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Abraham Lincoln, American Hero: Lecture by Harold Holzer Click here to see the 2004 Heroes of History Lecture Online Click here to read Harold Holzer's 2004 Heroes of History Lecture

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News and Events

Rachel Shafer and Chairman Bruce Cole Home-schooled student wins Idea of America essay contest; read the winning essay
NEH announces new grants, including America's Historic Places
Nominations sought for 2005 Heroes of History Lecturer
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We the People: NEH's American History Initiative

Image of book covers Announcing the 2005 Idea of America essay contest
Apply for the We the People Bookshelf on "freedom"
Learn about We the People

Humanities Magazine

Cover of September/October 2004 issue of Humanities Education Secretary Rod Paige talks with NEH Chairman Cole about improving America's schools
A new film tracks one hundred years of stars and shows along the Great White Way
An exhibition explores an ancient civilization in the American Midwest
More Humanities . . .

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