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    "Just-in-Time" reports are two-page documents meant to inform work planners and workers about specific safety issues related to work they are about to perform. We have adopted INPO's highly successful format, which first presents brief examples of problems and mistakes encountered in actual cases, and then presents points to consider that should help avoid such pitfalls.

    We developed the first six Just-in-Time reports as part of the 2004 Electrical Safety Campaign:

    NOTE: Only registered ORPS users can link to the ORPS reports cited in the Just-in-Time reports. (For ORPS registration, see http://www.eh.doe.gov/oeaf/orps.html).

    In the near future, we plan to issue a few more Just-in-Time electrical safety reports (e.g,, on Lockout/Tagout). Later we will be developing other reports to address safety issues in new areas (e.g., freeze protection).



    Information Quality logo and link to IQ homepage
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