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SPECWAR Officer Selected for Ironman Triathlon Team
Story Number: NNS041013-09
Release Date: 10/13/2004 4:32:00 PM

By Chief Journalist (SW) Robert Benson, Naval Special Warfare Group 3 Public Affairs

HAWAII (NNS) -- A medical officer with Naval Special Warfare Group (NSWG) 3 has been selected to race for the U.S. Navy at the Ironman Triathlon World Championships Oct. 16 in Kailua-Kona, Hawaii.

Lt. Andrew Baldwin was chosen, along with two other Navy men and one Navy woman, to compete against the other armed service's squads at this year's race. Known as the toughest endurance event in the world, the triathlon spans more than 140 miles and takes more than eight hours to complete.

Baldwin, who worked his way up from an All-American swimmer in high school and later Duke University, has completed six marathons, including the Boston Marathon, and “fell” into triathlons in 2001.

“When I moved to California, I was surrounded by this new sport called ‘Triathlon,’ he said. “So I dusted off my old ten-speed bike from high school and signed up for a half-Ironman race!”

Since then, Baldwin has completed more than 30 multi-sport events, including two Ironman competitions.

“The most difficult endurance competition I've ever participated in was, hands down, the Ironman in 2002,” said Baldwin. “Nothing can prepare you for the scope of how difficult this race is. You are racing with the top 1 percent of the triathletes in the world. The pressure and the energy are amazing; it really makes you push the pace.”

To prepare for the race, Baldwin combines a philosophy of “Philanthropy and Top-Ten Tips for a Successful Life” and a lot of training. He spends nearly 25 hours a week either running, biking or swimming. On an average day, Baldwin bikes 80 miles, runs 10 miles and swims two miles.

“I treat my body like a’57 Chevy,” he said. “It’s an honor to have one, but it keeps getting older, so I make sure I keep revving the engine, keep it tuned-up, and always give it the best fuel.”

Baldwin most recently completed his Surgical Internship at Naval Hospital San Diego, and is awaiting the start of Dive Medical Officer School. In the interim, he is working as a medical officer at NSWG-3, the undersea component for special warfare.

Over the past two years, he has achieved All-American status by being ranked near the top of this age group in the United States.

Other Navy competitors selected for this year’s triathlon team include Ensign Bill Uffmann, Lt. Cmdr. Dan Frost and Lt. Tracie Andrusiak.

“I'd like to thank the U.S. Navy for giving me the opportunity to compete at Ironman Hawaii,” he said, “and I'm dedicating it to all of my fellow shipmates out there at home and abroad.”

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