Hard Sherbet
  • dapddbumm.xls
  • Production of Dry Buttermilk
  • dapdnfdam.xls
  • Production of Dry Skim MiIk for Animal Feed
  • dapdwyalm.xls
  • Production of Dry and Modified Dry Whey
  • dapddwpam.xls
  • Production of Dry Whey for Animal Feed
  • dapddwyhm.xls
  • Production of Dry Whey for Human Food
  • allprodmfb.xls
  • Production of Dairy Products, Milk Equivalent-Milkfat Basis

  • commbut.xls
  • Commercial Butter Stocks, End of Period
  • commamche.xls
  • Commercial American Cheese Stocks, End of Period
  • dascnfdtm.xls
  • Manufacturers' Stocks of Nonfat Dry Milk, End of Period
  • dasccoevm.xls
  • Manufacturers' Stocks of Canned Milk, End of Period
  • dascdrwhm.xls
  • Manufacturers' Stocks of Dry Whole Milk, End of Period
  • dascdbumm.xls
  • Manufacturers' Stocks of Dry Buttermilk, End of Period
  • dascnfdam.xls
  • Manufacturers' Stocks of Dry Skim Milk for Animal Feed, End of Period
  • dascwydhm.xls
  • Manufacturers' Stocks of Dry Whey for Human Food, End of Period
  • dascwymhm.xls
  • Manufacturers' Stocks of Modified Whey Products for Human Food, End of Period
  • cmfstocks.xls
  • Commercial Stocks, Milk Equivalent-Milkfat Basis, End of Period
  • cssstocks.xls
  • Commercial Stocks, Milk Equivalent-Skim Solids Basis, End of Period
  • dasgcbutm.xls
  • Government Butter Stocks, End of Period
  • mfebutoil.xls
  • Government Butteroil Stocks, Butter Equivalent, End of Period
  • dasgamchm.xls
  • Government Natural American Cheese Stocks, End of Period
  • gprocheese.xls
  • Government Stocks, Processed Cheese, End of Period
  • gndmilk.xls
  • Government Nonfat Dry Milk Stocks, End of Period
  • gevapmilk.xls
  • Government Evaporated Milk Stocks, End of Period
  • gmfstocks.xls
  • Government Stocks,Milk Equivalent-Milkfat Basis, End of Period
  • gssstocks.xls
  • Government Stocks,Milk Equivalent-Skim Solids Basis, End of Period
  • dastcbutm.xls
  • Total Butter Stocks, End of Period

    Net Removals
  • darecbutm.xls
  • USDA Net Removals of Butter
  • darechchm.xls
  • USDA Net Removals of Cheese
  • daredrwhm.xls
  • USDA Net Removals of Dry Whole Milk
  • darenfdtm.xls
  • USDA Net Removals of Nonfat Dry Milk
  • memlkfat.xls
  • USDA Net Removals, Milk Equivalent-Milkfat Basis
  • meskbasis.xls
  • USDA Net Removals, Milk Equivalent-Skim Solids Basis

    Commercial Disappearance
  • cbutdis.xls
  • Commercial Disappearance of Butter
  • camchdis.xls
  • Commercial Disappearance of American Cheese
  • cochdis.xls
  • Commercial Disappearance of Other-than-American Cheese
  • cndmdis.xls
  • Commercial Disappearance of Nonfat Dry Milk
  • cmilkdis.xls
  • Commercial Disappearance, Milk Equivalent-Milkfat Basis

  • daxcamchm.xls
  • Exports of American Cheese
  • daxcchoam.xls
  • Exports of Other-Than-American Cheese
  • daxccoevm.xls
  • Exports of Condensed and Evaporated Milk
  • daxcnfdtm.xls
  • Exports of Nonfat Dry Milk
  • daimcbutm.xls
  • Imports of Butter and Butter Equivalent of Butteroil
  • tcimports.xls
  • Imports of Cheese
  • acimports.xls
  • Imports of American Cheese
  • ocimports.xls
  • Imports of Other-Than-American Cheese
  • meimports.xls
  • Imports of All Dairy Products, Milk Equivalent-Milkfat Basis

    Prices: Farm
  • mlkallvf.xls
  • Prices Received by Farmers, All Milk
  • mlkfatestf.xls
  • Prices Received by Farmers, Fat Test of All Milk
  • mlkflugdvf.xls
  • Prices Received by Farmers, Milk Eligible for Fluid Use
  • mlkflutest.xls
  • Prices Received by Farmers, Fat Test of Milk Eligible for Fluid Use
  • mlkmfggdf.xls
  • Prices Received by Farmers, Manufacturing Grade Milk
  • mlkmfgfatf.xls
  • Prices Received by Farmers, Fat Test of Manufacturing Grade Milk
  • milkcowvf.xls
  • Prices Received by Farmers, Milk Cows
  • hayalfavf.xls
  • Prices Received by Farmers, Alfalfa Hay

    Prices: Wholesale
  • dapwcbaam.xls
  • Wholesale Price, Butter, Grade AA Central States
  • dapwachbm.xls
  • Wholesale Price, American Cheese-Barrel, WI Assembly Points
  • dapwamchm.xls
  • Wholesale Price, American Cheese-Block, WI Assembly Points
  • dapwndhhm.xls
  • Wholesale Price, Nonfat Dry Milk, Central States
  • dapwnfdtm.xls
  • Wholesale Price, Nonfat Dry Milk, U.S.
  • dapwdrwhm.xls
  • Wholesale Price, Dry Whole Milk, U.S.
  • dapwdbumm.xls
  • Wholesale Price, Dry Buttermilk for Human Food, U.S.
  • dapwnfdam.xls
  • Wholesale Price, Dry Skim Milk for Animal Feed, U.S.
  • dapwdwwhm.xls
  • Wholesale Price, Dry Whey-Human, Central States
  • dapwdwwam.xls
  • Wholesale Price, Dry Whey- Animal Feed, Central States
  • dapwwpimm.xls
  • Producer Price Index, Fresh Processed Milk (1982)
  • dapwwpibm.xls
  • Producer Price Index, Butter (1982)
  • dapwwpicm.xls
  • Producer Price Index, Cheese (1982)
  • dapwwpikm.xls
  • Producer Price Index, Concentrated Milk Products. (1982)
  • dapwwpiim.xls
  • Producer Price Index, Ice Cream (1982)
  • dapwwpiam.xls
  • Producer Price Index, Dairy Products, (1982)

    Prices: Retail
  • daprcpufm.xls
  • Consumer Price Index: All Food (1982-84=100)
  • daprcpudm.xls
  • Consumer Price Index: All Dairy Products (1982-84=100)
  • daprcpumm.xls
  • Consumer Price Index: Fluid Milk and Cream (1982-84=100)
  • daprcflm.xls
  • Consumer Price Index: Fluid Milk (December 1997=100)
  • daprcpuwm.xls
  • Consumer Price Index: Whole Milk (1982-84=100)
  • daprcpuom.xls
  • Consumer Price Index: Milk and Cream Other-Than-Whole-Milk (1982-84=100)
  • daprcmnw.xls
  • Consumer Price Index: Milk Other-Than-Whole-Milk (December 1997=100)
  • daprcpupm.xls
  • Consumer Price Index: Processed Dairy Products (1982-84=100)
  • daprcpro.xls
  • Consumer Price Index: Processed Dairy Products (December 1997=100)
  • daprcpucm.xls
  • Consumer Price Index: Cheese (1982-84 = 100)
  • daprcpuim.xls
  • Consumer Price Index: Ice Cream and Related Products (1982-84=100)
  • daprcpuxm.xls
  • Consumer Price Index: Miscellaneous Dairy Products (1982-84 = 100)
  • daprstmim.xls
  • Retail Price, Milk, Half Gallon
  • daprcwmm.xls
  • Retail Price, Milk, Gallon
  • daprskimm.xls
  • Retail Price, Lowfat Milk, Half Gallon
  • daprclfm.xls
  • Retail Price, Lowfat Milk, Gallon
  • daprcbutm.xls
  • Retail Price, Grade AA Butter
  • daprncchm.xls
  • Retail Price, Natural Cheddar Cheese
  • dapramchm.xls
  • Retail Price, American Process Cheese
  • dapriccrm.xls
  • Retail Price, Ice Cream, Half Gallon

    Prices: Industry Structure
  • opnums.xls
  • Operations with Milk Cows, by State and Region
  • fluplant.xls
  • Number and Size of Milk Bottling Plants Operated by Commercial Processors
  • manplant.xls
  • Number and Size of Selected Dairy Product Plants

  • USDA Economics and Statistics System
    Albert R. Mann Library, Cornell University

    Comments and questions to  http://jan. mannlib.c\ ornell.edu/cgi-bin/usda/ess_mailref.cgi