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Join the president's Challenge for Healthier Federal Employees

In addition to the positive effects that a healthier lifestyle brings for individuals, there are public policy dividends as well. Physical activity, nutrition, preventive screenings and healthy lifestyles all reduce demand on the health-care system and help contain health-care costs while maintaining quality care. The President's HealthierUS initiative has identified four keys for a healthier America:

  • Be physically active every day,
  • Eat a nutritious diet,
  • Get preventive screenings, and
  • Make healthy choices.

OPM Director, Kay Coles James, has laid out the following guiding principles that have shaped her perspective for good health-care policy.

  • We aim to educate and support consumers who are capable of making wise health-care decisions.
  • The relationship between the physician and patient should drive health-care decisions.
  • It is competition in the health-care market that promotes innovation and produces better health-care options and higher quality care.
  • It is up to patients to be involved and responsible.

OPM's HealthierFeds campaign is designed to meet this vision for a responsive health-care.


Disclaimer: All information provided on HealthierFeds website is general in nature. Please remember that information alone cannot take the place of health care or human services you may need. Do not rely upon any of the information provided on this site for medical diagnosis or treatment. Please consult your primary health care provider about any personal health concerns.

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