About GSA
Public Buildings Service Office of the Chief Financial Officer

The Office of the PBS Chief Financial Officer (CFO) is responsible for providing nationwide leadership and direction in managing and administering programs related to budget and financial management, business analytics, performance measurement and the OMB Circular A-127 program.

The CFO ensures the financial viability of PBS and the Federal Buildings Fund (FBF) by maintaining a comprehensive Financial Management System. The CFO also develops and implements PBS financial policies and practices, performs accounting for PBS' financial condition and prepares the annual audit of the FBF financial statement.

The CFO also disseminates financial information, formulates and executes the capital and operating budgets, allocates and manage resources, and operates and maintains a Governmentwide Rent System.

The CFO focuses on performance by conducting analyses of financial operations, developing PBS performance measures and guidelines, managing the PBS Business Analytics Program and linking resource allocation to performance.

This Office includes the following Divisions:

  • Financial Operations Division
  • Business Analytics Division
  • Financial Budgeting and Reporting Division
  • Revenue Division
  • Management Control Programs/Audit Updates 
Last Modified 9/2/2004