Be BriefLimit Page Length to One Screen
When possible, limit the content of a page to what can appear
on one screen (without scrolling). This is especially important
on the document's main pages (e.g., the home page and pages
that introduce new sections and concepts).
To write short copy, use short sentences and simple words.
Don't say
"A survey of victims was conducted by the interdisciplinary
team in order to determine the impact that existing programs
and services had on them."
Do say
"The interdisciplinary team surveyed victims to find out
how existing services affected them."
Chunking and Linking
If you still have too much copy after shortening sentences, break
the text into smaller chunks and
use links to direct readers to that information.
Secondary Pages
Secondary pages feature background information that explains concepts
introduced on an e-pub's main pages. These pages can be longer
than the document's main pages. However, authors should use subheads and
bullet lists to make long
pages easier to read.
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