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background statistics on U.S. beef and cattle industry


For the most current coverage of the livestock industry see the monthly newsletter Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry

U.S. cattle and beef industry in 2002 and 2003

  • Retail equivalent value of U.S. beef industry:
        2002: $65 billion
        2003: $70 billion, estimated
  • Value of U.S. cattle and calf production:Download PDF version
        2002: $27.0 billion
        2003: $32.2 billion

  • U.S. beef production:
        2002: 27.09 billion pounds (commercial carcass weight)
        2003: 26.30 billion pounds, estimated (commercial carcass weight) 

  • U.S. beef exports:
        2002: 2.45 billion pounds (commercial carcass weight), valued at $2.610 billion
        2003: 2.58 billion pounds (commercial carcass weight), valued at $3.266 billion, estimated

  • U.S. beef exports as percent of production:
        2002: 9.0 percent
        2003: 9.8 percent, estimated

  • U.S. commercial slaughter:
        2002: 35.737 million head (including 29.4 million steers and heifers and 5.76 million cull beef and dairy cows)
        2003: 35.5 million head (including 28.7 million steers and heifers and 6.1 million cull beef and dairy cows)

  • Cattle inventory
    • January 1, 2003:
      • U.S.—96.1 million, down from 1996 peak of 103.5 million
      • Canada—13.4 million head
    •  January 1, 2004
      • U.S.—94.9 million head
      • Canada—14.7 million head
    • Montana—2.4 million head
    • South Dakota—3.7 million head
    • Washington—1.1 million head
  • Statistics on meat animal production

  • U.S. livestock outlook/situation:

U.S.-Canada cattle inventories Download PDF version

U.S. beef prices

  • Context for before discovery of BSE in the United States
    • Average price in November: $4.32/pound, Choice beef
    • Prices in 2003 record-high
    • Supply and quality of beef nearing cyclical lows
    • Previous record high: $3.476 in June 2001, when market was adjusting to a similar period of tight beef supplies

  • Current cattle/beef prices:
  • Retail beef prices—annual, quarterly, monthly

U.S. meat and livestock trade, 2002 and 2003

  • U.S. meat and livestock imports/exports by country—2003 year-to-date and annual and monthly

    Top markets for U.S. beef, 2002,
    account for 92 percent of total beef exports
    (Million lbs. carcass weight)

    ($ Million)
    (Million lbs. carcass weight)

    ($ Million)
    South Korea

  • U.S.-Canada beef and cattle trade

  • U.S. cattle imports from Canada:
    • 2002: 1.7 million head
    • 2003: 0.5 million head

  • U.S. cattle imports from all sources:
    • 2002: 2.5 million head
    • 2003: 1.75 million head

  • Share of U.S. cattle imports that come from Canada:
    • 2002: 60 percent
    • 2003: 29 percent

  • Beef and veal imports from Canada:
    • 2002: 1.091 billion lbs. (carcass weight)
    • 2003: 0.74 billion lbs. (carcass weight)

  • Beef and veal imports from all sources:
    • 2002: 3.217 billion lbs. (carcass weight)
    • 2003: 3.005 billion lbs. (carcass weight)

  • Beef import share from Canada:
    • 2002: 32 percent
    • 2003: 25 percent

  • Beef imports from Canada as share of U.S. beef consumption:
    • 2002: 3.9 percent
    • 2003: 2.7 percent

  • Canadian beef markets: U.S., Mexico, Japan, Korea, and other countries.

  • Value of all Canadian beef/cattle exports (Canadian dollars):
    • 2002
      • $1.4 billion in live animals
      • $1.8 billion in animal products
      • $3.2 billion total sales

    • 2003
      • $0.596 billion in live animals
      • $1.368 billion in animal products
      • $1.964 billion in total sales

        Note: Some products imported from Canada could be made from animals exported originally from the U.S. In addition, cattle shipments from Canada to the U.S. may include animals transshipped through Canada from Hawaii or Alaska.

Want more information?

International Trade of Meat/Poultry Products and Food Safety Issues (November 2003, Economic Research Service)Download PDF version

Dissecting the Challenges of Mad Cow and Foot-and-Mouth Disease (August 2001, Economic Research Service)Download PDF version


for more information, contact: Ron Gustafson 202-694-5174; Kenneth H. Mathews, Jr. 202-694-5183



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