Office of Basic Energy Sciences                                            Office of Science                                        U.S. Department of Energy

Division of Materials Sciences and Engineering

Office of Basic Energy Sciences

The Division of Materials Sciences and Engineering in the Office of Basic Energy Sciences (BES) supports a broad-based research program engaged in fundamental studies of materials sciences and engineering . The research seeks to understand the atomistic basis of materials properties and behavior and how to make materials perform better at acceptable cost through innovative materials design, synthesis, and processing. The program fulfills DOE missions by the development of materials that improve the efficiency, economy, environmental acceptability, and safety in energy generation, conversion, transmission, and utilization.

The Division consists of two teams: Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Chemistry and Materials and Engineering Physics.  Together, the two teams support the following Core Research Activities (CRAs):

Further information about the research supported by the Division is available under Research Programs.  This Division is a premier sponsor of condensed matter and materials physics in the U.S., and is the primary supporter of the Electron Beam Microcharacterization Centers.  The Division of Scientific User Facilities (DSUF) of BES supports other major user facilities.  In addition to the core program, the Division also sponsors research initiatives.  Proposal Submissions link contains information on how to submit proposals to our Division.  The Division, occasionally with joint sponsorship of other organizations, conducts workshops and studies to identify future research directions.  Reports and publications from recent workshops are available under Publications.   The Division participates in an Energy Materials Coordinating Committee ( EMaCC ), which provides a formal structure for communication and coordination between 19 program offices across DOE having distinctly different mission-related responsibilities for materials research or development. 

Dr. Harriet Kung

Director of Materials Sciences and Engineering Division 
SC-13/Germantown Building, U.S. Department of Energy
1000 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, DC  20585-1290
Phone: 301/903-1330   Fax: 301/903-9513





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