"Delivering the Best Computational Tools for Nuclear Research"


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      Welcome to the Radiation Safety Information Computational Center (RSICC), a Department of Energy Specialized Information Analysis Center (SIAC) authorized to collect, analyze, maintain, and distribute computer software and data sets in the areas of radiation transport and safety.

          RSICC is a computer code center at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. It is a program within the Nuclear Science and Technology Division (NSTD) of the Energy and Engineering Sciences (EES) directorate.

***Updated 09/27/2004***

Monte Carlo 2005 Topical Meeting -- April 17-21, 2005

ANST Space Nuclear Conference 2005
Embedded Topical Meeting at the 2005 ANS Annual Meeting
June 5 - 9, 2005 -- Town & Country Hotel -- San Diego, CA

Nuclear Engineering Student Internship (NESLS)


***SARIS Searches No Longer Available at RSICC***
***Effective 09/17/2004***


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Last Modified: 11-Oct-2004