Hungary - 10/4/04

Chiefs of State and Cabinet Members of Foreign Governments

Last Updated: 10/4/04


President Madl, Ferenc
Prime MinisterGyurcsany, Ferenc
Min. of Agriculture & Rural Development Nemeth, Imre
Min. of Defense Juhasz, Ferenc
Min. of Economics & Transportation Koka, Janos
Min. of Education Magyar, Balint
Min. of Environmental Protection & Water Management Persanyi, Miklos
Min. of Equal Opportunity, Youth, & Family Affairs Goncz, Kinga
Min. of EU Affairs Barath, Etele
Min. of Finance Draskovics, Tibor
Min. of Foreign Affairs Kovacs, Laszlo
Min. of Health Racz, Jeno
Min. of Information Technology & Telecommunications Kovacs, Kalman
Min. of the Interior Lamperth, Monika
Min. of Justice Petretei, Jozsef
Min. of Labor Affairs Csizmar, Gabor
Min. for National Cultural Heritage Hiller, Istvan
Min. Without Portfolio for Regional Development Kolber, Istvan
Min. in Charge of the Prime Minister's Office Kiss, Peter
Speaker of Parliament Szili, Katalin
Pres., Hungarian National Bank Jarai, Zsigmond
Ambassador to the US Simonyi, Andras
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Molnar, Laszlo

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