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Office of Science Strategic Plan and Facilities Outlook

Issued:  February 12, 2004

Issued:  November 10, 2003

PDF file (15.5 MB; 112 pages); Print resolution (50.6 MB)

PDF file (2.4 MB; 48 pages); Print resolution (18.9 MB)

This Office of Science Strategic Plan builds upon the goals and strategies found in the Department of Energy’s (DOE) Strategic Plan, and it is organized around seven goals, six of which correspond to the Office of Science’s primary budget categories and major science programs.  The seventh goal addresses corporate management and resource issues that crosscut all of our programs, including a consolidated future outlook for our major research facilities.  It also reflects our commitment to the President’s Management Agenda and overall excellence in the management of science.

This Plan also builds on long-term measures included in the Office of Management and Budget’s Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART).  Extending beyond the PART measures, however, are strategic milestones contained within 20-year timelines at the end of each chapter.

This document outlines the Department of Energy’s Office of Science 20-year science facility plan, a roadmap for future scientific facilities to support the department’s basic science and research missions. The plan prioritizes new, major scientific facilities and upgrades to current facilities.

The 28 facilities cover the range of science supported by the DOE’s Office of Science, including fusion energy, materials science, biological and environmental science, high energy physics, nuclear physics and advanced scientific computation.

“This plan will be the cornerstone for the future of critical fields of science in America. These facilities will revolutionize science – and society,” said Secretary of Energy Spencer Abraham on November 10, 2003. “With this plan our goal is to keep the United States at the scientific forefront."

More Information More Information

U.S. Department of Energy Strategic Plan (issued September 30, 2003)

Previous Office of Science Strategic Plan

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