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Oil & Natural Gas
Supply & Delivery R&D

Oil and natural gas are the lifeblood of the U.S. economy. Together they account for more than 60 percent of the energy consumed in the United States. Although the United States obtains less than half its oil from domestic fields (the rest is imported from foreign sources), two-thirds of all the oil discovered in the country remains in the ground. Natural gas is more plentiful but as demand increases, U.S. producers are turning increasingly to deeper, more complex and difficult-to-produce gas reservoirs.

Future Oil & Natural Gas Resource Development: Ensuring Reliable Supplies for Future Generations

Methane Hydrates R&D
Methane Hydrates - The Gas Resource of the Future

The most plentiful supplies of natural gas throughout the world may be the methane molecules trapped in ice-like structures called hydrates. DOE's research is helping to unlock the mysteries of hydrates and develop future ways to tap their massive energy potential.   Read More >
DOE's Deept Trek & Drilling R&D Program
Deep Trek & Other Drilling R&D

Most of the nation's natural gas comes from wells shallower than 5,000 feet. DOE is developing new drilling techniques that will probe much deeper and into harder, more complex formations to produce the gas America will need in the coming decades.   Read More >
DOE's Enhanced Oil Recovery & CO2 Injection R&D
Enhanced Oil Recovery/CO2 Injection
As much as half to ninety percent of the original oil remains unproduced in U.S. reservoirs. DOE is investigating ways to enhance oil production, for example using carbon dioxide to force more oil to the surface while trapping this greenhouse gas underground.   Read More >
DOE's Hydrogen from Gas R&D
Hydrogen from Gas
To help meet the President's vision of a new fleet of hydrogen-powered vehicles, this research program is developing lower cost ways to convert natural gas into the large quantities of clean-burning hydrogen fuel that will be needed to power the automobiles and power plants of tomorrow.   Read More >

Domestic Oil & Gas Resource Conservation:
Making the Most of What We Have

DOE's Microhole Systems R&D

Microhole Systems
One way to potentially lower the relatively high costs of locating and producing hydrocarbons in the United States may be to reduce the size of the borehole and the equipment needed to drill it. This program is exploring new concepts for miniaturized drilling systems.   Read More >

DOE's Marginal/Stripper Well Revitalization R&D

Marginal & Stripper Well Revitalization
The flow of oil and gas from literally hundreds of thousands of wells in the United States has slowed to a relative trickle, yet the formations they have tapped still contain large quantities of hydrocarbons. DOE is developing ways to revitalize production from these low-production wells.   Read More > 

DOE's Oil/Gas Environmental Program

Water, Air and Soil Protection
Reducing air emissions, minimizing waste handling requirements, and lowering the cost of environmental compliance continue to be high priorities in DOE's programs to protect ecosystems in and around the nation's oil and gas fields and processing facilities.   Read More >

DOE's Diagnostics, Imaging and Fundamental R&D

Diagnostics, Imaging & Fundamental R&D
Despite 150-plus years of oil and gas production, considerable uncertainties remain about the fundamental characteristics and behavior of hydrocarbon reservoirs. DOE's fundamental research is studying such phenomena as how fractures form and propagate through a reservoir.   Read More >

DOE's Field Projects & Technical Assistance Program

Field Projects and Technical Assistance
Since the 1970s, DOE has carried out partnership projects with producers to demonstrate new or untried technologies under actual reservoir conditions. Today, the Department continues to provide cost-sharing assistance to independent oil producers and Native Americans.   Read More >

DOE's Oil/Gas Technology Transfer Program

Technology Transfer
Nearly half the oil and two-thirds of the natural gas produced in the United States flows from wells operated by smaller, independent producers. Since most of these companies conduct little, if any, research, DOE has placed a high priority on aggressive technology transfer efforts.  Read More >

Oil & Gas Security & Global Supply:
Ensuring Adequate Supplies in a Global Market

DOE's Pipeline Infrastructure Reliability Program

Pipeline Infrastructure Reliability
The United States has more than a million miles of natural gas transmission and distribution pipes. Many are aging and many more will be needed in the future. DOE is developing better ways to keep natural gas flowing through the pipelines of today and tomorrow.   Read More >

DOE's Gas Storage and LNG R&D Program

Gas Storage and LNG
As demand for natural gas increases, so does the need for more gas storage methods including ways to safely store liquefied natural gas (LNG). DOE is studying ways to lower costs and increase the types of gas storage approaches to ensure reliable gas supplies in the future.   Read More >

News and Events


Energy Department Announces Nearly $4.3 in Grants to Michigan



More Info

Advisory Committees
National Petroleum Council

Methane Hydrates Advisory Council



Program Contacts:


Guido Dehoratiis, Jr.
Office of Fossil Energy
U.S. Dept. of Energy
Washington, DC 20585


William Lawson, Jr.
National Energy Technology Laboratory
One West Third St.
U.S. Dept. of Energy
Tulsa, OK 74103




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PageOwner:  Office of Communications
Page updated on: September 08, 2004

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