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  livestock market structure

The livestock industry is made up many thousands of producers, marketers, and processors of animal products, coordinated through mechanisms ranging from spot market sales to contracting to vertically integrated corporations. ERS experts provide analyses, research, and data on the activity and performance of the industry and on its changing structure.

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Animal Production and Marketing Issues




Poultry and Eggs

Sheep and Wool

Interstate Livestock Movements analyzes livestock marketing patterns. As part of the overall meat production system, livestock movements affect profits for livestock owners, what consumers pay at the supermarket and restaurant, and potential for spread of animal diseases.

Economic and Structural Relationships in U.S. Hog Production describes an industry becoming increasingly concentrated among fewer and larger farms, and becoming more economically efficient. Of paramount concern are increasing market control and power concentrated among packers and large hog operations, and the manure management problem posed by an increasing concentration of hog manure on fewer operations.

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updated: October 7, 2003

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On the Relative Well-Being of the Nonmetropolitan Poor: An Examination of Alternative Definitions of Poverty During the 1990s

India's Poultry Sector: Development and Prospects

Trends in the U.S. Sheep Industry

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Interstate Livestock Movements Data

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