Niger - 3/26/04

Chiefs of State and Cabinet Members of Foreign Governments

Last Updated: 3/26/04


President Tandja, Mamadou
Prime Minister Amadou, Hama
Min. of Agricultural Development Abary, Mai Moussa
Min. of Animal Resources Maoude, Koroney
Min. of Basic Education Ibrahim, Ari
Min. of Commerce, Industry, Handicrafts, & Promotion of the Private Sector Oumarou, Seyni
Min. of Communication Sidikou, Oumarou
Min. of Community Development Gaoh, Sabiou Dady
Min. of Defense Souley, Hassane
Min. of Economy & Finance Zeine, Ali Mahaman Lamine
Min. of Environment, Water Resources, & Decertification Control Namata, Adamou
Min. of Equipment & Territorial Development Mamadou, Zakaria
Min. of Foreign Affairs & Cooperation Mindaoudou, Aichatou
Min. of Health & Disease Control Sourghia, Mamadou
Min. of Interior & Decentralization Abdoube, Albade
Min. of Justice & Relations with Parliament Elhadji Moussa, Matty
Min. of Labor & Civil Service Kasseye, Moussa Seybou
Min. of Mining & Energy Hassan Yari, Rabiou
Min. of Privatization & Enterprise Restructuring Trapsida, Fatouma
Min. of Secondary and Higher Education, Research, & Technology Habi, Mahaman Salissou
Min. of Small Business Development Bonto, Souley Hassane dit
Min. of Social Development, Popularion, Women's Promotion, & Child Protection Abdoulwahid, Halimatou
Min. of Transport & Tourism Kane, soulemane
Min. of Urban Development, Housing, & Public Estate Gaya, Mahaman Laouan
Min. of Youth & Professional Insertion Sanda, Mounkaila
Min. of State for African Integration and NEPAD Djermakoye, Moumouni
Min. of State for Sports, Culture, & Francophonie Games Labo, Abdou
Ambassador to the US Diatta, Joseph
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Moutari, Ousmane

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