National Office--Tribal Relations'
Goals and Objectives

Goal 1: Ensure effective government-to-government relationships are built and maintained.
Objective 1:  With Tribal and Forest Service input, develop and implement training to build knowledge and understanding on a national basis.
Objective 2:
Encourage face-to-face meetings between Tribal leaders and Forest Service decision makers.
Objective 3: Acknowledge, enhance, and further develop partnerships.
Objective 4: Encourage staff-to-staff relationship building.
Objective 5: Develop measurement criteria for success with Tribal input.

Goal 2:  Ensure that Forest Service Decision-making address treaty rights and trust responsibilities.
Objective 1:  Design and implement awareness training, with Tribal input.
Objective 2:
Review Agency actions and provide advice regarding treaty and other rights, trust responsibility, and trust interests.
Objective 3: With Tribal input, develop consultation guidelines.
Objective 4: Encourage local Tribal consultation protocols.

Goal 3:  Facilitate consultation to ensure effective 2-way communication on project, policy, and planning decisions.
Objective 1: 
Ensure Forest Service decision-makers consider Tribal rights, interests, and traditional beliefs and practices in all decision-making.
Objective 2:
Ensure Tribes understand how the Forest Service activities potentially impact them.
Objective 3:
Ensure feedback is provided about how Tribal input influenced decision-making.
Objective 4:
Ensure consultation is “early and often.”
Objective 5:
Collaboratively with Tribes, draft a consultation process for the Chief’s approval.

Goal 4:  Develop and update a strategic plan to ensure program success.
Objective 1: 
Ensure initial compilation of planning document.
Objective 2:
Semiannually, review the plan for applicability or changes.
Objective 3:
Celebrate and communicate successes.
Objective 4:
Utilize the plan for all activities. i.e. decision-making, problem solving, etc
Objective 5:
Utilize the plan to gain program support.
Objective 6: Develop processes and systems that ensure consistent plan implementation.
Objection 7: Utilize the plan to develop and validate annual and out-year program of work.
Objection 8: Use the plan elements to guide reporting of program.

Goal 5:  Build and maintain a Tribal Relations Program team to ensure excellence and consistency in program delivery.
Objective 1: 
Commit and use the list of team characteristics and require behaviors.
Objective 2:
Develop and utilize a “new team member” orientation process.
Objective 3:
Understand, value, and utilize team member strengths, skills, and expertise.
Objective 4: Plan and attend semiannual meetings.
Objective 5: Recognize and effectively solve problems that can or do prevent goal attainment, using an agreed upon problem solving process.

Goal 6:  Develop internal and external partnerships to ensure mission success.
Objective 1: 
Continue to ensure the success of existing partnerships.
Objective 2:
Establish outreach to Tribes to identify potential opportunities for partnering.
Objective 3:
Ensure that appropriate funds are identified for partnering to benefit Tribes.
Objective 4: Develop and deliver training to ensure all affected parties are aware of how to develop partnerships.
Objective 5: Ensure appropriate membership on national and regional teams dealing with issues that affect Tribes.

Goal 7:  Design and deliver education to support informed decision-making.
Objective 1: 

Deliver training programs that ensure consistency in content throughout the nation.

Task 1: Identify and record examples of information from Tribes that have been incorporated in Forest Service decisions.
Objective 2:
Identify Opportunities to provide insight and personal knowledge to decision-makers.
Objective 3:
Create respect and understanding of the need for confidentiality of privileged information conveyed in a decision-making process.

Goal 8:  Encourage joint research projects, transfer of technology, and exchange and share technical resources.
Objective 1:  Promote sharing people and their knowledge.
Objective 2: Create and/or identify opportunities that lead to goal achievement.
Objective 3: Create and/or identify funding for goal achievement.

Goal 9:  Ensure that Tribal traditional knowledge is incorporated into Agency programs and activities.
Objective 1:  Create opportunities for information knowledge sharing between Tribal members and Forest Service Decision-makers.
Objective 2: Create forums for information exchange.
Objective 3: Consult “early and often.”
Objective 4: Positively influence the use of traditional knowledge in all agency programs and activities.
Objective 5: Create respect and understanding of the need for confidentiality of privileged information conveyed in a decision-making process.
Objective 6: Counsel, teach, and encourage others to acknowledge the sacredness of the gift of traditional knowledge.