Office of Basic Energy Sciences                                    Office of Science                                     U.S. Department of Energy


Division of Scientific User Facilities

Office of Basic Energy Sciences


The Division of Scientific User Facilities (DSUF) in the Office of Basic Energy Sciences (BES) was formed in September 2003 as a result of a BES reorganization.  The new Division was established to recognize the extraordinary role that the scientific user facilities play within the BES Division of Materials Sciences and Engineering (DMSE) and the BES Division of Chemical Sciences, Geosciences, and Biosciences (DCSG&B) as well as within the entire U.S. research enterprise.

The primary function of the Division is to conceive, plan, construct, fund, and administer scientific user facilities for synchrotron radiation research, neutron scattering research, nanoscale science research, and other user facilities as appropriate. The Division also oversees the fabrication of Major Items of Equipment for the synchrotron radiation light sources, the neutron scattering facilities, and other scientific user facilities as appropriate.

The Division formulates strategic plans and develops budget submissions for the scientific user facilities. The Division also performs regular reviews of these user facilities in accordance with policies described in 10 CFR 605 for the grant program and with BES guidelines developed for the DOE laboratories.  The Division Director provides advice and recommendations to the Associate Director for BES.  In addition, the Division involves in intra- and interagency collaborative R&D activities; supports National Academy of Sciences and National Research Council efforts; and conducts a wide variety of workshops related to scientific facilities.

The Division actively participates in the Council for Materials Sciences and Engineering, the Council for Chemical Sciences, the Council for Earth Sciences, and the Council for Biosciences meetings.  The Division management ensures compliance with DOE, Federal and/or State policies and regulations on safeguards and security, emergency preparedness, quality assurance, and environment, health and safety at basic energy sciences research facilities.

Click here for more information on all of the facilities described above and on other BES-supported facilities. 




Dr. Pedro Montano

Director of Scientific User Facilities Division 
SC-12/Germantown Building, U.S. Department of Energy
1000 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, DC  20585-1290
Phone: 301/903-2347   Fax: 301/903-9513




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