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Patricia M. Dehmer
Associate Director - Office of Basic Energy Sciences

Dr. Patricia M. Dehmer

Pat Dehmer has served as the Associate Director of Science for Basic Energy Sciences since November 1995.  Her background includes over 25 years of research experience in the areas of experimental atomic, molecular, and optical physics; chemical physics; multiphoton processes; and nonlinear optical processes.  She produced approximately 125 refereed articles, 110 conference presentations, and 50 invited talks.  Dr. Dehmer was selected one of the 100 Most Outstanding Young Scientists in the United States by Science Digest Magazine (1984), and she received the University of Chicago Award for Distinguished Performance at Argonne National Laboratory (1989).   Dr. Dehmer was honored with the Meritorious Presidential Executive Rank Award (2000) and the Distinguished Presidential Executive Rank Award (2003) for her exemplary service in the Department of Energy.

Research Interests
Vacuum ultraviolet, multiphoton, degenerate four-wave mixing, and laser-induced grating studies using ion mass analysis, electron kinetic energy analysis, and fluorescence spectroscopy analysis of the spectra and the decay dynamics of excited states of atoms, molecules, and van der Waals clusters. Rydberg state and excited state reactions; chemiionization reactions; ion-molecule reactions.

B. S. Chemistry, University of Illinois, 1967
Ph.D. Chemical Physics, University of Chicago, 1972

Professional Experience
Argonne National Laboratory
     Postdoctoral Appointee, Physics/Chemistry Divisions, 1972-1974
     Assistant Chemist, 1975-1978
     Chemist, 1978-1985
     Senior Chemist (Grade 709), 1985-1992
     Senior Chemist (Grade 710), 1992-1995

U.S. Department of Energy
     Associate Director, Office of Science for the 
     Office of Basic Energy Sciences, 1995-present

Professional Societies
American Physical Society (Fellow)
American Chemical Society
Optical Society of America
American Association for the Advancement of Science

Contact Information
Dr. Patricia M. Dehmer
Associate Director of Science
    for Basic Energy Sciences
SC-10/Germantown Building
U.S. Department of Energy
1000 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20585-1290
Phone: 301/903-3081
Fax: 301/903-6594


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