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Anthrax Vaccine Immunization Program (AVIP)
Captain Mark Tedesco

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Welcome the US Coast Guard Anthrax Vaccine Immunization Program (AVIP) homepage. This page is your resource to obtain information about the AVIP, answer your questions, review and download the briefing programs, and obtain copies of certain documents. The page is broken up into various sections, including links to DoD sites and other organizational sites.

Anthrax Vaccine Immunization Program (AVIP) Commandant Manual

COMDTINST M6230.3A    dtd 23Sep2002

AVIP Flag Voice & ALCOASTs

Two Flag voices on the subject of the AVIP.  Flag Voice #44 introduces the AVIP and answers some commonly asked questions.  Flag Voice #70 discusses some of the official websites as well as the misinformation found on some unofficial websites.

Anthrax AVIP ALCOAST     Flag Voice #44    Flag Voice#70     AVIP ALCOAST 357/03



Central AVIP (Army Executive Agent for the program): contains information on the central program, the disease, the vaccine, supplemental testing, adverse event reporting, etc: http://www.anthrax.osd.mil.  Also you can call the AVIP Agency toll-free, M-F 0800-1800 at 1-877-GETVACC (438-8222) or e-mail them at AVIP@otsg.amedd.army.mil with questions you may have.

Navy AVIP Website

Other Agency Sites

Center for Disease Control (CDC)          Food & Drug Administration (FDA)  
World Health Organization (WHO)

Aviation Medicine

Many aviation personnel have expressed concerns about their ability to maintain on flight status while in the AVIP. The below link is provided to provide information to concerned aviation personnel. This vaccine is not any different than other vaccines that you have received in regards to a risk to your aviation career. It is expected that you will continue your aviation duties except for the standard of 12 hours grounding following any vaccination. There is no evidence to support any other expectation with the Anthrax vaccination.  

Aviation Medicine

Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System

The FDA and CDC jointly supervise the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). The VAERS system is designed to allow a vaccine recipient and/or his/her health care provider to notify the FDA that you had an adverse event that may or may not have been related to the Anthrax Vaccine. Although you may fill out this form and send it directly, further investigation of the event is enhanced if you submit the form through the Coast Guard. At no time will a VAERS form submitted through official channels be stopped along the processing pathway. Your healthcare provider only needs to determine that you have a complaint and that you have received the Anthrax Vaccine in the recent past. To access the VAERS system for further information, call 1-800-822-7967 or click on the Website: 


Vaccine Information Brochure (VIB)

All service members should become familiar with information on the Anthrax Vaccine prior to receiving their immunization. You should read the Anthrax Vaccine Trifold (VIB) "What You Needs to Know about Anthrax Vaccine", prior to beginning your immunization series. A copy of the VIB should be available and offered for review to every service member prior to each shot. The CG Trifold VIB may be downloaded from the following Web Link.     

  Anthrax Brochure

Information for Senior Leaders

Commanding officers are required to provide educational opportunities on the AVIP to their personnel.   Below is a link for a PowerPoint presentation for senior leaders to become more familiar with the disease, vaccine and the AVIP.  This briefing contains a significant amount of information on the notes pages as well as the slides.  This Briefing may be utilized to provide unit level briefings.  Further information may be found on the AVIP Agency website:  http://www.anthrax.osd.mil/.   Go to "EDUCATION TOOLKIT" and scroll to the "Commander's Toolkit" section.  The EDUCATION TOOLKIT also contains a wealth of general information about the AVIP, the vaccine and the threat.  Medical Officers and Health Services Technicians (HS) may utilize the Medical Officer's briefing (below) in order to assist Commanding Officer's and other unit senior leadership in unit education.

CO and Service Member Brief .ppt

Information for Individual Service Members

In order to provide a minimum level of education on the disease, threat, vaccine and the AVIP,  service members are encouraged to review the Leader's briefing above.  This briefing is designed for senior leaders to use providing briefings to units.  Further information may be found on the AVIP Agency website   http://www.anthrax.osd.mil/  Go to "EDUCATION TOOLKIT" and scroll to the "INDIVIDUALS TOOLKIT" section.   The EDUCATION TOOLKIT also contains a wealth of general information about the AVIP, the vaccine and the threat.

Health Service Personnel

Information exists for medical officers, HS personnel and other health care personnel to become more familiar with this disease, vaccine and the AVIP.    Health Services personnel play a critical role in  the educational and logistical aspects of the AVIP and should take every opportunity to become a subject matter expert in the AVIP.  Please click below for information for health care personnel. 

Coast Guard Medical Officer Home Page

"Links from this page to non-Coast Guard sites are provided as a customer service and do not represent any implicit or explicit endorsement by the United States Coast Guard of any commercial or private issues or products presented there."


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