Geophysical Fluid
Dynamics Laboratory

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GFDL's Data Portal

NEW (October 2004) - GFDL CM2.0 Climate Experiments:

Model output and documentation from a set of multi-century experiments performed using GFDL's CM2.0 model is being made available to the public. Data sets to be made accessible from the GFDL Data Portal include those from experiments associated with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's 4th Assessment Report (IPCC) and the US Climate Change Science Program. Current plans call for the GFDL CM2.0 data and documentation to appear on the GFDL server during the fall of 2004. Subsets of the CM2.0 data to be served here at GFDL will also be available from servers maintained by the Program for Climate Model Diagnosis and Intercomparison (PCMDI) at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
More information is available on the deccen coupled climate models web page.

Our Data Portal Services

Public data sets from GFDL are made available through the GFDL Data Portal. The data portal is designed to provide access to: download, display of data attributes, and graphical display the data. Download provides "http" access to download complete files. Display of data attributes provides information on the global attributes and the variables available in the files. Graphical display uses the Live Access Server to graphically display the data on the client.

Our Public Data Files

Registration for the GFDL Data Files is free. Users are requested to complete the Registration Form for Public Data Files (found on the right hand menu) when they first begin using the data portal. Information from this form will be used to provide registrated users with news on when additional public data becomes available and when corrections are made to existing public data. The information gathered will not be used for any purposes other than to send notices about GFDL Data Portal Services.

Data Storage

The data files on the data portal are stored in netCDF (network Common Data Form), and can be identified by the suffix ".nc". The files are intended to be compliant with the COARDS conventions for the standardization of netCDF files. More information about netCDF, a machine independent format for representing array-oriented scientific data, can be found at the Unidata Program Center netCDF website.

*Note: A hardware failure on 5/12/04 required restoring a large amount of data files. Please let us know if anything still appears to be missing.


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