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    Price-Anderson Enforcement Program

    Mission Statement

    The Office of Price-Anderson Enforcement (PA-Enforcement) implements the Department of Energy's (DOE) Enforcement Program. This program incorporates DOE's congressional mandate to apply sanctions to contractors for unsafe actions or conditions that violate nuclear safety requirements for protecting workers and the public. DOE's statutory basis for its Enforcement Program is set forth in 42 USC 2271 et seq. Regulatory procedures to fulfill this statutory mandate are published in 10 CFR Part 820, Procedural Rules for DOE Nuclear Activities.

    The Enforcement Program is administered by a small staff in the PA-Enforcement, linked with Price-Anderson Coordinators in DOE Program, Operations, Field and Area Offices. PA-Enforcement works closely with DOE Field and Program elements, DOE's Office of General Counsel and with other DOE offices in developing implementation policies and procedures. 

    What's Hot:

    blue dot imageEnforcement Letter Issued to BWXT Y-12 (10/13/2004)

    blue dot imageEnforcement Letter issued to CH2MHill - SPRU Project (10/04/2004)

    blue dot imageEA-2004-08 Press Release (09/10/2004)

    blue dot imageEA-2004-08 issued to Washington TRU Solutions with Proposed Civil Penalty (08/30/2004)



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