The people at the Department are producing valuable results that benefit our customers and American taxpayers.
The Department of Education administers an annual budget in excess of $63 billion through programs, grants, and loans that serve approximately 14,000 public school districts, nearly 54 million students attending 93,000 elementary and secondary schools, and almost 22 million post-secondary students.
The primary beneficiaries of this work are the children and students of this country. The Department of Education is helping the children and students of this country live productive, satisfying lives. The Department of Education is keenly focused as well on operating effectively so as to make the best possible use of taxpayer resources.
The report highlights selected valuable results that the people of the Department of Education are producing, describes how the Department is operating more effectively to produce valuable results, discusses how a results-oriented enterprise benefits the people of the organization, and outlines additional results that are in the process of being realized.
PDF (181K) | Word (93K)

A Report to Federal Employees: The Federal Government is Results Oriented describes how the Federal Government is focused on results with the help of the President’s Management Agenda.
PDF (368K)