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NOAA Research Vessel Ron Brown

 "Understanding our global environment and our role in it is the first step toward living in better harmony with nature."
Reports to the Nation:
Our Changing Planet

What's New

2003 Archives

April 2004

Registration for the NOAA Workshop on Oceans and Human Health: Research, Programs and Related Activities, 5/3-4/04

4/19-22/04, CLIVAR: Workshop on Atlantic Predictability

March 2004

2003-2004 OGP/AMS Graduate Fellowship Recipients

Presentations from the RISA meeting, "Enhancing Decision-Making Through Integrated Climate Research: Alaska Region Meeting"

OGP Funding Announcement

National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) National Meeting - Playing at the exhibit will be a video interview of Jack Elrod by former NOAA Teacher at Sea Dana Tomlinson. To see this video click on the following link -

Journal of Climate: "The Decadal ENSO Variability in a Hybrid Coupled Model" - Sang-Wook Yeh

New website for the Office of Climate Observation

OAR "In the Spotlight" article: "Enhancing Decision-Making Through Integrated Climate Research: Alaska Region Meeting" - Juniper Neill, Program Manager, NOAA/OGP

February 2004

"Enhancing Through Integrated Climate Research: Alaska Region Meeting", was sponsored by the Office of Global Programs (OGP), Climate and Societal Interactions Division, Sciences and Assessments (RISA) program. (requires Quicktime)

January 2004

OAR "In the Spotlight" article: "Insights and Tools for Adaptation: Learning from Climate Variability" - Lisa Farrow Vaughan, OGP

Joint Announcement on Climate Variability and Human Health for FY 2004

Oceans and Human Health Initiative Request for Proposals for NOAA Centers of Excellence in Oceans and Human Health (pdf)

Upcoming RISA Meeting: 2/18/2004, Enhancing Decision-Making through Integrated Climate Research: Alaska Region Meeting


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UpdatedMarch 9, 2004

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