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  • Electrical Safety Campaign

    Performance Assessment & Quality

    Operating Experience and Performance Analysis

    blue dot Daily Occurrence Reports A daily summary and listing of occurrence reports submitted to DOE.

    blue dot Electrical Safety Campaign Due to an unacceptably high rate of electrical safety events and near misses, the Deputy Secretary launched the DOE Electrical Safety Campaign in April 2004. The goals of the campaign are to significantly improve electrical safety performance by May 2005, and to share best practices.

    blue dot Operating Experience Summaries EH publishes the OE Summary on a biweekly basis to promote safety throughout the DOE complex by exchanging lessons-learned information between DOE facilities.

    blue dot Lessons Learned and Best Practices The DOE Corporate Operating Experience Program facilitates the sharing of performance information, lessons learned, and good practices across the DOE Complex to prevent the recurrence of adverse events.

    blue dot Quarterly Worker Injury/Illness Information The Under Secretary Quarterly Reviews are just one initiative in support of DOE's proactive approach to employee health and safety.

    blue dot Safety and Health Alerts Actionable information that has a high potential to impact safety and health at DOE facilities.

    blue dot Suspect/Counterfeit Items and Defective Items (SCI/DI) DOE is committed to ensuring that items and components installed in safety-related or mission-critical applications meet their intended function and operability requirements. EH has established a process to identify SCIs or DIs that are deemed safety-significant and broadly applicable to DOE facilities.

    blue dot Integrated Safety Management Integration of safety awareness and good practices into all aspects of work conducted at DOE.



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      OE Summary 2004-18 Summarizes the Results of the Type A Accident Investigation at Hanford
      OE Summary 2004-17: Worker Cuts High-Pressure Nitrogen Line
      Quick Reference Guide: New Features in CAIRS - Now Available!
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