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thin vertical line

NIST Standard Reference Database 31

Phase Equilibria Diagrams Database: Version 3.0

The Phase Equilibria Diagrams CD-ROM Database Version 3.0 contains approximately 20,000 diagrams previously published in 20 phase volumes produced as part of the ACerS-NIST Phase Equilibria Diagrams Program: Volumes I through XIII; Annuals 91, 92, and 93; High Tc Superconductors I & II; Zirconium & Zirconia Systems; and Electronic Ceramics I.

The diagram preview feature makes searching quick and easy. Search results are displayed on the same page and list the records returned. Search capabilities allow searches by:

  • Authors
  • System components
  • Language of the original publication
  • Year (of original publication of the diagram)
  • Phase Equilibria Diagrams series volume number
  • Full bibliographic reference of the paper
  • Figure captions from diagrams published in PhaseEquilibria Digrams volumes

This new version offers full commentary text display in addition to diagram display. This makes the CD the same as the printed volumes with many additional features including high-quality printing and export capability. On-screen plotting can show any line types such as dotted, dash-dot, dash and solid. Files can be saved in both wmf and bitmap formats.

Other features include:

  • Zoom-in capability with string-box function to select area
  • Built-in formula mass calculator with mol%-wt% and wt%-mol% conversion
  • Overlay of related diagrams with matched scale and turn-labels-off functionality
  • Cursor position display in diagram units where applicable
  • Reverse function for binary diagrams for switching of left and right components and analogous capability for ternaries
  • Curve follow function for diagrams where applicable

System Requirements:

  • Microsoft® Windows®98,Windows Millennium Edition,Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, Windows XP or Windows Server 2003
  • 16MB of RAM
  • 120MB of available hard-disk space
  • Internet Explorer 5.01, 5.5, 6.0 or 6.1
  • CD-ROM drive (if installation is done from a CD-ROM or diagram files need to be called up from CD-ROM)
  • Super VGA (800x600) or higher-resolution monitor with 256 colors.


$2,545 for 1 user, $2,445 for ACerS Member.
$3,795 for 2-5 users.
$4,995 for 6 or more users.

The database is available from:

American Ceramic Society Customer Service
P.O. Box 6136
Westerville, OH 43086-6136
Ph: (614) 794-5890, FAX: (614) 794-5892


For more information please contact:

Standard Reference Data Program
National Institute of Standards and Technology
100 Bureau Dr., Stop 2310
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-2310

(301) 975-2008 (VOICE)/ (301) 926-0416 (FAX) / Contact Us

The scientific contact for this database:

Terrell Vanderah
Ceramic Phase Diagrams Data Center
National Institute of Standards and Technology
MS 8520, 100 Bureau Drive
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8580
(301) 975-5785

Key words: Advanced ceramics; ceramics; ceramics phase diagrams; phase diagrams; phase equilibria.




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Create Date: 6/02
Last Update: Thursday, 23-Sep-04 13:17:23
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