Work Life Policy Statement

The following guideline applies to all researchers supported by Basic Energy Sciences:

Attendance at Basic Energy Sciences-Sponsored Functions

Program managers and supervisors of researchers supported by BES programs are strongly encouraged to be sensitive and flexible in response to conflicts that may arise in balancing career demands with family responsibilities.  In particular, researchers should be informed that there is flexibility with regard to attendance at BES-sponsored functions including contractors' meetings and program reviews.  Events such as pregnancy, childbirth, death or illness in the family, or other personal events are valid reasons for personnel substitution or postponement.  If the function cannot be postponed, it may be advantageous to give experience to junior staff, postdoctoral fellows, or graduate students.  If there is a question regarding attendance at a particular BES review or similar function, the manager or researcher should not hesitate to contact the BES program manager.

Patricia M. Dehmer
Associate Director of Science
for the Office of Basic Energy Sciences