How to Order Copies of Items
Images are not displaying--
If a message at the top of the catalog record says "No digital image available," no image will display.
- Not all catalog records in the Prints & Photographs Online Catalog are accompanied by images.
- In cases where the rights to the image have not been evaluated, only a thumbnail (gif) image will be available to searchers outside the Library of Congress, even though the message says that you can "Click on picture for larger image, full item, or more versions."
- The descriptions of each of the collections/categories that can be searched in the catalog includes information regarding whether and what kind of images will display inside and outside the Library of Congress.
- If the collection/category listing indicates that images should be displaying at your location, you may want to check to see whether graphics have been turned off on your browser. If a "broken" graphic appears, there may be a problem with the link to the image or a temporary server problem.
For further information, see the section of this document entitled When do digital images display?
Not finding images believed to be held by the Prints & Photographs Division--
Not all of the holdings of the Prints & Photographs Division are represented by online catalog records. Some popular images cataloged years ago are so far only accessible through manual files in the Prints & Photographs Reading Room. If you have correctly entered various search terms, searching broadly across all collections/categories and in all the text of the records, and still have not found the material you are seeking, this may be the explanation. For further information, see the Prints & Photographs Online Catalog introductory page and the section of this document entitled Scope of Prints & Photographs Online Catalog.
Need to find out how to order copies of material found through the catalog--
Copies of most items in the catalog can be ordered from the Library of Congress Photoduplication Service by mail or fax. See the section of this document entitled How to Order Copies of Items.
Need permission to use an image found through the catalog--The Library of Congress can neither grant nor deny permission use images, as it does not own the rights to most images in its holdings. For information on the permissions policy and rights pertaining to images, see Copyright and Other Restrictions...: Sources of Information.
What happens during your search?
- The Prints & Photographs Online Catalog gives you the option of searching all online records at once or confining your search to a particular collection or category.
- Once you select the pool of records to search, the search screen allows you to enter one or more terms and to set options about how those terms will be searched:
- You can select to: match all of the words (like a boolean AND), match the words as a phrase, or match any of the words (like a boolean OR). The default is set to match all of the words.
- You can select to search the terms exactly as entered or to include variants, such as plurals.
- You can determine how many records to retrieve for your search. The default is 500. The maximum is 5,000.
- The system will display results. If you selected to search "match all of these words" or "match any of these words," the records will be grouped in categories, according to how closely the content of the record matched the terms you entered.
- You can select from the list of results by clicking on any "hot linked" title that looks of interest. A full record and, sometimes, a digital image will then display.
- It is possible to move quickly through a large result set by clicking on the "page" numbers that appear, in increments, at the top of long displays. There are approximately 20 records per "page."
- You can start a new search in the collection or category you have chosen by clicking on "NEW SEARCH." You can return to the list of collections/categories by clicking on "START OVER."
Search Tips:
- Use either capital or lowercase letters. Case does not affect the results of your search.
- Common words (e.g., AND, THE) and most marks of punctuation will not be considered in the search.
- Enter the words in the order in which they would most likely appear in the text. The order of the terms does not affect which records appear in the search results, but it does determine which records will display first (relevancy ranking).
- To make searching more precise, select "Match this exact phrase" or "Match all of these words" and select "Search for words exactly as entered" under the search term form. If, on the other hand, you want the system to generalize your search, select "Match any of these words" and tell the system to include singulars, plurals, and words with the same "stem," by selecting "Search for variants of search words."
- When you are viewing a record, you can click on any "hot linked" terms (e.g., those listed under SUBJECTS or CREATOR) to retrieve a list of other records with similar terms.
- Search ALL Categories/Collections--This option allows you to cast the widest net possible in the online catalog. It may be best to try this option first, since materials of a particular medium or having a particular characteristic can turn up unexpectedly in many collections.
- Search Guide Records (Collection Overviews)--This option allows you to confine your searching to broad descriptions of major collections in the Prints and Photographs Division. This may help you identify a large group of materials that is particularly relevant to your interests. Sometimes the contents of a particular collection identified in this way can be further searched in the Prints & Photographs Online Catalog. Sometimes there are no online catalog records for items in the collection, in which case you will need to get in touch with the Prints & Photographs Division Reading Room staff for further information.
- Search records from ONE Collection--This option allows you to concentrate your searching within one collection. It can be useful when you have identified one collection of particular interest to you or when searching ALL collections at once is retrieving more than you want, and you wish to narrow down the search.
- Number of records to return--On each search screen, you can set the number of records you wish the system to retrieve. The default is 500 records. The maximum is 5,000 records.
The Prints and Photographs Online Catalog provides access to a rich cross-section of the Prints & Photographs Division's holdings and is growing daily, but not all of the holdings are represented in the online catalog. The catalog includes: