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The Quality Interagency Coordination Task Force (QuIC)

What Is Quality?Smart shoppers look for low prices and top quality - whether they are buying cars, TVs, Internet services, or any other product or service. When it comes to health care services, it can often be difficult to find the information we need to shop on the basis of quality, as well as cost. For example, if you need an operation or other procedure, where do you find information on the best hospitals and providers?How To Choose A Health Plan Or, where do you find information to help you choose the health plan that's best for you and your family? 

Buying SmartIn fact, the quality of health care in America varies a lot. The good news is that quality can be measured, and it can be improved. And fortunately, more and more public and private groups are working on ways to measure and report on the quality of health care. This means there's more information available to help you make choices that can improve the quality of your health care.
Patient Rights And Responsibilities

This site will help you better understand and use information on health care quality. You can learn what experts look at when they measure health care quality, and about "consumer report cards" and other ways to find out how a particular plan, doctor, or hospital measures up in comparison to others. In addition, you will find resources to help you use this information to be a more savvy health care consumer.Privacy

Quality matters! When you make health care choices that offer the best possible care, you are most likely to get the best possible results.

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The Quality Interagency Coordination Task Force (QuIC)
What is Quality? - How to Choose a Health Plan - Buying Smart - Patient Rights and Responsibilities - Privacy
More Information

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Revised: 11/18/1999