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Database for Solder Properties with Emphasis on New Lead-free Solders
Release 4.0

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National Institute of Standards & Technology and
Colorado School of Mines

Lead-Free Solders Research Programs at Universities

The following are established research centers with Lead-Free Solders programs:
- Alabama Microelectronics Science and Technology Center - Auburn University
- Packaging Research Center - Georgia Institute of Technology
- Reliable Microelectronics Packaging Program - University of California at Berkeley
- Center for Welding, Joining and Coatings Research - Colorado School of Mines
- Integrated Electronics Engineering Center - State University of New York at Binghamton
- Ames Laboratory and Iowa State University
- CALCE Electronic Products and Systems Center - University of Maryland New
- Centre for Microelectronics Assembly and Packaging - University of Toronto New

The following is a list of universities also involved in this research. The contact person would be a faculty member:

- Purdue University
- University of Wisconsin - Madison
- Michigan State University
- Northwestern University
- University of Toronto
- University of Michigan - Dearborn
- University of California at LA
- University of Colorado
- University of Connecticut
- Cornell University
- Lehigh University
- University of Massachusetts at Lowell
- Marquette University New
If your university is not listed here and has a research program in lead-free solders, please contact us, we would like to hear from you.
Navigation Seperator


    T he purpose of this web site is to provide an on-line database for solder properties emphasizing new lead-free solders. Lead-free solder data are being developed rapidly, but are still difficult to find. (See the Alloy Database section in the August 29, 2000 press release on the NEMI web site - Therefore, we hope this web site will allow us to collect this information in one place, and update it frequently. If you have additional data to contribute, please send it to the contact at the bottom of this page. The data reported in this site has been collected from reliable sources and orderly put together. There is no restriction to access the datafile. The user is able to read the data on HTML format and download in WORD format, which then can be formatted in EXCEL for easier manipulation.


    T he datafiles are ordered by the date in which they were placed on-line, to see them click on one of the links below. If you would like to download the file, click on WORD FORMAT, then go to file and save the document.


    T he NATIONAL  ELECTRONICS MANUFACTURING INITIATIVE - NEMI is very interested in contacting university centers and   professors that are involved in the characterization of lead free solders. If you are interested on this information click here: "NEMI Data Request".


    The National Science Foundation and its program New Technologies for the Environment   has shown interest in the research of Lead-Free Solders and welcomes proposals in this subject. If you would like more information, visit the following sites:
- Office of Multidisciplinary Activities
- New Technologies for the Environment
or contact:
     Delcie Durham
     Director of the Program New Technologies for the Environment
     Engineering Division of Design, Manufacture and Industrial

     Phone: (703) 306-1330
     e-mail:ddurham@nsf. gov


Dr. Thomas Siewert

Materials Reliability Division, National Institute of Standards & Technology, Boulder CO

Dr. Stephen Liu

Center for Welding, Joining and Coatings Research, Colorado School of Mines

Dr. David R. Smith

Materials Reliability Division, National Institute of Standards & Technology, Boulder CO

Mr. Juan Carlos Madeni

Center for Welding, Joining and Coatings Research, Colorado School of Mines

National Institute of Standards & Technology
325 Broadway, Boulder, CO 80303. Phone: (303)497-3523
Comments and suggestions e-mail to: webmaster
This page was last updated on: 2002 February 11 8:30:50 pm