Endnotes Style
Please refer to the Chicago Manual of Style for situations
not listed here.
General Format for Books
Author (first name, last name), Date of publication, Title
in Italics, City and state of publication: publisher,
page number.
John Jones, 1986, History of Criminology, New York:
Houghton Mifflin, 10.
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General Format for Periodicals
Author (first name, last name), Date of publication, "Title
of Article," Title of Periodical in Italics volume
number(issue no.): page number.
John Jones, 1992, "Crime in the Community," Journal
of Crime 10(June): 34.
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General Format for OVC and Other Government Series
Author (last name, first name), Date of publication, Title
of Publication in Italics, Title of Series in Initial
Caps, volume and issue number (if applicable), City and state
of publication: publisher, page number.
Christy A. Visher, September 1992, Pretrial Drug Testing,
Research in Brief, Washington, DC : U.S. Department of Justice,
National Institute of Justice, 12.
Office for Victims of Crime, New Directions From the Field: Victims'
Rights and Services for the 21st Century, Washington,
DC: U.S. Department of Justice, 21.
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Special Situations
Chapters in a Book
Citations of chapters must also include names of authors and
Author (last name, first name), Date of publication, "Title
of Chapter in Quotation Marks and Initial Caps," In Title
of Publication, by or ed. (author or editor's name
beginning with first name), City and state of publication: publisher,
page number.
Robert Smith, 1990, "Crime and the Cities," in A
Review of Criminal Justice, eds. Ellen Tomes and Edward
Bock ( New York: Wiley), 2530.
Several References in One Footnote
Separate references using semicolons. If the items have been
previously cited, state them together as follows: See Jones, "Crime," 3;
Miller, "Jails," 5; and Thomas, Prisons,
Repeating a Citation
In endnotes, if you want to cite the same source that was cited
just before the present one, use "Ibid." followed
by a comma and a page number.
Ibid., 3.
Web Site Citations
Provide the author's name (last name, first name) if
available, "The Title of the Document" and title
of the full work, if applicable, Name of the organization that
placed it on the Web, Web site URL, accessed date (provide date
material was gathered).
Volunteer Center of Marin, "A Guide to Organizing Neighborhoods
for Preparedness, Response, and Recovery," American Red
Cross, www.sff.org/about/publications/emergency_plan.doc, accessed
March 3, 2004.
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